lundi 1 mai 2017

Jean Charest - Philippe Couillard - Marc Bibeau - Quebec Liberal Party - Corruption - Systemic racism - the Mafia - the Salafists

Jean Charest - Philippe Couillard - Marc Bibeau - Quebec Liberal Party - Corruption- Systemic racism - the Mafia - the Salafists
Roles pickpockets on the investigation that the Permanent Unit Anticorruption (UPAC) have conducted on Marc Bibeau and Jean Charest.

Nathalie Normandeau would it be a scapegoat, a victim that is sacrificed to protect the rest of the herd to hide the real culprits?
What was the exact role of Marc Bibeau, volunteer within the PLQ? What was the nature of his relationship with the Prime Minister? Why should he led so wide? Who protected him? How is it that Marc Bibeau, volunteer, paid it all restaurant bills, hotel, were always in large receptions with liberals and liberal donor funds and lived on the zeitgeist.
Marc Bibeau, unreal man
Marc Bibeau was he on welfare? Marc Bibeau he was disabled and he was receiving benefits from the health insurance of Quebec? Marc Bibeau was it annuitant? Marc Bibeau was it pandering? Marc Bibeau he was deputy minister, secret agent sleeper agent? Marc Bibeau it produces tax returns? Marc Bibeau was he a minister, priest, imam, rabbi, a terrorist? Marc Bibeau he had a job, a career, a profession, or was it an illusion sustained as a reflection of the liberal party to collect funds occult.
Are there people involved in this network who hold important positions in the current government, ministers, deputy ministers, MPs, directions of people who sit on the committees of some large companies and who receive very large subsidies from governments?

Judge France Charbonneau strangled in libétrapral
Why Charbonneau commission has not distributed any blame in his report 1741 pages after receiving from the traitor serving on its side the commissioner Renaud Lachance, lawyer of the Quebec Liberal Party sent all especially to derail the progress of the process and the report of the Commissioner, Justice France Charbonneau.
Judge France Charbonneau, we saw on the media, on television, the facial reactions when reading the summary of the report, she could not really tell what she wanted to explain and condemn some people and the Liberal party of Quebec. We all knew, listening, expressions, saying that long, she had all sorts of good suggestions skillful political elites, legal, police and other not to name or make this report, a report vacuum, polichinelle to put on the shelves.
The Liberals have attacked the integrity of Judge France Charbonneau and his career. How is it that the Liberal government's past fifteen years remain in power is so corrupt. As we all know, both federal and provincial, in all Canadian provinces, are newcomers that keep the Liberals, corrupt, multicultural, that is to say people who have no Western Culture who vote for these rots.

The massive contribution of immigration, refugees, for the elites, the politicians, is manna from heaven. Muslim terrorists, refugees sent by the United States like Justin Trudeau, mosques multiply, the hoods on the heads of ministers and MPs on Parliament Hill in Ottawa multiply. In Quebec, the National Assembly, press to eliminate anything that binds us with the Quebec old to establish the new order there, the Koran, sharia, the Salafist so dear to our Prime Minister since his return from his land native Saudi Arabia with his family.
Government Couillard fact misappropriation of ideas, unnecessary dross
The report of the Judge Charbonneau, the Quebec Liberals, Jean Charest corrupt, racist Islamist Salafists washabite friends Québécophobes Islamophiles Philippe Couillard hoped for a long time to put on the stage provincial racist assumed by Philippe Couillard could erase, forget all the vicissitudes of his ministers, his corrupt friends with whom he and his associates that revolve like a solar observation.
Why Jean Charest has he waited so long before giving the green light to the creation of a commission of inquiry into the links between the granting of public contracts and illegal financing? Jean Charest he knew he was under investigation by the UPAC? Jean Charest has always been a highly intelligent man.

Jean Charest the first nationalist
Jean Charest  as Premier of Quebec nationalism was at least what the opposite of the worst Philippe Couillard traitor Quebecer who may be in this world. Jean Charest had humor, economic visions, he was a real head of state. When he spoke on television knew arise. It was not a selfie with nothing in the brain, they saw in him a man, even if he may be corrupt, and his corrupt political party, worked for the entire Quebec, which is not the case this Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard, who was separated from his predecessors about it.
Jean Charest as knowing politician played politics for decades in Ottawa and Quebec with the opposition parties and the media. This man of great strategist. What has cast it's Gabriel Nadeau Dubois and what will flow again Philippe Couillard. Jean Charest refused to meet the kings children, giving them the chance to explain the media. It was enough to drop the nuclear bomb of Quebec. Attack students, Prodigies, and leftist intellectuals professors from UQAM, Colleges, and other French institutions primarily to bring down the government by pans of Pauline Marois, the biggest mistake of his political history.
Jean Charest thought that with disorders of students that everything would be forgotten, but no. He must resign and the Charbonneau Commission, SCPI, the officer Jacques Charbonneau, media, tap him on the head constantly. The people demand the truth and that it will as usual ever when it comes to politicians and politics.

Permanent Anti Corruption Unit
Among the investigators UPAC there he has ripoux? Who let it flow information to the media? Did the investigators a free hand as it should or it is rubbish to calm us, the people. Does our righteousness, as always has only one side of the coin as the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. You are minority parties so you automatically win, your religion is not Christian, you're lucky, you have every right to discriminate against all others.
UPAC is it handled? As a private citizen can we trust you when we see that even the Montreal police is infiltrated by the mafia for decades. In many countries, police, justice, judges, ministers, parties are full of corrupt and corruption. Even the Vatican, the Vatican Bank, which is to say that must be pure and without sin, mafia occupied the site since decades.
How can it be certain after you have done all the necessary checks on Jean Charest, Marc Bibeau and other thieves, Liberal ministers, who are the powers they will be judged. After waiting four or five years before moving to a liberal judge and friend of the accused, they will undergo their trial, which cost tens of millions of dollars for over a year until the Supreme Court of Canada.
These politicians wonderful, being mainly lawyers and knowing the laws because it is they who have created laws will almost seventy years and have spent all the money they have worked very hard to hide the fruits of their work and closing safes full of banknotes.

But now the coffers are empty, counsel for the defense have filled the pockets to the maximum during the long years of procedures cons fee is to say, taxpayers, employees earning $ 25 000 or $ 30 000 annually and pay their taxes themselves.
The Liberals heirs
These pretty sparrows, these liberal heirs, became sick, the old, who are asking for help to walk, wash them, feed them. The liberal judge, can not give them exemplary punishment, it's too late. The best he can do is give them a prison to do in their own home until their death.
These wonderful people, these honorable people will receive their pensions from several hundred thousand dollars a year and their deaths flags will be at half-mast, the taxpayers will pay for the coffin, funeral ceremonies, the police to keep the body during the week of exhibition, church fees, traveling dignitaries, and all costs for bereaved families. All for if can $ 200 000 or $ 300 000 and all media, journalists, political elites emphasize the great gestures of wonderful corrupt cost us on land.
In conclusion, if you fly, fly a lot, and a lot of money at a time, tens of millions. O'Hear ye member of the Liberal Party, the Salafist racist extremist Islamic systemic and Allah is in you and Philippe Couillard racist Qur'anic protective Quebec

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