mardi 9 mai 2017

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - The balls leading us - Immigrants invading us

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - The balls who lead us - Immigrants who invade us
Crises of citizens, taxpayers who pay their taxes and taxes for decades, this population ignored by our elites, the people earning wages or minimum of $ 30 000 or $ 40 000 per year with a family.  

And our dear politicians, our pledged property who live on their gilded towers housed on sunny clouds, often corrupt parties, over this land that force us to accept immigrants as political elites want to have for their own political party in order to reap the maximum votes in the polls.
Our political elites, our policies are totally care about the human beings imported in our country. For the politician, the immigrant is an object that in a basket and can play endlessly with him throughout his life.  
Knowing that these immigrants will be placed in ghettos,make associations, lobbying with several departments political party in power at all levels of government, the National Assembly to the City councils in the Universities, Hospitals, directions of all organizations, the media, etc.
After several decades with the increase in births of immigrants, they will always be near the real power and will claim all the accommodations necessary for their growth against the native population that incumbent governments will do anything to please them by destroying their own firm to make room.
And to lie to their own people as do Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard with its consultation on its systemic racist with his accommodations unreasonable Wahhabis and Ottawa with Iqra Khalid terrorist Mississauga, Ontario, the Salafist Islamist capital of Ontario Hamas Mecca where she created the motion Islamophilia motion M-103, the maximum populist
Knowing that these elites, intellectuals, anarchists, teachers, student associations at UQAM, the university's, feminist backward and veiled as Françoise David, Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, Agnès Gruda, Luc Bertrand Islamist Extremism terrorist CBC journalist, StéphaneGendron,this politician, a radio and television host. It was the mayor of Huntingdon, man discussed and highly questionable considering its Muslim shares being greatly awkward wanting there to Mecca in Quebec with all the Mosques.
This man of great value, is not able to think as a being with a future perspective of the actions only of populism. This man thinks only as a politician but not as qu'amènent problems and generate Muslim immigrants in a region. Of all the immigrant Muslims, Shiites, all with hoods on their heads, creating the world gigantic disorders in Western countries because they CAN NOT INTEGRATE.  And you have to have eyes open all the media we are sending fact every second of newspapers, television, internet.
You can accept immigrants certainly, but not immigration with religion, religious destroying and want to destroy us as they profess openly everywhere. So our politicians, our Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Denis Coderre,Stéphane Gendron, Régis Labeaume, leave us, the taxpayers, immigrants are left to themselves without any assistance, not even knowing the language and customs with ordinary citizens to make a new life.
Immigrants and ordinary citizens are shock traumatic and compressible
"Of course I'm a racist, he says candidly. I, strangers, I live with, unlike you! Three quarters of the planet are in trouble, so they all try to move to where it's less crap, that is to say here. It must be someone to mug for them instead and spinning them to eat.
Justin Trudeau,the Islamic Salafi, mentor of the Muslim Brotherhood in Ottawa and Philippe Couillard friend Salafist Arabic Koranic Barbarians have skipped on opportunities to accommodate the hundreds of thousands of refugees Syrians including many Islamic terrorists and imams who preach antisémitistes of extremist discourse and christianismus impunity in mosques and the media.  
The sky fell windfall for the liberal parties of Canada doing the business of Islamic States, Saudi Arabia, the land of barbarians and emirs of the Gulf in their crusades of the West with the purchase of our politicians in America and Europe Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel,etc.
"However, until now, those who have packed for them instead, it is the workers, taxpayers, employees low. The middle class is obliged to accept these new children, students, immigrants especially Muslims, Salafi Islamists with preconceived ideas of their parents Koran can not be integrated into normal schools with other students.
Visions of Islamic parents can conceive Western freedoms and wars accommodation are begun with directions, students, school boards, population, religious, politicians, and populist. We politicians, elites, intellectuals, remain in well-off neighborhoods, and good immigrants, wealthy immigrants, who sell their own colleagues remain close to us, the elite.
Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau thinks only to patrons who are happy to pay cheaper immigrants! They will be taxi drivers. It is the poor who live in neighborhoods that are the first victims of the failures of the integration policy! And mass migration, it is not they who live with the consequences of these social phenomena.
The elites, politicians or not are completely disconnected from the population and completely abandoned their governments, laws, organizations, the same services that immigrants have become the food to be served to politicians. The poor and the middle class are increasingly allow for cons.  
Elite, rich, politicians, doctors, CEOs, middle class, the poor have their problems
Many poor know they are for a reason. They accept their lot because they know they deserve it.
The rich elites, politicians, doctors, CEOs, for their part, feel no embarrassed and guilty about their wealth, especially when they have not won themselves as Justin Trudeau who have never worked a single day during his life.
Many of these millionaires are pressed to find tax lawyers not to pay any taxes in the country and enjoy all the services that the poor can have. That's why they are so eager to get rid of in the spending, giving to charity, taxes or investments. Other wealthy fear that their gross inequalities make it difficult to maintain their status and wealth.
These are the most cunning Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg. They are so rich that they are no longer close to a billion. But distributing this money has little value to them, they gain status. In other words, by giving, they still accumulate more status and power, knowing that they will be new to other new billion. It's vaudeville, these are good actors.
Inequalities are increasing. Even in purely material terms, inequality may be difficult to erase. It's not the fact that some win and some lose that bothers people.  
Wealth is not the real problem It's not the fact that some win and some lose that bothers people. This is not the winner of the lotto or hard worker who the losers want. This is the schemer, swindler and cheat who brought them out of their hinges. They have nothing against the winners and they do not care about losing. But nobody likes when the game is rigged unless you have loaded the dice himself.
Cheating came oligarchs who control the governments, our corrupt liberal, Jean Charest, Philippe Couillard and their major sectors. Bad luck is well known and widely understood and accepted. It's cheating that makes us stumble and is still a mystery to most people. To understand, you need to integrate a neologism that we have just invented: the poligarques. You see, in our modern democracy, it takes two to dance.
There the elite, which controls the system and harvest most of the benefits. But we also need masses of poor people dependent, who let themselves be blinded by empty slogans whose votes can be bought cheaply. That's why we have food stamps and unemployment and bailouts and wars against terror. It is also for this reason that we have such an interest in the "inequalities".
The poligarques do not want to bother to think too much about who rigged the system or how. But perhaps can we gather that they oppose the "inequalities" and vote for the clowns who propose to do something.
Clowns, elites, millionaires who lead us, flying us never think a small taxpayers

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