samedi 20 mai 2017

Denis Coderre - Montreal a city in decline A city that has lost its vision of the future - Dream carrier - Vision - Dynamic - Fight

Montreal a beautiful city - a decline in the city - a city that has lost its vision
But Montreal is a city more than a party. Montreal is a permanent festival, summer and winter. Montreal has fun and attracts therefore all party animals. This is no longer the economic capital of Canada, cultural, it is the city of the Desmarais family that wanted to leave décrépir to enrich Canada's largest city with aid liberals on the orders of traitor Pierre Elliott Trudeau in Ottawa.

Montréal multicultural global waste to Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Emmanuel Macron
Montreal is no longer the beautiful French city of the 1970s, clean, loved, vibrant. In recent decades with mass arrivals of immigrants, Islamic religions and political religions Salafis, Montreal, became like any other beautiful city, a multicultural global waste,like Paris, London, Toronto, New York, walking around, the living dead who annoy all the locals with the approval of the elites that keep for maximum votes in the polls.
And above all, Montreal does not hide its ugliness, because for these massive arrived, the premises have moved, restaurants, grocery stores have changed owners, the stores sell new foods, schools no longer teach social values, it is a complete disruption. The city became, as in their country, a land where the bomb fell, trashing everything the city offers its looks wasteland, its potholed streets, its dirt, its opencast work in which we seek vain workers still coffee break, apparently.

The city and its mayors have all lost their patriotic ambitions
Montreal was legendary mayors as Jean Drapeau, who loved his city with passion, but loving lover, he is not embarrassed of the cost of his passion. He saw large and placed Montreal, then Canada's largest city, on the world map by attracting fifty million visitors to the 1967 World Expo
Since Jean Drapeau, the mayors of Montreal, are dead lagging Quebec .  Mayor Jean Drapeau was a carrier of dreams, a utopian, but effective. But Jean Drapeau park name to many people, was the architect of Montreal's modernity. He loved the beautiful, culture, particularly opera, because he was a fan of the singer's voice.
He wrote his history in Montreal and one can imagine that if he had wanted to mark the 375th anniversary of its foundation, it would have given a prominent place to the historians in his organization. That's not the case today.
This 375th anniversary is an unlikely party. What city in the world celebrates its founding every 25 years? This festival is primarily that of the politicians who make the capital, people in showbiz that increase them and all others who find their profit.
Montreal is celebrating, but the potholes do not play those that circulate in the streets. Police officers in red dress to express their anger inaugurated the festivities in their union way, making the town center a maze and more of a cul-de-sac.

Montreal is at the funeral as was Pierre Elliott Trudeau
Jacques Cartier bridge shining lights of our expectations frustrated and our municipal disappointments, let's call them so. Montreal I am like my mother before me. In my childhood, I understood that I had to share the city with others, my neighbors, Irish  Poles, and Hasidic Jews that I met on the team that brought me Sainte-Catherine Street.
This cosmopolitan Montreal has always been an asset to Montrealers. Although it was a struggle to speak French in shops. I lived the decline of Montreal to Toronto with pain. Yes, the creators give heart to joy. They export their talents. Our major Nézet-Séguin artists Dolan, Lepage and, of course, Celine enchant the entire planet. Our small computer nerds, our architects in the virtual creation emigrate willingly.
Immigrants and Muslims unreasonable accommodations
Montreal and Quebec are memory-cities. Québec has, through its leaders and its citizens, glorify the memory of the collective we. You can sing loudly, you can be the coolest, the most open, but without a new economic dynamic, Montreal will only be a playground. And Quebec, our nation's capital has never been prone to making Montreal the metropolis of Quebec and give it all the necessary tools for it to reach.

How can you manage a city like Montreal, with 18 mayors or more, with hundreds of advisors, thousands of regulations, which hundreds of corrupt government. In addition, the city is divided into English and French section. The city of Montreal is not like any other city in the world, can be more than 100 languages, dozens of religions, the city of Montreal is a true Tower of Babel to manage.  
Montreal is not manageable thanks to the Quebec Liberal Party, the party of the family Desmarais, the party of corrupt, Jean Charest and Philippe Couillard, now Premier of Quebec and Koranic barbaric official envoy of Saudi Arabia SalafistCanada
The party of Desmarais of the 375th anniversary of the Montreal city Hall for guests only
Denis Coderre eternal member of the Liberal party, like to think he thinks big, but when you look closely, it s' realizes that its circles of influence often revolve around the same people, often notorious liberals, the Desmarais family in mind. The Desmarais family, the family of federal and provincial Liberals, the family who runs the Liberals, corrupt the Commission's Charbonneau, who govern us, the media, newspapers, tax havens, refugees, etc.
Who chairs the board of the celebrations of the 375th? France Chrétien Desmarais. I forgot to tell you that Aline Chrétien is the daughter of Mr. Desmarais who married Jean Chrétien was Prime Minister and he too was corrupt and that has been compromised to the Gomery commission into the sponsorship scandal.

Several MEPs at the Guelph eighth in this federal political party including Wahhabi Justin Trudeau.We can certainly say that the whole family all feet in corruption. Who received the highest rank of the Order of Montreal, created to mark the 375th anniversary? Jacqueline Desmarais.
Taxpayers' money are still in the same pockets but Denis Coderre did not know he took me for a fool!
But no, the 375th complacent coverage of activities by La Presse has nothing to do with the Desmarais. Nor articles "polishing brush" in Montreal, perfect city, including La Presse gave his players two years ago. Or a reporter from La Presse could follow Denis Coderre all day Wednesday as the mayor had refused it a few weeks ago, to be accompanied by the Journal in its citizens' visits Saturday morning.
It's less glamorous to be photographed in front of a pothole on Langelier Boulevard that to be immortalized in the process of receiving the congratulations of the gratin to Montreal City Hall.

Denis Coderre former man of the people
The mayor promised that the activities that will follow throughout this anniversary will demonstrate the contribution of all this modern city and daring what became Montreal. "
Everything was for the elites privately paid by taxpayers uninvited
Really? All the major events on Wednesday, except for the illumination of the Jacques Cartier Bridge, were reserved for the elite: Lunch First Nations for a hundred guests on the private terrace of the town hall, delivery of the order of Montreal, private terrace and wine reception, private inauguration of the Fort of Montreal museum of Pointe-à-Callière, red carpet reception by the Mayor, first Avudo for guests only.
Misery clowns arrive in Montreal
Vincent Larin Contempt of police to citizens who pay the Montreal police clowns who do not respect the law
Nearly 3000 Montreal police demonstrated Wednesday in the launch of the festivities surrounding the 375th Anniversary of the City to denounce the "contempt" Mayor Denis Coderre to them. We hope that the police will not be paid for this voluntary incursion.

The important procession left the premises of the Brotherhood of Police Officers from the City of Montreal (FPPVM) on Gilford Street, to go to the town hall where the mayor Denis Coderre was for a reception.
They concluded their journey in the area of the Old Port where there were celebrations for the 375th and where they intended "to voice their dissatisfaction," said the president of the FPPVM Yves Francoeur.
Reflections police childish immature, unionists dishonoring the 375th anniversary of the city of Montreal and contemptuous laws they represent
The petty officers, irresponsible before millions of viewers around the world on channels, national and international  on the web, dressed as clowns, like tramps, denounced their unfortunate luxuries of living conditions of police officers Montrealers highest paid in the world with all their conditions are working three days or four days week considering the worst slaves of humanity.  

They consider the attitude of the mayor to them while they are without a contract since December 2014. I would add when their Caribbean trip and see the police in trucks stacked on each other with machine guns and dressed in rags and earning $ 100 per month with fifth order of prisons, with their $ 80,000 to $ 120,000 per year and retire after 20 years of service they are in heaven in Quebec and they should stop whining.
The police had also against the reform of pensions contained in Bill 15 and Bill to impose wearing the regulation uniform. These officers are even dressed by public funds and they are not happy, they want us to provide them with the panties viagra attached.

It's always for almost fifty years that the union threat ever mayor of Montreal to conclude contracts and always tell the victims. "We are victims of unconstitutional laws either in uniform or to pensions," said Yves Francœur. I say as a citizen, who works with wage burst some appetites, stop your childish and start respecting the laws as all citizens.

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