mercredi 24 mai 2017

Justin Trudeau - Thomas Mulcair - Emmanuel Macron - Angela Merkel - marijuanas jihadist centers for Canadians training Islamic terrorists near Salafists

Justin Trudeau - Thomas Mulcair - Emmanuel Macron - Angela Merkel - marijuanas jihadist centers for Canadians training Islamic terrorists near Salafists  

Complete and exclusive services that the Honorable Justin Trudeau pointed us in his left the mosque after Friday prayers Mississauga, Ontario, in the land of Allah, and who wanted to attract new young customers their fighters from the consumption of marijuana by Koranic verses 89 and 90 of Surah 4 Quran could open doors in Montreal, Quebec, Ottawa, Toronto, Mississauga, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, Saskatoon, Vancouver, Halifax, St. John, when cannabis for terrorists to Justin Trudeau will be legal in Canada.
Al Qirat Nadamar chain will allow its customers the use of cannabis in all its forms, in addition to providing locally trained chefs to cook with marijuana. According to the channel Al Qirat Nadamar, the headquarters would be in Trenton, Ontario.
Islam religion open to the future
Rolling Papers, glass pipes, alcohol, lunches, knives, virgins and snacks are provided at will on site. Marijuana from that farm culture was approved by the imams and the prophet will be distributed in our hostels across the whole country with the logo of our organization.

The president of the channel Al Qiraat Nadamar,Saudi Arabia stressed: "I am very interested in making an expansion to Canada, the land of the Honorable Justin Trudeau, a country open to new ideas and collaboration with the only human religion, Islam that strongly encourages its citizens to become new Muslims.  
We all trusts his judgment to make our tasks will be difficult on legal plans to bring down the Canadian constitution and engage Canadians and the Sharia, the one true strength of this new country that we build with him and Thomas Mulcair.
"Since Justin Trudeau displayed pro-cannabis, in the mosques, I am the situation with great interest. In recent months, it became clear to me that I had to give it a shot here, Canada, is an international reference in order to build the Islamic Republic of Canada."
The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, will also visit Canada's largest city, Toronto, Ontario to meet with the Prime Minister Kathleen Wynne will go and see their eternal friendSalafist Wahhabi who spent five long years to immerse themselves in the Quran and Sharia the Honorable Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard Espinay says Philippe Couillard to the Old Capital in Quebec in mid-December to identify buildings that meet its criteria for future implementation, if the laws in place at the time of the legalization permit.
"There are so many people around the world who love the beheading of Christians and Jews in the world, Canada is the first door that opens to all.

Considering that Montreal and Quebec are already attracting international tourism and it could only increase, becoming recognized destinations for their openness to cannabis because several known imams in their mosques will be able to do their usual discourse and promote in colleges with grants governments all over jihadists.There is much money to be made in this context that we can give our friends the Muslims brothers by normal networks of political parties already in place, "launched the Saudi Grand Mufti.
The Grand Mufti of Iraq
Early in the Iraq Sunnis plenary session held on Monday in Baghdad, Mehdi Ahmed al-Sumaidaie said: "Iraq is the land of prophet's, Ahlul Bayt and Sahaba of Prophet Muhammad. We will never allow the enemy to divide our country by the coming in of the mosque Canadian marijuana, or American.
"The Mufti of Iraq referred to the verses and teachings of the Koran as the Islamic Ummah must be united and integrated. He addressed the scholars of Iraq and Muslims and stressed the importance of Islamic unity and to stand up against the conspiracies of Western Muslim world.

Mehdi Ahmed al-Sumaidaie also mentioned the Awakening Islamic Conference was held on Saturday in Baghdad and said: ". We are all responsible for events taking place in the Muslim world" We all have to fight the United States,Western world want to bribe us with non-Islamic marijuana . The Mufti of Iraq emphasized the unity of the country and said: "Iraq is not negotiable and we will not let him be divided by the West and other countries Muslim US friends."
the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia
Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah Al ash The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia's highest religious authority in the country, has protested against the possible opening of cinemas and holding concerts in this ultra conservative kingdom, believing that they will be sources of "depravity".
The Koran allows cannabis for military purposes
"We know that singers and film concerts are a source of depravity," said the Grand Mufti Abdel Aziz al-Sheikh quoted by Sabq news website, close to the authorities. What about the marijuana to jihadists fighting the Government of Canada to improve stonings, beheadings, torture of Christians and Jews on the Western soil, do you think this is a great avenue for the crusade of Allah?
Following a chess tournament in Mecca last July, the Saudi authorities have banned this ancient game, prohibiting Saudis to practice after the Grand Mufti said it was a waste of time and the stakes of victory could lead to money paris, which is forbidden by the Koran, except for the Elites.
Previously, the grand mufti had justified the ban on driving for women, in force in the Kingdom, saying that thus, the latter do not find themselves at the thank you "men obsessed with women or men obsessed other young men."

At the same time, it would have also signed a fatwa permitting husbands to eat body parts of their wife in case of famine if this allowed to save their lives.
The Great Mosque of Brossard Quebec
Canadians and provincial governments have all promised their support for generous subsidies for all students making applications for our courses. The purchase of equipment, rental of premises, books, weapons, protection against Christians and Jews, bribed judges envelopes for friends, police officers, politicians, the media, the borders.
We had an unsealed envelope of two billion US dollars of collateral the Bank of Canada and several bank  credits in several tax havens. They consider it a good investment the destruction of a country and rebuild it on a new basis.
"We want something where people, young men with their beards, young women feel at home, even while away from home. But we also want something that will create a sense of community, and they can kill in the name of the prophet to bring the love of the one God, Allah, freedom, love.

Having heard the news, the president of France Emmanuel Macron has decided to send an emissary to the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau for more information. Afterwards the Queen of Europe Angela Merkel as would be part of the discussions. All three countries, for now, would want with the Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia to a unique world partnership for control of the Islamic terrorist marijuana remains in the hands of Allah, according to the principles of the Koran, the sonatas prophet that the Grand Mufti will find us in the coming days to send in mosques around the world.

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