mercredi 17 mai 2017

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Adil Charkaoui - Emmanuel Macron - Angela Merkel - Muslims pray 17 times a day PRAYERS hateful CRIMINAL ANTI CHRISTIAN AND JEWISH

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Adil Charkaoui - Emmanuel Macron - Angela Merkel - Muslims pray 17 times a day PRAYERS hateful CRIMINAL ANTI CHRISTIAN AND JEWISH
ISLAM The religion of hatred

Philippe Muslim Islamic Couillard Salafist systemic racism
Seventeen (17) once daily in the Muslim repeat this prayer, below, these crazy are these brainwashing authorized by our governments, our judges, our rights states these criminals, the terrorists who spread religious hatred throughout our civilization the burning minds of our youth and perverting our Western civilization by barbarismMuslimSalafist Wahhabi Charianique diabolical mental back.

Here deadly hateful prayers of Allah in mosques and schools!
"Guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom You have bestowed, not the path of those incurring the wrath (the Jews), nor the way astray (Christians). How can he live in peace after this? "... If Jews and Christians praise the Lord in their prayer, Muslims tirelessly repeat racist and antisemitic prayers.
Justin Trudeau appreciate their piety. They always pray before starting the meal. This is a good sign of respect and friendliness and the wife of the Prime Minister eat with other Muslim veiled in the trough for pigs on the second floor sitting on the floor!
Non-Muslims, and those who do not understand Arabic, must examine the content of the prayers that Muslims recite in that language, to see if it is actually purely religious prayers or curses anti semitic overtones,and anti-Christian Hate.
It is time for the content of this prayer every Muslim recites seventeen times at least a day in Arabic, is unveiled. This is al-Fatiha or opening, first surah of the Koran.
In this pseudo-prayer, the Muslim begs his god Allah, called merciful, merciful, which is totally false because Allah is a criminal, a vengeful God:
"Show us the straight path, that of those you . hast bestowed favors, not of those who incurred your anger nor of those who went astray
"the circumlocution," those who have incurred your wrath, "is from Surah 2, verse 61, which says" they, the Jews were struck with humiliation and poverty. They have incurred Allah's wrath for refusing to believe his signs and unjustly killing the prophets. Such were the consequences of their transgression and disobedience says."
"And the second circumlocution," Those who are led astray, "is taken from Sura 4, verse 44, which

Do not you see how those Christians THE WESTERN, OUR Democracies,  HUMANS, MEN AND WOMEN ARE EQUAL, HUMAN COUNTRY, NOT STOLEN,who received a portion of Scripture, have gone astray and wish you go astray your turn to track.
"This is unique supplication that Muslims ask Allah in their prayer. They ask him to keep them away from the path of the Jews and the Christians WHAT Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Emmanuel Macron Angela Merkel are totally in agreement.
All prayer should, indeed, be a respectful petition to God in the form of praise, thanksgiving and supplication. Nothing warms the heart when someone says, "We pray for you. "The Judeo-Christian prayers are only spontaneous expressions emanating from the heart of the one who utters them.
Justin Trudeau and Friday
prayers,however, Muslim prayers after seventeen well developed rites. The complete cycle of prayer is called "raq'a" genuflection and includes an inclination, a kneeling up and reciting certain phrases and statements in a specified sequence. These prayers are repeated five times a day and each prayer includes multiple genuflections. In the dawn prayer we find a place for a spontaneous plea, while in the other prayers were to be held to strict formulas.
As for the Friday prayer at the mosque, it is even more offensive and shocking against Jews and Christians, because it requires not only two recitations of Surah Al-Fatihah, but also of Sura 62 "the Friday" and Sura 63, "the Hypocrites".
Sura 62 specifically condemns the one hand, the pagans living "by mistake", and secondly, Jews Assimilated to "donkeys bending under the weight of books and who reject the Signs of Allah" (62.5). As for Sura 63, it condemns "the hypocrisy", that is to say those who have renounced their Muslim faith. "It is those worst enemies. Beware of them! Allah's curse those hypocrites ... "(63.4)

The Friday prayer is always accompanied by an almost classic sermon in all mosques. The preachers are spewing their anger against Jews and non-Muslims and seek help from their god Allah.
Systemic racism and hate speech Philippe Couillard in mosques
preachers concluded his sermon by the following litany and the mass of the faithful responds after each petition by an "Amen": 17 times per day
"O Allah! Grant us victory over the Jews, who are your enemies but the enemies of our religion! (Amen)
O Allah! Will destroy the disbelievers, polytheists and enemies of Islam! (Amen)
O Allah! Scatters their nation! (Amen)
O Allah! Disperse the troops! (Amen)
O Allah! Destroy their buildings! (Amen)
O Allah! Have destroyed their harvest! (Amen)
O Allah! Makes orphaned children! (Amen)
O Allah! Making widows their wives! (Amen)
O Allah! Break down their property and wealth as booty in the hands of the Muslims! (Amen)
"Montreal:an imam called the murder of Jews citing a hadith," O Muslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew who is behind me, come and kill him
'MohammedBen Moussa Al-Nasr a humanitarian waste March 24, 2017
Montreal: the mosque Dar al-Arqam, Jordanian Sheikh Mohammed Ben Moushis Al-Nasr, a humanitarian waste, had been invited by the mosque, but his sermon skidded. This barbaric heinous terrorist murderer Imam called the murder of Jews citing a hadith, "O Muslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew who is behind you, come and kill him."
A Montreal mosque has been the subject of a complaint by the authorities following the discovery of a video in which a Jordanian cleric calls openly to kill Jews.
The mosque Dar al-Arqam, located in the Saint-Michel district of Montreal, is found for several days in the heart of a controversy. A video posted on the YouTube account of the religious establishment, shows an imam called for the murder of Jews in the sermon.

At one point, the imam gave a sentence that is part of a hadith [a collection that includes all the traditions relating to the acts and sayings of the Prophet Mohammed] to the Jews: "O Muslim, O servant of Allah, there is a Jew who is behind me, come and kill  "him.
"Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew who is behind me, come and kill him 'word of the prophet mentioned in the hadith.
Having taken note of the video, the Canadian branch of the Jewish organization B'nai Brith of immediately complained. The head of the organization, Harvey Levine finds it unacceptable that a mosque can freely invite a preacher holding about who "incite violence and radicalization."
Facing scandal, president of the Muslim Council of Montreal Salam Elmenyawi has insisted that the mosque in question did not belong to the council, which represents nearly 40 mosques. It has also demanded that the mosque Dar Al-Arqam apologize.
A hadith with menstruellement Charmanique controversial in the heart of the controversy disorders,
Imam Ziad Asali  who heads an Islamic charity, told the CBC Montreal media that he did not understand how such a radical preacher had been invited into a mosque Montreal.

"These people spread hatred not only towards other communities, but also to the Muslim community", was he angry.
Asked about the famous hadith to Jews, Imam Ziad Asali said that the tradition of the oral transmission of the words of the prophet was based "on over 100,000 hadith contained in countless books, some are authentic, of others no. "
In all cases, "use the word of the prophet to spread hatred is an insult to the prophet himself," he said.
Islam, an issue increasingly sensitive in Canada and that citizens would get rid of them and evil.
For several months now, the question of Islam turmoil Canada that prides itself on being a multicultural society without culture because Islam is certainly not a culture of death, in which each religion and opinion religious is respected and where the followers of different faiths coexist peacefully. there-there-was-a-Jew-who-stands-behind-me-come-and-kill him / and-Semitism-in-the-prayer-Muslim /

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