dimanche 14 mai 2017

Our political elites our useful idiots - Emmanuel Macron - Justin Trudeau - Angela Merkel - Hanan Zahouani

Our political elites our useful idiots - Emmanuel Macron - Justin Trudeau - Angela Merkel - Hanan Zahouani
In the following journals including Gatestone Institute, Mclean Magazine, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, WikiLeaks wrote this about our elites, our whores who govern us:
Emmanuel Macron,president of the Muslim France, Justin Trudeau,Prime Minister Salafist Islamic Canada, Angela Merkel, Queen of Europe, Philippe Couillard Quebec Premier and systemic racism. And no county on future Islamic liar Hanan Zahouani veiled Moroccan who will go to steal and destroy your French Christian culture.

For replace its barbarities, bearded whose evidence is that they are the useful idiots for the development of barbarian Salafist Muslims is not strictly speaking an ally of Islamism. It's worse, they cultivate blindly the problems and destroy our Western civilization to receive petrodollars Emirs from the Gulf.
The phrase has remained: the useful idiot including Canadian selfie is clear proof is the naive person in good faith to be manipulated and which itself braided rope with which to hang. But in politics it is quite another thing, they are born manipulators, superbly intelligent, dictators, demagogues, intellectuals, UQAM professors, student associations, journalists from Radio-Canada, companies of State in France against Le Pen.
The useful idiot may even be brilliant in his field, we forward several in recent years that shine by their international bullshit

Of the Islamic State Magazine in France seeks printers and distributors in Europe
Dabiq A magazine published in English on the internet now allows jihadists of the Islamic State of defending the "caliphate" and call for the spread of the holy war in the world. This magazine is currently seeking how to be printed in several languages, including French in France and distributed across the whole Europe and in the coming years worldwide with United Nations support.
The new government of Emmanuel Macron according to several reliable sources of information and some people wanting to be soon elected to legislative want this magazine to be publicly funded French and distribute in schools and universities. Mrs  Hanan Zahouani, Muslim, Koran, charanique,  immediately support this decision of his government advocating cultural diversity in French Muslim land. Here are some statements, and the persons or agencies or organizations wishing to participate in the development of this idea project of the century will only have to contact the Elysée to this end to have all the necessary information and credits  
Sam ' ta'ah, Jama'ah: listen, obey, and do not betray, which will be very difficult for our political elites, is not it Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel.

According to the editorial line of Dabiq, there are two worlds: "the camp of Islam and faith, and the camp of unbelief and hypocrisy." In an article, Amirul-Mu'minin, the Commander of the believers and the faithful explains the division of both worlds: there would be a side Muslims and Mujahideen - those who fight for their religion - and the other side "Jews, crusaders and their allies, and with them the rest of nations led by America and Russia."
France, and the French are welcoming and Muslims defecate on them and they are happy and elected Emmanuel Macron, live the Republic
The message is clear: the Americans and the Western world are the enemies of the Islamic State. The Islamic State declares that the United Nations would even deny that "people openly display their religion ... falsely claiming that it is for the sake of world peace." "Anyone who dares to offend the Islamic state will be punished"
The Pierre Elliott, Justin and Alexandre Trudeau Canada useless idiots
Pierre Elliott Trudeau was fascinated by communist dictatorships, not multiculturalist
Keeping with President Fidel Castro of Cuba
In 1960, that thousands of Cubans hungry for freedom braved the sea in rickety boats, Trudeau, he did the opposite path: it tried to reach Cuba on a boat leaving from Florida!
(Recall that in 1960, it has identified 631 death sentences, 146 were shot and 70,000 political prisoners in Cuba. In 1964, during a trip to Cuba to see his great pal Fidel Castro, Pierre Elliott Trudeau threw a Friend "When we see masses of people gather under a scorching sun to listen to a speech of 90 minutes Fidel Castro, one wonders why we need elections ..."
Long live the USSR trip!
During his  USSR in May 1971, Pierre Elliott Trudeau kept saying how much he admired the courage of Soviet workers. the construction of the city of Norilsk, erected in the middle of Siberia, particularly impressive. But this city was built by political prisoners in the gulags!
And when Poland imposed martial law in 1981 to crush the Solidarity trade union, Pierre Trudeau loudly expressed sympathy, not for the anti-communist activists talent for their freedom, but for the pro-Soviet regime! "We have much to learn from the Soviet Union," he said.
And Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Canadian deals, deplore the fall of the USSR, saying that one day the world will regret the loss of this great empire.
As if that was not enough, a year after the terrible massacre of Tiananmen Square, Pierre Elliott Trudeau will visit China with his children, where he was received like a real rock star ... Long live the Chinese dictatorship and I want to make even with all of Canada!
When Fidel Castro turned 80, it was the turn of the son of Pierre Trudeau, Sasha Trudeau, to kneel before the "lider maximo".
"This immense intellect, combined with his physique of Hercules and his unparalleled courage make Fidel Castro giant it is. It borders on the superhuman, "he wrote without the slightest irony.
And this week, Justin Hussein Mohamed Trudeau,Prime Minister of the Canadian Islamic State said before the cameras Sun News his "admiration for the dictatorial regime of China, which allows him to take a radical economic shift" !!!
The useful idiot Islamic or pro collaborator as Pope Francis
The useful idiot however refuses to see that Islamism is unique to our time and must be analyzed as such. Several terrorist attacks have been committed by highly educated young people who had grown up in the West. It is far from the stereotype of young man raised in a refugee camp and who turns to violence out of desperation. Western powers have also committed serious mistakes in Latin America without birth provided a violent ideology servo worldwide.
We live the most important events since the fall of the Soviet empire. The Arab world belongs to the Arabs, but our next actions can help or extraordinarily terribly hurt. This is a unique opportunity that may not soon revert. Our leaders do not have the right to be wrong. Do not stay on the sidelines. Rather encourage and support the true Arab democrats, because there are, but make our puppets.
Islam is not compatible with French democracy, full stop, France must disappear and make room for Muslims only
La democracy is a system that is completely against Islamic principles "... it allows the presence of" crazy or a disbeliever or a homosexual or atheist "among the governing body ... democracy succeeds, he writes, the desecration of the Koran, and makes possible" for women to get half undressed or half naked " , the sale of alcohol, the loan interest and gambling (all items forbidden by sharia enacted by Allah).

You have welcomed them, and signed your stops dead, Long live death! Allah is great in the land of Emmanuel Macron.

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