samedi 20 mai 2017

Muslim Woman in France commits acts of vandalism and profanation in the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Rennes-le-Château, France 23 April 2017- Judge Fabienne Siredey Garnier Judge Paris 17 IIème - François Fillion - Emmanuel Macron - Édouard Philippe

Muslim Woman commits acts of vandalism and desecration in the Church of St. Mary Magdalene at Rennes-le-Chateau, France April 23, 2017
Media Silence when it is the Muslims who desecrate Christian judge Fabienne Siredey Garnier Judge Paris17ith- François Fillion - Emmanuel Macron - Édouard Philippe

This Sunday, April 23, 2017 morning, a young woman decapitated with an ax the font of the church of Rennes-le-Château, in the Aude, which represents the devil. Dressed in black, veiled and hidden, she filed a copy of the Koran in the building before being taken away by the police.
What is the name of the veiled, the one that committed the sacrilege? 
The scene has something to shudder. This Sunday, April 23, at 11 am, a young woman wearing a white cape and a black coat, wearing a veil and hidden behind a Venetian mask, beheaded a statue of Sainte-Madeleine church at Rennes-le-Château, in the Aude, reports the Dispatch.
"You All are infidels, Christians cursed"
In front of the surprised tourists, the young woman took refuge in the cave called the Virgin, near the church, and long telephone in Arabic, then quietly returned to the church, out an ax and starts to hit the famous clam overcome by the representation of Asmodeus.

She decapitates the famous red devil cut his arm and puts a Koran at his side, then lacerate the bas-relief of the altar of Mary Magdalene in front of stunned visitors. They raise the alarm, the mayor, Alexander Painco intervenes. He finds the facts and call the police. Given the surprisingly quiet young woman, he asked her why she committed these acts. She calmly responds: "Now here is a day of presidential elections, while in Syria the West bombard and kill children. You all are infidels! My husband is out there. "
The young woman, in light of his attire, do not go unnoticed. The Dispatch says you could hear long discussions in Arabic with someone on the phone before she enters the church and attacks the famous clam the Sainte-Madeleine church, representing the demon Asmodeus. She then decapitated the statue and cut her arm, before filing a Koran at his side. Gawking, visitors were then given the alert.

When Emmanuel Macron, Philippe Édouard batter the French Christians and Jews. The Salafist Muslims France sow and harvest delayed washable sunk devastating mental crazies devilishly deadly to the total destruction of France
Warned, the mayor warned the gendarmerie and questioned the woman. "Today, here, it is a day of presidential elections, while in Syria, the West bombard and kill children. You all are infidels! My husband is out there, "she replied, very calmly. Once there, the police established a security perimeter and a demining team set to work. If this is the French state that wishes to cause, we do not yet know why this is a church, religious symbol, the vandal chose degrade

Islam the waste of humanity
Muslim women who had committed acts of vandalism and desecration in the church of St. Mary Magdalene Rennes-le-Château, April 23, was not considered irresponsible by psychiatrists who examined. It will pass before the Criminal Court on 8 September.
After fifteen days of reflection, justice has finally decided to refer it to the court. She was examined by a doctor, and then admitted to the psychiatric hospital in Limoux (Aude). She received treatment until last weekend.
"She was then placed into custody and referred to the prosecutor, said the prosecutor of Carcassonne, Vincent Auger. There is no abolition of discernment. It will be judged on September 8 for degradation of a building assigned to worship. "Meanwhile, she was placed on probation, forbidden to go to the places where his crime was committed.
Veiled and hidden by a Venetian mask, this ariégeoise of a thirty year had beheaded a statue and destroyed the font of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Rennes-le-Château (Aude) on 23 April, the day of the first round of the presidential election.

"Today, here, it is a day of presidential elections, while in Syria, the West bombard and kill children! You all are infidels! My husband is there! "Says she stunned witnesses of his gesture. "When I arrived, she was listening to Koranic songs on his mobile", says Alexander Painco, the mayor of Rennes-le-Château. Given his address and date - symbolic - it has chosen to act, the case is taken seriously.
The court found no radicalization among the profaning of Rennes-le-Château
"The investigation has revealed no element linked to a possible radicalization, says the magistrate Carcassonne. She had more no criminal record. "Whatever the outcome of this hearing, this episode will feed the legend of this town, marked by the personality of the priest Béranger Saunière, remodeled late nineteenth several buildings, including the church and accrediting the legend of existence of a hidden treasure.
This is Sauniere who completely rebuilt the St. Mary Magdalene church and statuary, said the mayor of Rennes-le-Château. The whole church was encoded by the abbot. He certainly wanted to leave a message for scholars, but it remains to decipher. We work with buildings in France to find a sculptor who can remake ourselves identically missing parts, said Alexander Painco. There is urgency: the town wants to celebrate this was the centenary of the death of the abbot.

The Muslim, Islamist terrorist who had committed acts of vandalism and desecration - against the bas-relief of Mary Magdalene an altar - in the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Rennes-le-Château 23 April was not deemed irresponsible by psychiatrists who examined. It therefore find the criminal court next September 8, 2017 ...
After being examined by a doctor, the young woman was admitted to the psychiatric hospital in Limoux (Aude). She received psychological care, until last weekend.
"She was then placed into custody and referred to the prosecutor, said the prosecutor of Carcassonne, Vincent Auger. There is no abolition of discernment. It will be judged on September 8 next to degradation of effective [sic for building] assigned to worship. "Meanwhile, she was placed on probation, forbidden to go to the places where his stern was committed Christianophobia package.
It required a week of care following a malevolent act, it must repay these costs there, because it's not me via my taxes to finance the war waged by the Muslims to destroy our values. At a time when we all filled our tax form is a lesson.

Special case: If the Muslim has dual citizenship that cut her French because it is not worthy, the Qur'anic this Salafist this Charianique with expulsion from the territory at its own expense, which is the logical consequence and the least of it.
Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton route the path of Compostela Jacques St. in Spain to help pick up offerings to defend the Muslim according to Fox News and Al-Jazeera USA
Other particular case but more than very likely: We must remove him any welfare . I insist: Everything, including tuition fees if the third or fourth first year undergraduate enjoying a room Crous at zero per month such as exists in abundance forcing the French strain to pay full price necessarily a remote housing and involving transport costs. But there is another topic I will treat in another post.
Finally, that day justice will become Justice must impose a sentence rather significant example for others not to follow the same path. Let also the eternal whiners inevitably invoke the severity, the rights of man or God. Need I remind you that the punishments of Sharia are infinitely more cruel as stoning still ongoing as the hand trench for a thief.

Now it is clear that the "new" team moved into the gold ministries, we are moving towards Sharia type of justice against the Patriots and style not touch my buddy for the invaders. So have decided in sheep ready to be slaughtered halal way by Muslim butchers they breed and feed. We must get rid of the crap that we entours.
The decision of the pro-Islamic Justice
is the decision during 2017. September 8 Please stand up all the way, we progress, judge and sold to the Salafist barbaric Saudi Arabia and Emirs of the Gulfs like the President of France Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Édouard Philippe, we declare this nice lady, who was certainly depressed at this little so-called desecration of a simple Christian statue with no Islamic historical value.
Considering that it is of origin, North Africa and that it tries to be a good collaborator with the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and Al Qaeda, through France and Europe. This one, has blown that day because it was a lot of work to do to build the crusade of Allah on French soil.
We, French people, a citizen of France, we have to give it all means to destroy France full as we pointed out the president of Emmanuel Macron in his speech and mentioned that the French had no crops like Canadians, they were multicultural, that is to say, without culture. Islam is not a culture and not a religion, including Islam, the Islamist is the lack of culture as multiculturalism Emmanuel Macron, France.

Pope Francis, the collaborator, requesting leniency of course
this nice lady, this Islamic whore, you leave crap on your head because the government has given him all the accommodations to that minority which holds the balance of power in each election, and your political elites agree all these religious lobbies, these barbarians who stoned Christians and Jews, and kill the French, Charlie weeklies, you forget, go out with the applause of Muslims to the exit their new mosque Toulouse you they would have paid with your taxes.
More idiots and welcoming that we Francophone and Catholic, that does not exist elsewhere on the planet. We self flagellate us, we anglaisions us ten times faster than any other language, we lose our great culture. Well yes, Allah is great with Emmanuel Macron and hope that Marine Le Pen will wake up before the death of the whole of France. Shortly after the death of Canada will follow through Mohamed Justin Hussein Trudeau and Philippe Couillard mentorSalafists barbaric Saudi Arabia.

Other facts integratable Muslims, inhuman beings without souls and consciences
A man was arrested in the emergency clinic of Ambroise Paré this Monday, May 1 2017 to Toulouse. He refused to be supported by a female doctor before making scandal, insulting the clinic staff and shouting "Long live Daesh! ".
His stay in the emergency ended in custody at the police station. Monday, 1 May, at around 15 pm at the Ambroise Paré clinic in Toulouse, the police had to intervene to question a 41 year old man attacking medical personnel. The reason ? He did not wish to be cared for by a woman in the emergency department where he had gone.

Beside himself, he would have insulted and spat on a doctor a nurse before pouring on them a stream of profanity orientated. But it does not stop there! He also threatened to kill caregivers and glorifies terrorism, shouting "Long live Daesh!"
The man was taken into custody at police headquarters in Toulouse with the president of France Emmanuel Macron and traitor Canadian Justin Trudeau.

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