mardi 16 mai 2017

Imam Mamadou Daffé- mentally retarded, the largest mosque Mirail in Toulouse France. They will inaugurate Emmanuel Macron - Justin Trudeau - Angela Merkel - Pope Françis - Philippe Couillard

Imam Mamadou Daffé mentally retarded, the largest mosque Mirail in Toulouse . They will inaugurate Emmanuel Macron - Justin Trudeau - Angela Merkel - Pope Francis and his chick Philippe Couillard Lespinay says Philippe Couillard
Mirail The mosque is scheduled to open by the end of 2017. It will be the greatest place worship in Toulouse, in front of St. Stephen's Cathedral. Visible from the Metro trains in the direction of the Basso-Cambo station in Toulouse, the site of the mosque Mirail coming to an end.

Dominated by a minaret 22 meters high facing Mecca,the sandbox, Saudi Arabia, and has a dome 13 meters in diameter, the district Mirail take a more oriental face at the end of year.
Muslim mosques paid by all French taxpayers who want to kill the French Christians and Jews approved by François Hollande
On a claimed capacity of 4000 people, it will become the religious building that can accommodate the most adherents in Toulouse. This ability would be well above the As-Salam mosque that always starts to Empalot. More significantly, its capacity will be more than two times the St. Stephen's Cathedral, dating back over a thousand years and can hold 1,200 worshipers and four times the Saint-Sernin Basilica, built in the eleventh century, with a capacity of 1000 people.

A second cathedral mosque
According to the figure from the architect of the project, the mosque Mirail will have an area of approximately 3700 m2. Abdellatif Mellouki, vice president of the French Council of the Muslim Faith, has no doubt that the mosque will be full during major Muslim holidays. About 50,000 Toulouse are Muslim. The Toulouse metro and several nearby parking lots will better serve the area.
Is huge but the "cathedral mosque" Mirail alone will not meet the needs according Abdellatif Mellouki, who will wish to visibly increase this type of building. "The location corresponds to a concentration of faithful in the neighborhood of Mirail but elsewhere in Toulouse have not places of worship, there is also a need to close mosques".
The mosque has three levels with three prayer rooms, Arabic classrooms for children, a conference room, a library, offices, a kitchen, toilets and rooms for ablutions.
The project estimated at four million euros "is funded entirely by donations from the faithful," says the ACCIF (Islamic worship and Cultural Association in France) at the origin of this gigantic project. About 170 000 are still to be harvested, may be read on the website of the association.

The architect of the mosque, Mustapha Seghir, is also the one who is responsible for the expansion of the mosque of Auch (Gers).
Video on the progress of the mosque of Mirail, tour a year ago.
Jean-Luc Moudenc, mayor of Toulouse
Quote of the mayor of Toulouse "The Situation experienced so far in the Toulouse neighborhood was likely to promote an Islam of cellars,some anti-French speech in favor of a fundamentalist discourse. it is better to real places of worship, in the hands of moderate imams and respectful of our country. it is the integration and normality. it is a means to fight against the fundamentalist trends affecting Islam. " Jean-Luc Moudenc - UMP mayor of Toulouse 2004-2008
May God curse the Jews and kill all Christians and the French, the imam preaches Mamadou Daffé, imam of the mosque future Mirail authorized by the Government of France
Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, with over 440 000 inhabitants, is the fourth most populated town in France, the city, famous among other things for its student activity houses the Basso-Cambo area, Bellefontaine, a district southwest of Toulouse, whose population has a very high proportion of Muslim immigrants.
Since June 2005, the municipality of Toulouse has provided prefabricated Algeco Muslims and a large tent that serve as their Mosque, under the aegis of their Imam Mamadou Daffé mentally retarded, with its weak air extremist Islamist as JUDGE Fabienne Siredey Garnier Paris from 17th to Paris leaves his hate speech spread through France without any barrier because he is a Muslim, he has the right holes, he folds in half to show we are later.

Delayed mental Imams
Since the date of the actual installation of the prefabricated in the parking lot of Basso-Cambo, Muslims, terrorists illegally requisitioned future with the permissions of the municipality who is kneeling an additional part of the car park to be of sacrilege against Christians and Jews in French open air every Friday by approving the new French president Emmanuel Macron,Salafi, Wahhabi serving barbarians of Saudi Arabia.
They even set up barriers around the area in order to deny entry to non-Muslims, barriers that cut a path in the parking lot of the Giant hypermarket Discount, and thus prevent the movement of vehicles. The mayor of Toulouse, managed at the time by the UMP mayor Jean-Luc Moudenc (until 2008) is at no time intervened to stop this illegal occupation of public property and disrupting public order, are repeated week after week.
Some excerpts from sermons Mamadou Daffé, imam of the Mosque of Mirail in Toulouse
For Imam Mamadou Daffé, Muslims should stay away and reject everything that is not Islamic, they live in a country that "lies about God "surrounded by Jews and Christians who are cursed beings, for not believing in Allah.
Christians are despicable because they profess lies and insult God. Mamadou Daffé forbidden to celebrate Christmas because this festival Muslims away from the path of truth and leads to Hell. It calls on Muslims to "not be part of them," dissociate liars, Christians and Jews.
You can listen to all the other sermons of the imam online on the site, and you find that they are likely to be well oriented in intolerance against Jews and Christians. What climate this can create, over the weeks, within the Muslim community came to hear the word of the religion of "Peace and Tolerance"?

Justin Trudeau Prime Minister
Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, after congratulating the new president of France, was asked to be a guest of honor at the opening of the Toulouse Mirail to build mosque similar mosque in Ottawa, Ontario.  
The Quebec government also wants to participate in the empowerment of our Muslim brothers in Quebec and Canada so they can formally the Koran and Sharia in all provinces.
Our negotiator on this will be the Imam Hamza Chaoui, of Montreal, who professes the same successful ignominy who wants to destroy all Jews and Christians which we as a government in complete agreement. Moreover, its holiness, Imam Hamza Chaoui, considers that democracies like Canada or Quebec must be abolished, and we as a government believe, Islamist religious diets are great for our country.

Great Mosque of Mirail teaches to kill Jews and Christians
What lessons will be provided to children in Koranic classes of the future Grand Mosque Mirail? Does he go in the direction of the Brotherhood of values of respect between the different communities? Or conversely, can it foster a community withdrawal and make it more difficult to integrate Muslim populations Toulouse?
Even lead to extreme situations of isolation and withdrawal, rejection of the other, as the indoctrination of Mohamed Merah, the killer of three Jewish children, a rabbi and three French soldiers, who had regularly listen to Mamadou imam in the mosque.
Emmanuel Macron terrorist Salafist and mentor of the Muslim Brotherhood in France and approves these murder of
Jews,however, is the case of Mohamed Saou an isolated case in the movement of Emmanuel Macron? This candidate at the Elysee would it be, or not, "in the hands of the Islamists"? Is it the preferred candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood? Aside from anecdotal reported presence of Islamist Soufiane Iquioussen in a meeting"of Marche!" Bouchain In the North, while he argued Benoît Hamon, in what follows, other troubling cases will be revealed.

Town of Oignies in the Pas-de-Calais, in Bordeaux in south-west to Mulhouse in the east, via Paris, of Emmanuel Macron supporters, Islamist (or unconscious service the conquering Islam) are called: Noureddine Aoussat Rachid El Kheng, Yanis Khalifa Yaman Mahfoud, and the best for last, some Fatima Jenn and its mainstays: Anwar Aziz Senni and Sassi.
Islamist Cap on legislative, thank you to the French for fools
Moreover, other names could even benefit from the inauguration of "Walk On!" To the legislative. Difficult to vérificatif round of 577 constituencies. Especially Emmanuel Macron has not yet revealed the full list of candidates, as promised. To date, unless I am mistaken, only 14 of 577 names were unveiled.
Moreover, according to a recent article in Le Figaro, "investitures would not necessarily be made public next week." They can hope to be, even partially, in the case of "400 to 450 candidates" already selected. Emmanuel Macron unveil it this list before the second round of the presidential order to remove any reasonable suspicion? Hopefully. Because it is also a major issue which urgently allow lighting to everyone, vote enlightened, or abstain, Sunday, May 7
When will the next terrorist attacks and how to kill and injure, but not just whining because you welcomed the religion of the devil, Satan, Islam, the Koran, sharia, veiled, with the devils in France for eternity and the end of your civilization. Allah is great with Emmanuel Macron and Queen of Angela Merkel Europe.
Mamadou moron reference Daffé:

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