samedi 13 mai 2017

Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham good riddance and deportations of the beautiful sister and brother also to Sri Lanka

Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham good riddance and deportations of the beautiful sister and brother also to Sri Lanka
Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham,murderous, refugee, liar, unrecoverable, mentally rigorous so that on Thursday asked to be deported to his Sri Lanka native "as quickly as possible," and why not deport her beautiful sister and brother at the same time as they too are unrecoverable and can not be integrated in our egalitarian societies between women and men.

For the Government of Justin Trudeau:Sri Lanka Ministry of Justice
Honorable Dr. Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe
Ministry of Justice, Superior Courts Complex
Adhikarana Mawatha
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Tel .: 011 2 323022
Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham Welcome Welikada Prison in
Colombo's Welikada Prison (also known as the Magazine Prison) is a maximum security prison and is the largest prison in Sri Lanka.It was built in 1841 by the British colonial government under Governor Cameron. The prison covers an area of 48 acres (190,000 square meters). It is too crowded with about 1,700 inmates exceeding the current member who could be housed. The prison also has a gallows (although it is not used since 1959) and has its own hospital as well.
The prison is administered by the Prisons Department. I would like to specify that the prisons in Sri Lanka are not the Canadian Club Med for prisoners. You will have rats as you as neighbors.
Following the attempted military coup in 1962, military police arrested and returned, pending a trial in a special section at the Welikada prison, called the magazine section. A special security detachment was selected as the "composite guard" to keep the officers of the Ceylon Light Infantry with Major A Hulangamuwa supported.

Flight British Airways
Departure: 9:35 pm
P Trudeau Intl to Bandaranayike Intl -1 stop
1st leg
British Airways
Take-off: 9: 35pm P Trudeau Intl, Montreal (YUL) Quebec, Canada
Date: Monday 22nd May 2017
Landing : 9: 05am Heathrow, London (LHR) United Kingdom
Date: Tuesday 23rd May 2017
Duration: 6h 30m
Flight BA 94
flat Change: 12h 25m
2nd leg
SriLankan Airlines
Take-off: 9: 30pm Heathrow, London (LHR) United Kingdom
Date: Tuesday 23rd May 2017
Landing: 12: 45pm Bandaranayike Intl, Colombo (CMB) Sri Lanka
Date: Wednesday 24th May 2017
Duration: 10h 45m
Flight UL 504
Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham enjoyed by sticking his wife
Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham simply killed her Baskaran wife Anuja in Ahuntsic in August 2012 without any guilt and regret. For him and his beautiful sister and brother, women are animals with sex male as confirmed Justin Trudeau approving gender segregation, during his visits in mosques during prayers Friday with his wife perched at second bearing as chickens.

Although he escaped his murder trial, Montrealer who have slaughtered according to the Qur'an his wife could now remain detained for years while awaiting deportation from the country. Canada, the country of Justin Trudeau, the most welcoming countries in the world, multicultural country, that is to say the country without any culture as the country of Emmanuel Macron, the new Salafist Muslim president of France have lost their national identities to become barbarians countries.
Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham, this wonderful refugee,31 years had appeared before the Commission of immigration and Canadian refugee status [IRB] yesterday, where he learned that he was facing an eviction notice to his native Sri Lanka for serious criminality.
Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham liar as a politician
"You did not say you had not killed your wife while you had the chance to do so," added the commissary, addressing directly Thanabalasingham.
Ms. Tordorf has also noted the questionable behavior of the accused. When he was asked what weapon he beat his wife, he would have said "ask my ex-wife" by dropping an expletive.

The golf Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham
2004 Sometimes Sri Lanka to Canada as a refugee
In 2005: His asylum application is accepted
2007: He becomes a permanent resident
December 2011: First arrest for domestic violence
In January 2012: Second arrest for domestic violence
In May 2012: Arrest for breach of the conditions, as it came into contact with his wife despite a ban by the Court
In August 2012: Accused of murdering his wife
In January 2013: Sentenced to less than six months in prison for violence cases marital and non-compliance with the conditions
April 6, 2017: Stay of proceedings in the murder case
April 7, 2017: Placed in custody pending his deportation
Trial for murder
the murderer alleged that avoided trial because of court proceedings was yet refuse his release pending his possible deportation to his native Sri Lanka.
"They ask me to release you from your brother and his wife, who believe that you did anything wrong that only for killing your wife," said the Commissioner Stéphane Morin refusing the request Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham.
His murdered wife is still blamed by the family
But in the same breath, he said that the victim was at fault, since she had called the police when she was beaten by her husband. "It was she who made a mistake, he said. To my knowledge, my brother has done nothing wrong.
"The sister-Thanabalasingham also put all the disappointments of the alleged murderer on the back of the victim, 21, found murdered at his home in Ahuntsic, in August 2012. "His wife always caused problems, has she said. He was in prison because of it.
"Anuja Bhaskaran predicted that her husband would murder
two weeks before dying slaughter, the wife of the alleged murderer had predicted she might be killed by her husband. If I die, it will be because of him, "said Anuja Baskaran had a friend of her husband, in the summer of 2012. This premonition was unveiled at the preliminary inquiry Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham in November
2014."It complained of the accused to the police several times, summed up the Serge Boisvert judge during the preliminary hearing. She added [...] by leaving the bank, the accused without reason, has kicked her punches and kicks.
"Another time, unhappy that his wife complains that he was taking time to prepare to go on errands, Thanabalasingham had beaten.
Left alone
Repeatedly Ms. Baskaran complained to the police, which earned her husband five months in prison. But she had to face the disapproval of his father, whom her husband had paid $ 50,000.
"She described it difficult to complain because of the culture, the judge said. She said her family intimidated not that a complaint against the accused.
"Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham said he no longer wished to protect Canada and he wanted to leave the country and during a meeting he repeated that he wanted to withdraw his appeal from the order of reference to Sri Lanka. He says he wants to leave, because he is not afraid for his safety if he returns to Sri Lanka. Good riddance.
Immigration and domestic violence
Quebec needs immigrants. Successive waves of Judeo-Christian immigration to the 20th century, Italians, Poles, Jews, Portuguese, Chilean, Irish, Ukrainians have only been beneficial.
I also think about all those people from Africa, the Caribbean, Asia who chose Quebec in the wake of the great deception that was Expo 67. At worst, we hate the smell of spices that came from their house.
But since 2000, we welcome in many people whose fundamental values and culture are moving away from ours, especially Muslims, Salafi, Islamist, racist Quran, who want to fit in West.
Take the case of Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham, this refugee Sri Lanka 31 years accused of having murdered his wife, Anuka Baskaran, 21. It comes in white as snow, for now, through stopping Jordan, even if he had been convicted three times for domestic violence. Philippe Couillard who will conduct a general tour to form systemic racist for blaming the origins of Quebecers to have the maximum voting allophones and non-integrated Muslims who purely warped mentalities.
Other manners incompatible with democracy and freedoms according to Imam Hamza Chaoui of Montreal
No need to come from far away to beat his wife or her husband some 20 000 pure wool do every year, but welcome people from cultures that tolerate domestic violence requires us to review how and to whom the State communicates the message here, beat his wife (her husband or child) is a serious crime. Yet Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, Québec Solidaire (QS), tell us that we must have the Sharia to protect them Westerners like us.
Justin Trudeau advocates the segregation of women
Women's presence in a mosque Justin Trudeau imposing separation between men and women causing a stir. Women's groups complain that this passage endorses a misogynist practice.
This is the case of the Canadian Council of Muslim. Its director, Alia Hogben, recalls that "unfortunately, although some of us, Muslims, oppose gender segregation in mosques and in social gatherings, most are more traditional and have no problem with the separation. " It nevertheless ensures that some mosques allow mixed, a sign that "it can be done." "It would have been that he claims that he and his female ministers are for the same time assembly and not separately. At least it would have demonstrated gender equality.
"Religious segregation and barbaric
The Fédération des femmes du Québec (FFQ) declined to comment on the subject. To the right of women in Quebec (PDFQ), a group that emerged to dissociate from the FFQ deemed too conciliatory on issues of veiling, deplored the visit. The president of PDFQ Michèle Sirois noted that "racial segregation, we fight against long time. I'm not a politician who would agree to go to a place where blacks on one side it looks, whites on the other. But for women, it seems to be less serious. "
Ms. Sirois believes that politicians should stop frequenting places where gender equality is not appropriate. She recalls the borough mayor Anie Samson who was veiled in a mosque in 2013 to invite the faithful to vote to block the charter of Quebec values.
Sri Lanka Buddhist backlog and domestic violence countries
Hard to find worse than Sri Lanka on domestic violence, which affects 60% of women. Half of teens believe the husband may be justified in beating his wife. A study conducted each year with medical students found that a majority believe that a man who beats his wife should not be punished.
Possible integration according to Imam Adil Charkaoui, the official representative of all Muslims of Canada and
Quebec nonsense dispensed by the accused, his brother and his sister about the death of Anuka Baskaran prove that in their head, these people still live in Sri Lanka, where domestic violence is widespread.
Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham tried to convince the court that it was peaceful. "It's not every day that I am violent, it was because of a person, the same person."
"It was she who made a mistake," said his brother, adding " to my knowledge, my brother has done nothing wrong "and the sister adds:." His wife always caused problems. . He was in jail because of that
"By refusing to release Sivaloganathan Thanabalasingham care of his family, the Commissioner of Immigration Stéphane Morin describes perfectly the absurdity of the situation:" Their level of understanding of your crime n is not adequate, "adding." it's hard to put into words what they lack "I, as a citizen, you give too much credibility to these lads who laugh you right in the face knowing fools that we are, we let ourselves be fooled by these manipulators highways.
For years they are on the field and they see us with our left intellectuals, our university professors, these leftists, these anarchists, feminists delayed, the media, our roses men, etc. They understand very well how to manipulate the people and governments with journalists from Radio-Canada in the field and that Philippe Couillard provide arms to pro Salafist raciser us. A beautiful lie that comes from afar, because certain political party must hide certain corruption and corrupt the faces of the public!
But there must be a way to detect whether an immigrant or refugee believes that there is nothing wrong with giving 30 stab wounds to the throat of his wife when she deserves it without falling into the "systemic racism "but the Honorable Philippe Couillard Lespinay says Philippe Couillard proposes Sharia as constitution for Quebec

Please note you may also bring several politicians in several countries in Sri Lanka with you for a long stay in prison for knowledge with their fellow rats, the corrupt, the emirs of the Gulfs, petrodollars, our Salafists, our systemic racism.

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