samedi 6 mai 2017

Philippe Couillard on mission in Israel and the West Bank for the promotions of the Koran and Salafist Wahhabi barbaric racist systemic racist

Philippe Couillard mission to Israel and the West Bank for promotion of the Koran and Sharia Salafist Wahhabi barbarians systemic racist  
mission to Israel Prime Minister of Quebec, Philippe Couillard is expected to visit Jerusalem on May 21, where he will be hosted by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,before possibly through the West Bank to meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Philippe Couillard to arrive in Jerusalem on May 21, accompanied by the Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation, Dominique Anglade, and business people and extremist Islamic terrorists. He plans to visit the next day in Ramallah, West Bank, before heading back to Tel Aviv. Afterwards during the return flight, the Quebec delegation will make a stop at the Vatican to see the collaborator, the Pope Francis.
"We work with our partners, including the Canadian Embassy, to ensure to facilitate the planning of our activities during the mission," said the spokesman of the Prime Minister Couillard, Harold Fortin.
Dominique Anglade, in the capital, was veiled stores yesterday to find the Niqabs and burqas with Burkinis to fill with other MPs and ministers promote Allah's speech on Israel's land. Whereas the Jews of Quebec, are only one small minority of less importance, the Liberal Party of Quebec must turn to their only friends Muslim communities, ordinary, moderate, extremist, super extremists, terrorists, hate speeches imams in their mosques.
Quebec Delegation in Israel
During our visit to Israel, there will be several meetings and public demonstrations to celebrate the coming of Quebecers emissaries arabian Sinai.
The Premier of Quebec, the Honorable Philippe Couillard wait a camel race and camel drivers have sticks of 2 meters and will race against Christians will be scattered on the ground to be hit there.  
Here's how the score that memorable race that occurs only every four years running. When the camel blew a head of a male this is equivalent to a point and two females amount to a point. In their attitudes and universal according to the Qur'an, it is required two female heads to even a human head.  

A reporter asked the veiled Minister Dominique Anglade she thought that women were discriminated against at this point. She said simply she trusted the Minister of Minister of Economy, Science and Innovation Minister responsible for the Digital Agenda Quebec. But the journalist reminded him, that it is she who is the minister of this ministry, and she had forgotten.
Quebec Delegation in the West Bank
Following the visit of the Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard, who will pass the wall between Israel possibly in the West Bank to meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, a friend of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the National selfie.
During the visit, there will be more negotiations on new immigrants to Quebec and Canada. Considering that Quebec privilege people who speak French, but this condition will be effectively suppressed on the West Bank. English, Arabic, the Koran, sharia, and the obligation to always vote for the Liberal party will always be the only conditions of entry in Canada.
Minister Kathleen Weil, Minister of rags Rags Quebec Immigration, the multiculturalists, of the Islamization of Quebec, Québécophobie, achieved several immersion programs for newcomers. These will be received as soon as they arrived at airports by the mayors of cities with new clothes, and we lead them in new rents. We are providing the cards their health insurance, their driver's license with a new car including insurance for a period of ten years.
People can not work or older will be eligible for federal and provincial rents increased by 200% until death. The children of new migrants will go to university and have free weekly income to support themselves. Parents can find employment in government service and remain in their homes receive all services Halal possible compromises at the expense of all taxpayers.

On the third day, the Prime Minister will see the purification station in Gaza, where women and men are separated by barbed wire. Males Quebec ministers had binoculars to look over to see what was happening on the other side. One of the ministers Philippe Couillard became blind.
The next day the group was returning to Tel Aviv to fly to meet his Holiness Pope Francis at the Vatican. The Minister Dominique Anglade had bought in Israel at the request of the Honorable Philippe Couillard a gift for His Holiness Pope Francis. Considering she does not have much intelligence it due seek the support of his colleague Kathleen Weil. Both knew that the Vatican is in Rome and the Romans eat pasta.
Quebec delegation to the Vatican
So they said why not order by phone spaghetti dinner for the Holy See. Their ideas rained so much the Prime Minister that he considered include dumplings of minced meat and red wine from Quebec. A popular thought, Baby Duck dress in bright purple and very effervescent bubbles. Sweet grape flavors and melon statements candied notes. Soft palate, medium-bodied, soft, with grape jelly and pear flavors, refreshing carbonation in the final at $ 5.70 a bottle.
Pope Francis, with his cardinals will have the chance to enjoy with the Quebec delegation, fine regional Italian cuisine and wine from Quebec. At that time, the Prime Minister will invite him to come and visits mosques of Montreal and to make the customary prayers with the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Friday. Afterwards, there will be the sacrifice of sheep to the mosque.

Quebec Delegation in Brossard
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will speak at the mosque in Brossard, managed by the terrorist Muslim association associated with the Muslim Brotherhood. Trudeau will attend the solemn reopening of the mosque after several repairs. He will talk about the efforts of his government to build an "inclusive" society and "nice" for Canadians become Muslims in itself.It will be accompanied by several ministers and male veiled female for the occasion.
We do not yet know the content of the triumphant speeches of the Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would intend to Pope Francis during this historic occasion, according to press the Vatican. But considering that the Pope Francis can meet his colleagues Islamic Salafists in soil so conducive to the creation of the Islamic Republic of Canada with papal support.

We all believe very well to the constant evolution of our civilization, as imams, Adil Charkaoui were able to have effect on our National Assemblies, our intellectuals, our feminists, our elites, our warts, our whores who govern us, that we Emirs were sold to Gulf petrodollars, the barbaric Saudi Arabia.
The sold and corrupted the power
True parody of Quebec and Canada knees

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