mercredi 24 mai 2017

Anne Hidalgo Mayor of Paris Pro Islamist - Women banned in the streets, this is what happens when you let in the Salafist Muslim shit that can not be integrated in a country

Anne Hidalgo Mayor of Paris - Women prohibited in street, that's what happens when you leave enter non-integrable Salafist Muslim shit in a country
Women prohibited on the sidewalks of Paris because Muslims rape
An article in Le Parisien dated May 18, 2017 threw a bombshell: the fate of banned women living on the streets of La Chapelle neighborhood Pajol, east of Paris has since spilled much ink, so that the mayor of the capital Anne Hidalgo said the problem was known for his services for several months and that it would remedy closely with the Police Department.

Silent reaction of Anne Hidalgo on Twitter
At issue: the aggressive attitude towards women of individuals BARBARIC MUSLIMS Salafists took possession of the area and presented as "dealers" or other "vendors" and that for over a year, forcing the last to desert the public highway.
Many testimonies from women of the neighborhood came to support the situation, some claiming not dare to open their windows. Several have come together in collective and hear denounce their ordeal so that the State take responsibility and gives them another opportunity to move freely.
If the media sphere has focused on this area of Paris, it is just one illustration among many of what is happening in France today: control of public spaces by a category of the population over women who are supposed yet there have the same freedoms as everyone else, evident especially curious to recall that it echoes the practices which France has no memory.

Islam decadence of humanity
This misogyny street had yet been denounced as part of a report broadcast on France 2 Wednesday, December 7, 2016, when the case of excluded women from public places in Sevran and Lyon suburbs had raised considerable controversy. It was not yet two other examples of what have become some neighborhoods in France: a transposition of what is going on "back home".
Especially do not see any link between these practices and immigration, are only "incivilities" associated with a "lack of information" that can in no way be incompatible with crops. It should probably explain to these men extra European origin that women in France have a place that is not located between the pet and the man, but on par with it. As much as playing chess with a chimpanzee, Emmanuel Macron.
You will understand, the problem is that we welcome to our territory (when I say "we" are not the French as a whole who are not asked their opinion), individuals do not share our values, do not respect our culture, and we impose lifestyles that are found mainly after crossing the Mediterranean.

Muslim barbarians control the Elites and the French rulers with the checkbooks of Emirs
We will not solve the problem without having reaffirmed the foundation of the values we are supposed to share to impose at all, leaving it to those who do not accept to live elsewhere, our borders are obviously wide open in both directions.
This does not entirely sure solve the plight of women in some areas, but give them one more chance to be free daily their relegation to second place in the public space, which was known to recall the Paris City Hall for several weeks without any reaction.
Those who still naively call to "live together" and sing the chorus of "no confusion" in the name of multiculturalism WHICH MEANS THE DESTRUCTION OF ENTIRE FRENCH CULTUREEMMANUEL MACRON AND CLICKSalafist MUSLIM  TOELYSÉE veryiomphant necessarily live away from those places where the laws of the Republic no longer apply, and where the point of no return has been reached long ago.
Welcome the strength of these women in the neighborhood La Chapelle Pajol,which adds to the anger of outraged citizens who for many of them could end up taking things in hand if the state continues to let the situation deteriorate, with the complacency of some elected for that patronage has always prevailed over the public interest, as evidenced by the policy of Anne Hidalgo.
The Mayor of Paris blinded by votes Salafist Islamists as Elizabeth Recker Mayor of Cologne in Germany, which approved the rape of young girls by refugees, Muslim  are you like her, approved the viols by Muslims on your own French?
Three gross errors in this simple little phrase designed to meet the representatives of Muslims in France, she received with great ceremony at City Hall.

Ramadan is not a party, it's a stomach cleaning
the contrary, it is a painful examination set by the Prophet to his believers to test their fidelity: total fasting, abstinence and study the Koran all day (the failures are very severely punished, until the death penalty). This is not a party. The party follows at the end of Ramadan because, precisely, it's a party it is finally completed, it is then the Eid festival and this can even last up to three days.
Ramadan has never, does not and will never be part of the "French cultural heritage".That it's dumb to say this, denigrated his own nation, their own culture! Islam is certainly a culture is the maximum of the ignorance, the indecency of humanity
Ms. Hidalgo imagine she for one second that the occupation of southern France, with its looting , its raids, payments of ransom, his systematic exploitation for the benefit of the caliphate, his slavery (sexual for women and economic for young men who were castrated in order to not "fornicate" nor reproduce), etc., allow a day to put this bad period to the cultural heritage of our country?

Napoleon Bonaparte In politics the STUPIDITY POLITICIANS is not a handicap
"Celebrating Ramadan does not undermine secularism"? Indeed, the faithful Muslims practice Ramadan does nothing counteracts secularism, like the Jews and Christians who celebrate their religious holidays. But when the practice of the Muslim religion obliges us to suffer against our will, it counteracts secularism.
- When you do not want women to be treated by male doctors.
- When it requires special zones in swimming pools or gyms.
- When it requires "halal" menus in the canteens of kindergartens and schools.
- When the door "sail" for the sole purpose of causing precisely secular laws.
- When asked which is offered churches to make mosques.
- When we renamed the Christian holidays and the deletion of the word "holy" on the broadcast media and we also like to delete the names of our towns, etc.
One day can you remove all the "Saints" to please the shit you left entry on French soil because no person purporting can say that this political barbaric medieval religion in a human sense except petrodollars give you your campaign funds. This religion like many other religions, but especially Islam is the most execrable of religions on earth.

Women slaves for men
What do you think of having religious like this: A Muslim cleric residing in Europe ruled that women should stay away from bananas and cucumbers, to prevent "sexual thoughts. "in Saudi Arabia, your wonderful Salafists infecting your capital and the whole of Europe, the Saudi religious leader Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullah Al ash- have signed a fatwa permitting husbands to eat body parts of their women famine if this allowed to save their lives.
Well yes dear, today I'm going to eat you tomorrow the left and the right leg. We ask the President of the Republic a special law for Islamist granting them the ability to dissect their wives need and everything will be inserted into the French Constitution and approved by judges District Court of the 17th district

The Qur'an requires from you Madame Anne Hidalgo, because you are a non human being
Or you when you you go home at night your husband Jean-Marc Germain tells you this:

In the Koran and soon to the City of Paris, "I, your husband, Jean-Marc Germain,I have authority over you my wife."

"Anne Hidalgo it out from her home by the permission of his Muharram, her husband, Jean-Marc Germain."

"Let her know, Madame Anne Hidalgo,the Mayor of Paris, the angels curse her curse all night if she refuses her husband for no good reason"
France is on their stomach crying before the Nazis and again as rags to Muslims Madam Mayor of Paris who does not protect his women against foreign religious occupation of Edward Philip Muslim brothers
the France she will even ban the word "saint" before some religious name, city , perhaps Tropez, Raphael or Etienne! All this frustrates secularism because it is community requirements of a religion.

So, Madam Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, if your culture is not up to your political ambitions, enjoy the next period of Ramadan, not to study the Koran but to educate you about the "values of the Republic "alas, you represent.
And remember that Andalusia, where you were born, suffered seven centuries of occupation by the Moors during which tens of thousands of your former compatriots sacrificed their lives to free himself and others, delivered to slavery, have been deprived of life liberty.
Anne Hildalgo, the Mayor of Paris

Madame Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris
The Koran tells us to kill all the Christians,
the Quran tells us kill Jews
You must kill all infidels, Westerners,
Americans, Israelis, French, British, Russians ...
You should treat women like wild animals
You have to sacrifice your life for Allah
You should question what I say
You should never think intelligently
Wake up Madam Mayor of Paris who like all elites eyes closed
We, Emmanuel Macron, Édouard Philippe, Alain Juppé, destroy France, and the French, by any means necessary, the people without culture, without any ideology which wind coming first.

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