mercredi 3 mai 2017

Imam Bilal Philips, terrorist, Canadian banished from Denmark, Muslim Brotherhood member, Sharia Al-Qaeda homophobie, pedophilia, extremist Salafi, Wahhabi, unhinged mind. Long live the multiculturalismes Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard and the premiers of Canada

Imam Bilal Philips, terrorist, Canadian banished from Denmark, Muslim Brotherhood member, Sharia Al-Qaeda homophobie, pedophilia, extremist Salafi, Wahhabi, unhinged mind.  Long live the multiculturalismes Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard and the premiers of Canada
Copenhagen - Six foreign religious preachers, including one Canadian, Imam Bilal Philips, are part of a list of persons banned from living in Denmark because of their hate speech, has informed the government of the Scandinavian country on Tuesday.

In a statement, the Minister of Immigration and Integration Inger Beinov STØJBERG said that they can not enter the country for two years for reasons of public order.
Copenhagen accuses of wanting to undermine democracy and the values related to human rights and freedoms.
Imam Bilal Philips Islamic Salafist human trash, a waste of the Koran, a bad Muslim, Canada Motion 103
Bilal Philips, who has Canadian nationality, is part of this list. There are also two Americans, two Saudis and a Syrian. One of the Americans is American pastor Terry anti-Islam Dale Jones, who in 2011 burned a Quran.
"The government will only accept preachers come to Denmark to preach hatred against Danish society and indoctrinate others to commit acts of violence against women and children," the minister said in a statement. Born in Jamaica and raised in Toronto, Bilal Philips is an imam expelled from several countries due to its positions.
Germany expelled him in 2011 to assume have made a speech in Frankfurt in which he argued that homosexuals should be exterminated. The man was also banned from the UK, Australia and the United States.

Expelled from Germany, we welcome all pigs, whores Salafi extremist imams protected Justin Trudeau in Canada
Among the preachers and imams considered apostates and cited in this magazine, we find among others: German Pierre Vogel yet considered in Germany as a militant movement near the "Salafi, Wahhabi,Saudi Arabia terrorist.
The Canadian Bilal Philips, American Suhaib Webb, imam of one of the largest mosques in Boston, apostate for having thanked on Twitter Barack Hussein Obama, supportaires Muslim brothers with Hillary Clinton in the United States have wished "happy Ramadan to  "Muslims.
The Canadian Abdullah Hakim Quick e who chairs the Council of Imams of Canada, Nehad Awad, president of the Council of Relations Islamic-Américaines (CAIR), other terrorist groups in Canadian soil, including the Islamic State enjoys any immunity with associations Mississauga, Ontario, with MPs and government ministers from Justin Trudeau officially courting politically.
Thus the Islamic state (EI) now spares no one, not even those accused here in the West by Islamophobic and governments to be radical, extremist, the Iqra Ishad Liberal MP Islamophobic. These threats demonstrate that this extremist organization takes irrespective of religion to all its opponents. No need to ask Muslims to justify or out in the street to protest.

Imam Bilal Philips is an active member of the Muslim Brotherhood as several Liberal MPs and ministers who worship in mosques
Islamic Online University
Bilal Philips was born in Jamaica and raised in Canada before converting to Islam in 1972. After teaching Sharia in the Middle East, it has established an Islamic studies program via internet.
In Canada, several centers run by the Muslim Brotherhood Philips facilitate the spread of ideas by welcoming students when they have to pass their exams. The Center Foudil Selmoune Brossard is one of those.
On 3 July 2011, the Globe & Mail archived on Jihad Watch, reported that Bilal Philips was deported from Germany after openly justified the killing of homosexuals.
1. Muslim Council of Montreal (Montreal Muslim Council)
Its leader Salam Elmenyawi, was the instigator of a consulting project of Sharia in Quebec in 2004;
2. IRFAN-Canada supportaires terrorist group in Canada and Al Qaeda as having disciple Zunera Ishaq, Pakistan is actively working with terrorist groups, one that chia on the Canadian flag during the swearing with Justin Trudeau applause and Judy Wilson Raybould Minister of justice of Canada

the organization was a fundraiser Hamas in Canada asIgra Khalid (Islamophobia Motion 103) Liberal MP in Ottawa at least until the recent revocation of charitable status. By the admission of Hamas leaders, the organization is not only the elimination of Israel but also the Islamization (chariaisation) of Western societies.
Imam Bilal Philips Canadian anti barbaric proSalafist
3.Islamic Online University (IOU)
Brossard center provides space for this organization offers courses in Shariah via internet for that y students pass their exams. The founder of IOU, Bilal Philips,expressed support for the execution of homosexuals, stoning and other barbaric punishments ordered by Sharia;
One of the current members of the Board of the Canadian Muslim Forum denominates Bilal Hamideh. He was president the Muslim Students Association (MSA) at Concordia University from 2000 to 2005. The MSA was one of the earliest organizations set up by the Muslim Brotherhood in North America. (Discover the Networks)

Britain banned the publication of books
in response to the findings of the BBC, M. Acheson said he was surprised that the Department of Justice took so long to remove these books from prison libraries.
"I have clearly informed the Ministry of Justice in November that I assumed that urgent action be taken to remove this material, has he said. The fact that the vulnerable and impressionable prisoners have free access to these works is an obvious risk of safety.
"An Email sent June 20 or after to all prisons by the National Offender Management Service, Correctional Service, which manages prisons on behalf of the Department of Justice, described the books as the "extremist literature". In this email, we ask the prison staff to put the order in accordance "with immediate effect".
The banned books are The path of jihad, Hassan al-Banna; Milestones on the road to Islam by Sayyid Qutb. Licit and illicit in Islam by Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi; Towards Understanding Islam by Syed Abul Ala Maududi; The Fundamentals of Tawheed and by Bilal Philips.
The BBC understands that the writings of Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, Syed Abdul Ala Maududi and Bilal Philips are considered contrary to fundamental British values.

Concordia University in Montreal
Bilal Philips, a Canadian Imam TERRORIST banned in several countries for his controversial, likes to say that Islamic law provides for the death penalty for homosexuals.
"It is very influential, says Marc Lebuis, independent website, nonpartisan" tipping point "fighting radical Islam. In fact, many Muslim student associations in Quebec will distribute his books, videos, courses of lessons.
"The Works of Bilal Philips, terrorist, extremist, homophilic, religious pedophilia, and other radical imams include distributed to library the Muslim Students Association of Concordia, in premises provided free by management.
Paid for by the state, through our taxes we taxpayers,CHRISTIANS, to destroy our young students
"The problem is when the government, the university is paid by the state, for example, will pay the premises where will provide access to premises to those who Islamist propaganda that say destroy democracy, kill homosexuals, "says Lebuis.
The problem is when the government, the university is paid by the state, for example, will pay the premises where will provide access to premises to those that make the Islamist propaganda, which say destroying democracy , kill homosexuals, "says Lebuis.
Moreover, the book "Reliance of the Traveler," written by Ahmad ibn Naqib al-Misri, a sharia interpretation manual which advocates including the death sentence for homosexuals, is found in much of the Sunni mosques Montreal area.

One more proof that the ideas of radical Islam, which led to the killing of homosexuals in Orlando, circulating regardless of frontiers.
Religious pedophilia, regardless of religion, discrimination, Igra Khalid Liberal MP in Ottawa, Motion 103, Bilal Philips Under Canadian laws
1. A young person under 16 generally can not consent to sexual activity.
2. The law contains exceptions for "age proximities" for young people aged 12 to 15 years:
If a young person is 12 or 13 years, the law allows to consent to sexual activity with a person under 2 years older and is not in a position of authority
3. for young people who are 14 or 15 years:
the law allows to consent to sexual activity with a person under five years older and n ' is not in a position of authority.

Consent is not a defense when a person threatened oruse of force, a third said yes to someone, a person is unable to consent (eg drunk or functional limitation that prevents them from understand that they agree), a person expressed in words or actions or lack of agreement changed his mind at any point ..
any sexual activity without consent is sexual assault regardless of the age, pedophilia,IMAM fOR JUST LIKE iN OTHER RELIGIONS EVEN IF CIRCUMCISED SEXUALLY OR MENTALLY RETARDED DUE SYSTEMIC..
Sexual discrimination, apartheids, segregation, pedophiles
The government should appoint Justin Trudeau Imam Bilal Philips Chief Commissioner of International Relations Canadian Islamic terrorists pro as specified by the Motion M103 anti Islamophobic and next from Philippe Saudi Quebec.  
The Liberals, through all of Canada, are struggling to prove that Islam, the Koran, sharia, the Prophet, it is the way of happiness, for all of us, for petrodollars they put themselves in pockets selling us the devil and the Emirs of the Persian Gulf and to gas.
Imam Bilal Philips pork Halal that all media in all provinces decry as extremists and governments to leave even if other countries refuse him entry.  
In Canada we let any crap we recently told the Deputy Minister for Immigration Quebec, Imam Adil Charkaoui,terrorist, Moroccan living in Montreal and leading our students to become excellent jihadists.

And with funding from the Ministry of Education of Quebec and subsidies from the city of Montreal for the summer camps for newly arrived refugees learning Salafi basics terrorists that they will in the coming years used against our own people by veiled teachers who teach only the Koran and Sharia to these students, and kidney of our civilization, our customs, our language.
Multiculturalism Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard at their best, the total destruction of Canada and Quebec, Allah is great in America Barack Hussein Obama and Justin Mohammed Trudeau Alias the selfie.
Canada remains rot forever unless Jews and Christians Motion M-103 Muslim-living-in-west / page / 3 /

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