lundi 2 octobre 2017

All Religions Despise Women, Burqas, Sails and Kill the Evolution of Humanity - Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Louise Cordeau - Samira Laouni the Racist - Emmanuel Macron - Angela Merkel - Theresa May - Pope Francis - Hillary Clinton

All religions despise women,burqas, Sails Kill and the Evolution of Humanity
Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Louise Cordeau - Samira Laouni racist - Emmanuel Macron - Angela Merkel - Theresa May - Pope Francis - Hillary Clinton, etc.

Islam, the baseness of all mentally cruel monstrous religions on the planet, the Salafis, the Muslim, the Koran, sharia, the veil, the slave
Racist Islamophiles Muslims, and many other religions are not integrated in our democracies Western democrats which our elites blind eye to accommodate the maximum votes.  See our WHORES sell us.
The mentally retarded religions with their toilet paper rolls on their heads are not integrated with the Western democracies
Devilish symbols, satanic,  infidels segregationist - apartheids - Aryan religion,Burqa, Niqab, Hijab,the burkinis the sails the barbarians of all religions
Islam, Quran, manual sealed, the Salafists make veiled mentally unbalanced
these men, I can not say that these are males who require women to dress as garbage bags to hide, because they can not control their penis and sperm.Those damn pigs from the Koranic prophet attacking everything that had a hole in front of any age is certainly not a reference supposedly religious and moral.
Being in need of spirituality and copied almost word for word in the Hebrew religion, he has a handle with verb dunce population to enroll maximum perversity that all other religions never imagined swallowing the key there.

Theresa May wear the veil
ago went to tell them how to defecate under the rules of Allah. I think he spoke to Allah, but he had to be in the vapors as the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau when taking marijuana and he attended exclusively mosques. These places are definitely him at his level to sit floor, and launch his veiled wife on the branches at the second level looking at their sweet males make here below as another religion mentioned above.
You do not eat pork, not pig, but this condition is you toward the other religion that the prophet completely copied to the religion of the Jews.  Mohamed was copying the Torah, is that true?
According to gossip in the mosques of Ontario,no one had communicated or published in the media in Saudi Arabia.
Specifically, you Islamists, Salafists, your ancestors, cousins were also Jewish 90%, is the main extremist reason you eat Halal or Kosher,it's all the same, circumcision, female circumcision, sails for women, etc. How does what you want to kill your fellow man?
Several religions of this world produces only mental patients, mainly Islam by imams Mehdi Nader Abou Anas Kabir and in their conferences.

Are the religions anti women?
The Qur'an clearly says that Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada during a CBC interview State network agrees one hundred percent when he talks about his wife, he considers his good all to being only half the value of a man.
That men are superior and women inferior. We can not give a positive interpretation of such statements! To be free, Muslim have no choice but to get rid of religion and the patriarchal system.
A society based on equality and justice requires a clear separation of religion and state. Education, the state and the political system must be secular. Religion is a matter of individual belief and personal freedom.
Contempt for women in the Bible
Contempt of women is not limited to the hierarchical relationship that binds him to her husband, but extends to his intellectual abilities (1 Cor 14: 34-35) Let your women keep silence in the assemblies; it is not permitted unto them to speak, they must comply as required by law. If they want an explanation of some particular point, let them ask their husbands at home, because it is not proper for a woman to speak in the church. "Once again, the Bible demonstrates remarkable clarity.

the Torah contempt of women
How is it that in many other religions, women do not communicate with other males than their husbands, stay at home, that male officers should not touch these women, that only the police can touch them. and that male police officers can talk to the males of this religion and other religions with toilet paper on her head.
You know that many religions require men and women to wear paper toilet on the head and you the surveyors in the House of Commons in Ottawa, multicultural Liberal Justin Trudeau.These religious mentally ill, not representative of the Canadian people invade our territory e and threaten our Western democracy.
When our governments allow religions or religious died in place of the human rational concepts, you reap the discords and governments declare war on us all native citizens.
Compulsory integration
How many times doctors, hospitals must comply with the requirements of patients who want to be treated by a male or a female, according to their religion. I would say to the patient, you do not like my practice being my doctor about sex, the door is there, and you will not be neat, no Halal food, accommodation is the door.

Also in hospitals eliminate blood banks for Jews, for Muslims, the sperm for Jews, Muslims, and other religions, the mentally retarded,Witnesses Jehovah's receive transfusions of blood, even some Christians are morons.
There is no reason our government places on veiled the right to wear the veil when taking photos for identity cards for government. Religions are not superior to the secular laws of the government appointed democratically.  
I believe that religions and religious are not democratically appointed in the West.  These are only usurpers democracies who only want power and money.
Fools the media world, potato sacks, two legs, two feet, without head, feet are in the burqa!
These bearded, full of lice, with large rear, short pants, where the testicles fall on the seat of the bus and their veiled wives, I apologize to them dressed trash bag from head to foot at 35 Chappy as an imam swinging his messy balls in paradise Halal Allah,with his nose pinched asshole shows her ring hand with his crotch as his religious superiority whose head is buried towards Mecca.
Our systemic racialized leftist media sold under the Islamists prefer defending the burqa, the bags of garbage in two legs, without brains, which seeks an outpatient head, ostensibly Mohammedan and totalitarianism it represents rather than hearing the resentment caused by the creeping Islamization of Western societies whose way of life is irreparably incompatible with Islam by Imam Hamza Chaoui who has declared war to the mayor of Montreal.

Angela Merkel wears the veil
in France, Germany, Great Britain, Canada, Quebec, the United States, all over the West, this shameful disease, regenerative, religious venereal  whereIslam barbarian Salafistwith provocative proselytism , intolerant and racist, his Islamophobia created specifically by the imams.
Salafi Islamist extremists who feed the French political elite in French Parliament and the Elysee happen us French true Christians.
True French strains of Catholics who have not betrayed their own ancestors, their great French writers, French and universal unique culture for political purposes against their patriotism.
Where according to a recent survey alarming Islamists, Salafists, extremist members non integratable religious communities do not want to identify themselves as nationalist and integrate the country first, now they identify with their religion, they take all secular and monetary benefits of the host countries, and secondly they are trying to destroy it to build their country.  

That in Canada we call multiculturalism to Justin Trudeau,a country that was betrayed by Pierre Elliott Trudeau,a country that has disappeared to make way for a country not without culture, without soul, without identity.
This ad tomorrow's disillusioned and a horizon that veil. The great DARKNESS moved to Europe and the West. For the French in seeing, increasingly, burqas every street corner, in trains or buses, garbage bags that walking on the streets, in alleys, or near trees.
Shame on the Western politicians, hide your wives

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