dimanche 7 mai 2017

Donald Trump and the new Trumpcare, artificial respiration health system for the poor only - The rich will have the care of Dr. House

Donald Trump and the new Trumpcare, artificial respiration health system for the poor only - The rich have the care of Dr. House
If there is one area where US policy is a failure, it is that of the health. Forget the popular US television series where extraordinary doctors cure patients presenting with illness all rarer than each other.
The sad fact is that apart from some universities, medicine practiced in most hospitals is rather average.
On Thursday, Donald Trump and his Republican finally managed to overturn Obamacare in the House of Representatives. They replaced it with a "Trumpcare".
In general, the more expensive will be individually Trumpcare that Obamacare and cover twenty million people less.
The US healthcare system is seriously ill?
The US healthcare system is among the least efficient of all industrialized countries. It has only 242 doctors per 100 000 inhabitants, far behind France (338 doctors) and Italy (380 physicians).
These are the former communist countries that matter most doctors. For example, Russia has 431 per 100 000 inhabitants. Some statistics are very eloquent and little publicized. In the US, the mortality of mothers during birth increases. She is now 14 mothers per 100,000 patients.
However, this type of mortality is declining in other developed countries. For example, in Sweden and Spain, it stood at 4 and 5 deaths per 100 000 patients.
The underperformance of the US health care system is also reflected in life expectancy, although it is not the only factor to consider.
This hope is now 79 years for Americans. But between 1960 and today, the United States fell from 16th to 40th place worldwide.
Donald Trump has garnered a success Thursday in Congress, with the adoption narrowly alternate text of the law iconic Barack Obama on health. The new law restores the idea of "pre-existing conditions" which may justify an insurer refuses to cover someone. Among his "disease", having been violated.

A discriminating amendment
A discriminating amendment? Reforming health, decided by Donald Trump, will deprive many Americans health insurance. The final vote, which was decided on Thursday illustrates the controversial aspect of the current text: 217 votes against 213 the are 193 Democrats voted no, while 20 Republicans defected.
In detail, the Trumpcare, which is intended to replace Obamacare will deprive among others, victims of rape medical insurance. Indeed, Obamacare prohibits insurers from refusing to cover someone with a "pre-existing condition" ( "preexisting condition", note) says New York Magazine. Now, the new reform law desired by the US president is poised to repeal this point: States will be able to discriminate some patients based on their medical records.
Among the "pre-existing conditions" include rape, depression, post-traumatic stress, caesarean sections, as well as domestic violence. Insurers can also refuse to cover the expenses of gynecological or mammography.
More than 14 million Americans will no longer be insured. Money, dollars are always superior to human beings in the barbaric capitalist world only for the poor but the rich themselves have nothing to fear and elites, politicians their covers are shielded.
How much health in the United States?
Dear, dear, dear maxima. The United States spends nearly 18% of their GDP on health. This is about twice what other industrialized countries spend. These costs are reflected in the health insurance.
Ensure a family of four can easily cost 30,000 US dollars per year. Often, the employer pays half the bill. But beware, this insurance comes with franchises which patients must pay for their own pockets.
For example, US $ 30 per doctor visit, US $ 500 for hospitalization. And insurance have ceilings or cover only 80% of costs. Patients must pay the other 20% missing.
Regularly, the insurance companies are changing physicians' prescriptions to pay cheaper drugs, but not always adequate. Also insurance companies negotiate with doctors and hospitals to reduce the costs of hospitalizations of patients.
Trumpcare that better he will make Obamacare?
The Trumpcare will help especially the self-employed. However, the insurance companies will always be able to refuse to insure people who are too high risk.
The Trumpcare Will it apply?
After passing the House of Representatives, it is necessary that the law be passed in the Senate. However, as the Republicans will hold the majority, this law should end up being adopted.
What is the solution for Americans?
The solution to the US health care system is known. Americans should emulate a health systems that work well in other industrialized countries.
They should also break the corporatism, the mafia of doctors,train more doctors and get back down to Earth the outrageously inflated costs of medical studies.
Finally, it should be capped and regulate extravagant lawsuits against medical mistakes.
A revolution you say, stop the US to make and take legal action? It is really unthinkable. Look even episodes of Judge Judy, how often mothers and fathers take their children before the judge or the children bring their parents in wheelchairs for trial.
Have you already seen on other channels TV in other countries, people who denounce their own families publicly before an entire nation for a few dollars. Nowhere on this planet this situation exists, and besides the hatred between the people who come to the bar, people of the same family.
How many times you see everywhere in the newspapers, as restaurant is pursued by such person, who has had an accident or to create and wanted to have such an accident to pocket the loot of the restaurant, cafeteria, and other businesses. In the US, you can be sued for everything and anything.
How the people, the poor, the middle class is on unemployment or who earns the minimum wage or the elderly with their "Social Security" are obliged to have in government funding to pay for drugs, hospitalizations,still must have private insurance which then cost several thousand dollars a month to have the required care until death.
Unwarranted lawsuits, US carcinogenic diseases
United States, US of America, the richest people of the world, which is the American dream, where everything is possible, is the least favorable place for those without the means to provide insurance cover to benefit from the services of the doctors Dr. House with services of specialists who work tirelessly to find solutions to your problems in the immensely large rooms and private .
The life of Dr. House and his associates, the mafia of doctors and insurance for medicines and hospitals are just pure fiction for the little people, the less well off. Admittedly, the Chamber of representatives of Congress, the US Senate, the US president, elites, leeches that circle of power in Washington DC, and in all US states, they have services, exclusive and free of charge with their families Divine Medical services. Dr. House in the best hospitals with the best surgeons, best service, beautiful rooms with panoramic views.
They, who do not care nothing, that those who sow the wind, politicians, who fatten themselves every day from the smaller, lower society to elicit any economy he did during his entire life. These high flit thieves, these emissaries of large companies, these dictators Wall Street who constantly whine to collect all monies from the Government and small savers.
Our elites, these gluttons who eat up all our savings
All this filth, that is, at the head, superstructures, media, these rots, who seek to blame the middle class, saying slogans as fool: If n has not rich, so we have to give more to the rich for us to remain poor.  
How should a people who had such a deep brainwashing is insensitive, the inhuman, barbaric capitalist economic system is as even more cruel than the communist systems, the Salafists or systems dictatorships of Saudi barbarians Arabia, land of terrorists and the Islamic State, proud friend of the United States.
The American people should start waking up like other peoples of the world. Our political elite and leaders of large companies, large organizations, these large speakers that make us moral everyday through the media and enriching themselves at our expense. Perhaps, one day, the Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Wayne Lapierre, Bill Clinton, George W Bush's, and hundreds of thousands of other leeches, intellectuals, politicians, overused, circulating in the blood in the veins of our media, our schools and elsewhere.
When the anger of Americans, real Americans that work to build their home, their future, and arrival at retirement are literally flying all the banks if capitalists who throw you out in seconds and you have lost all the work your life. Revolts against the US some of their elites are real and powerful.
Donald Trump, will he make this revolution with the evil system that doctors and the insurance companies have on your lives? To the US, the human being, because of blood before money, the master of all the gods.
Citation in the American Revolutionary War and that says a lot of morals and love of money the king of life
Correspondence between Marie Antoinette in France and Axel Fersen by Émile Baumann
American Revolution March 1783 *
Quote: Mr. de Staël therefore returns from America, without which no brilliant action had reported his campaign. But he practiced faithfully all military virtues, he has become. Hard to fatigue and "himself". He carried out there universal esteem. As for the cause he went to serve, she goes into the background. The Americans, except Washington and a few others, let him remember a fierce greed "Money is their god."  All that is long gone, now he is conscious that to prolong his stay in France, it is to say "the happiness of his life."
Petrodollars, elites, banks, medical mafia
and I can say that now all the political elites in Western countries practice these virtues Salafist petrodollars Emirs of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Islamic terrorists, refugees who landed heavily on our territories to install their Koran and Sharia.
Our politicians, our intellectuals, our media, our feminists, kneel before their crusades and receive huge sums to sell their friends, fellow citizens to Salafist wahhabi barbarians in their crusade for universal Allah. Traitors, Islamists, terrorists, Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton to the Muslim Brotherhood by making full.
* Editions Grasset and Fasquelle, 2012 ISBN 97822446799429 -1st publication

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