Theresa May - London, Crying, Muslims terrorists, politicians, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel are the murderers responsible for terrorist attacks in our Westerners countries
This document applies no to people who have been murdered by the Muslims, Islamists barbarians Salafists, the leaders of countries Western Have allowed entry into our country with their dirty religion medieval, backward, petrodollars who bought all our elected officials, our institutions, our governments will establish the nazi Quranic Islamic religious purity of Allah Sang in the West and on the whole Earth.
We pray for the dead and injured but for these Muslims, those veiled, those devils who betray everyday human and Christian lives and Jews of this world. The real criminals are our politicians, our judges, our laws, our national assemblies, our investors, our oil licking asses and Gulf Emirs barbarians.
The culprits and murderers of our Western civilizations
The Qur'an requires of you, Mrs Theresa May servant obedient and the Koran and Sharia, and Queen Elizabeth II of England, because you are both lower women serving your creator Allah. Men, males, your masters that allow you to work on their behalf in their Salafist Islamic communities that meet the criteria of the Emirs of the Gulfs, Saudi Arabia and their wonderful petrodollars.
Theresa May must follow these conditions and that the wife of the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, it bends affectionately
Mrs. Justin Trudeau, when her husband has to go to bed, she washed his feet with her hair and know blessed by imams of the mosque of Ottawa and recites prayers to the glory of Justin.
"If I were to order anyone to prostrate before her like I probably would order Theresa May to bow down to me her husband, Philip May."
Theresa May should work to get the satisfaction of her husband and avoid the wrath of Philip May
Or you when you get home you the night your husband tells you this:
In the Koran and soon to the United States First Minister
"I, your husband, Philip May, I have authority over you women."
"Theresa May she leaves her by the permission of his Muharram, her husband, Philip May."
"Let her know, Ms. Theresa May, Prime Minister of Great Britain, the angels curse her all night if she refuses her husband without valid reason"
Theresa May must constantly seek to satisfy him because it can be the source of his salvation and cause that will allow him to enter Paradise as it can be the cause of his loss in Hell, and according to the hadith of the Prophet - sallallaahu `alayhi wa salam- who said
"Any Woman dies while her husband is pleased with her, will enter Paradise."
Hell Koran is 90% female and (politicians Me)
Cheikh AbdUllah Ibn JârAllah Al-Jarallah - الشيخ عبد الله بن جارالله آل جارالله
Ms Theresa May, Prime Minister of Great Britain, unfortunately it is a female
The Koran told us to kill all the Christians,
the Quran tells us kill Jews
You must kill all infidels, Westerners,
Americans, Israelis, French, British, Russians ...
You should treat women like wild animals
you must sacrifice your life to Allah, your virginity to every male
you have to question what I say Allah, the Koran, sharia, imams, fill the coffers of your political party and you keeps in power
Donald Trump is right, the only one who wants to save the West
We let shit take root on our western land and we must pay the price until our deaths by religious terrorists and straightness of these racists. Expressions of emotional release, words such as "disgusting," "foolish," "disgusting," "bastards" were minimal and these communities continue to drink near us we demonizing Christians or Jews they hope our destruction.
Donald Trump has found the right words: the leaders of the Manchester bombing are"evil losers"malicious failures, in good French. But the Prime Minister has just said, it was the fault of the British because they have not received adequate ways these marvelous in their crusades against our Western democracies and endorses their actions.
Philippe Couillard, Quebec Premier systemic racist Islamophile, Christianophobia, Québécophobe and water carrier Salafist
Mummified by political correctness, the dice speech blaming the enemy, and blaming us, Westerners, our systemic racism, the Prime Minister Philippe Couillard Quebec serving the Salafists.
We repeat the same nonsense that we do not want in any way offended Muslim criminals in mosques who profess to hate and hate speech against us as they have in their hands the power maps, votes for balances of power in many provinces states and countries, through their lobbyists, associations, schools, and petrodollars.
The monies of the Emirs who invest billions to destabilize our democracy and install the devil, the Koran, sharia, the veiled, the murderers of our civilizations.
Our puppet politicians, we say that we should understand that radical Islam we had declared war. "It's a shock," "I'm horrified," they are cowards, "" barbaric attack "," normally we must continue to live. " Even Angela Merkel went there the oldie "is an incomprehensible attack" "Oh mein Gott liebt J muslimische Terroristen"
Pope Francis, papal political blindness
and the Pope Francis, the collaborator will tell us: Pope Francis s' flew to Greece to tell them Christians love Muslims Salafists BUT the French pope will fly NEVER EVER GRAND and Iran, or Saudi Arabia or Qatar to tell Muslim Salafists wahhabis loving Christians, the giving the right to build Christian churches, to stop stoning, taking,torture Christians to love them as much as the pope France licks feet terrorist Islamist Muslims who want to destroy the church of Peter apostle of Jésus Christ .
Our elites, our hypocrites,our populist, our lying, our leeches our criminals, our whores, our politicians
and we will weeping and hope there will be more and more terrorists because Emmanuel Macron in France considère multiculturalism is the future of all nations. And here,in Britain, the British, not too exist, they are Muslims, inferior beings who have become higher in the words of the president of Cadbury in Birmingham including BBC sang loudly. Islam is the only religion of Columbia and Theresa May the Prime Minister of Britain can go to be put.
Sales hypocritical bastards our politicians Justin Trudeau
And we will cry. And we'll send sympathy messages. And we will denounce weeping like Madeleine, the Hypocrites, our elites, our politicians, our intellectuals, our feminists, our media, our judges.
Oh the horror, how much money we put in the pockets, the queen of Europe, Angela Merkel, with its barbaric Muslims who bribe us every day across all agencies and our state rights that they use against us all these imams, these lobbies, the Salafist mosques in Islamic cities, Islamophobic Birmingham.
The first minister Theresa May has slammed the decision of the British company chocolate Cadbury Birmingham,exclusively Muslim city Salafi Wahabi near London, England to remove the reference to the religious festival not to shock the wonderful and great Muslim who married the girls from the ages of eight year and viola according to the prophet at its annual hunt eggs ... You see how the world has become in reverse, with the blossoming of evil.
Our politicians, our media, the usual BULL SHIT
I'm Manchester. I am England BULL SHIT. Words empty of meaning, words for fools that governments have taught you to fall asleep with the media that were bought by these terrorists. The Islamists laugh you right in the faces cowards you are, the Islamists are strong beings, the Qur'an is strong and the weak are the Westerners, the hospitality, the weaklings, the infidels to destroy.
And it's written word for word in the Koran and imams proclaim every second in the mosques, in the media, in newspapers and our judges, our laws, our parliamentarians do nothing to stop them, for they have the right to court to destroy us, to kill us and our prime ministers or presidents say we are sorry we are weeklies Charlie.
Itme will give a nice injured leg for life by these Islamic terrorists who enjoy all my belongings on my floor and I have to shut up because I have to be compassionate to the criminals of this evil religion, Islam that benefit all my property, my benefits,
The Qur'an professes death and Allah loves the attacks and no Muslim can deny it
as if the attacks were "acts of God" such as earthquakes or floods.
During the recent London bombings, Amir Khadir, this doctor with a heart of Québec Solidaire (QS) the political party of Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, this traitor,this hypocrite, this pie, the Stalinist Quebec, said England "had blood on his hands and he deserved to be all killed by terrorists. We are all collectively responsible, the taxpayers that we are the voters that we are, we are responsible. These are the people we elect who will launch wars.
"France,La Trappe, radical Islam, no country is immune to Islamic vampire, the decadence of Allah on earth
Paris, radical Islam, La Trappe , La France "Actual Values" has acquired an explosive report, told the Minister of Justice and dedicated to the city of Yvelines plagued communalism, fundamentalism and even jihadist.
Meanwhile, in Birmingham, the second largest city in England, the majority of women wear the full veil, bookstores sell only religious books, restaurants all practice segregation gender (women and children eat in a hidden section with a veil to male gaze) and the shops are closed during prayer times.
The Koran and Allah forbid music but allows pedophiles. Ask about the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah,the word pedophilia does not exist in the Koran, which is not applicable.
In its statement claiming the attack of Manchester, the armed group of the Islamic State refers to a device that exploded in a "shameful" arena. Indeed, for the fools of Allah, a young singer 23 years as Ariana Grande, who assumes her sensuality and singing freely, hair flying, wearing high heels, it is shameful. And those attending such shows are infidels, enemies to kill.
Our enemies are terrorists, Muslim extremists and the political elites, our politicians, our governments, they are the criminals who are in power.
Criminal in Powers:Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Barack Obama, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Hillary Clinton, David Cameron, François Hollande, Emmanuel Macron, Margaret Thatcher, Georges W Bush, Nicolas Sarkozy, Pope Francis, Salman of Saudi Arabia Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, and all politicians in all our countries because in politics, politicians become crooks, liars, populist. An individual is a vote for a politician, nothing more.
Birmingham, England, Muslim city, Salafist extremist Muslim Brothers.
Birmingham has one million inhabitants - including 250,000 Muslims, barbaric, criminal, inhumane, without brains. The Koran prohibits any form of intelligence, reflection, love the Quran and Zombies Zombies are people who are dead and this political religion only spread death across the planet.
A cool country where we let people do what they want. "Live and let live and kill Protestants in the name of Allah with the permission of Elizabeth May Prime Minister of Great Britain."
The paradise multiculturalism, of the ignorance, the Salafist, the inhuman barbarity the segregationist apartheid, racist systemic Philippe Couillard, the stoning of English culture, I tell you, Justin Trudeau, perverts,Muslim, Islamist Wahhabi,the empty shell, Hussein Mohamed Justin Trudeau and his veiled woman would weep with joy and with the music is forbidden crown corporation CBC with Mélanie Joly feet in slippers, one that does not protect the English and French Canadian cultures
on the main street, the majority of women wear veil, bookstores sell only religious books, books with the stoning of women and the rape and sodomy of male prepubescent, restaurants all practice the ségrégati is equality with food Halal, and anal dependent imam who breaks into the dishes.
Women, those animals with two legs, no chef, useless except for creating inferior beings and children eat in a hidden section with a veil to male looks. The shops are closed during which men of prayer time consuming producing chairs with all the respect they once servile.
As for the traditional English pubs that had set up shop on this busy artery hyper, they are all closed and plastered. Rapes after sunset and stonings are allowed under the laws of Shariah are allowed.
"In Birmingham, some public schools subsidized by the Government of His Majesty's Protestant, Anglican, organize for their students visits in various places of worship such as mosques, where imams inculcate the rudiments of prayer and some suras all school children, be they Christian. "During prayers, imams ask schoolchildren to kill Christians and Jews.
That's the living together, friends! That's the opening!
In England sharia is tolerated for women, that is to say that men have the bestiality rights over their wives, Madam Prime Minister Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Canadian shell. A hundred Islamic courts are listed in the country.
These parallel courts evil that put Allah's law above the law of the country decide on current affairs: inheritances, divorces, marriages, and all public affairs. The British rule of law exists only to the original English, and Muslims and remain in a different country, the Islamic Republic of Quranic Britain where the Grand Mufti Anjem Choudary
According to the Qur'an, the Prophet Mohammed and Allah, for years, Anjem Choudary deflected claims that the reason his words and his actions were designed to push his supporters in terrorism by claiming that he believed in a "security alliance"; This meant because Britain gave a home to Muslims, it should not be the target of a violent jihad. The British government has welcomed its policy speech of hatred with very great joy.
Philippe Couillard first systemic racist Quebec minister
I am sure that one day, in England, a politician did as Philippe Couillard, racist birth: he refused to impose tags to religion under the pretext that these discussions on accommodations were useless, because never, ever teachers, judges or British police will ask in time to wear the full veil.
Thus, with more than 1,000mosques in total indifference of the government and in favor of rampant multiculturalism, these self-proclaimed leaders will introduce at the heart of English cities their patriarchy, their value system, their code honor, their honor killing, their full veil, sexual segregation, their Islamic courts and their justice system based on sharia. Even the Prime Minister Theresa May should be veiled when she visits their premises.
More you cry,the more Islamist Muslims will terrify you and I hope that a good day they will address the real criminals, your elites who do nothing to stop them. As long as their loved ones, their governments, their wallets, their investors, political parties are attacked by these wonderful donors, their checkbooks well filled, your political elites at all levels of managements of the government to the mayor of the smallest municipality will not be directly affected in their families.
You the idiots who work everyday, honest citizens will suffer setbacks you that these criminals, your politicians, your judges, your intellectuals, feminists your, your media who enrich themselves with words and sprinkle lies to continue to politicize the enthusiasm of Salafi Muslims that spread like locusts within our borders razing everything in their path.
Knowing that when you want a real change from the government, look! When a tragedy happens, and the elite,the character of an executive of a company, or a senior judge, is attacked by a cause, product, or a pressure group like Muslims you will see the entire government stand up and change all the laws to accommodate this situation.
But you people, you were killed or wounded by Islamic terrorists, you are less than nothing for politicians. You are unnecessary expenses security. You are infidels Allah will disappear according the Quran and Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron, president of the Islamic France, multicultural, uncultured as he mentioned very often during his pilgrimage to Mecca.
We Westerners we're screwed to the bone because our elites have sold us all, François Hollande, Alain Juppé, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and hundreds of millions more who have completed monies pockets countries of Islamic barbarians. Weeping and keep making you jump Islamic.
Who the next round to be dissect, Ms. Theresa May, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, what city, what country, what family? We all know that you in doing all of us ordinary citizens you who are in power and who live on clouds and protect our monies.