dimanche 1 octobre 2017



POLITICIANS crooked, LEECHES, SALE - Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Denis Coderre - Stéphanie Vallée - Kathleen Weil, and all the political elites of the provinces and countries such as France, Germany, Great Britain, Canada who sacrificed , stoned their ancestors and their cultural values and please leave multiculturalism brings the destruction of all civilized countries.  
The country was under religious dominations are usually reactionary, nazistes, dehumanizing, barbaric, segregation, gender sex is nonexistent, as required by the Status of Women of Quebec and the Prime Minister of Canada, encouraged by Justin Trudeau the propagation during his speeches in mosques with religious lobbies extremists who follow diligently the Ottawa Salafist.

Here Assassins of our Western culture, Our Politicians from their POLIT OFFICE, WHICH rewriting history OUR COUNTRY FOR TAMPER insidious HISTORY OF THE COUNTRY FOR UP Y falsehoods REMOVED AND TRUTHS TO HISTORICAL plary Salafi Islamists AS CURRENTLY MADE IN FRANCE.
Brainwashing new storybooks of France by the Minister NAJAT VALLAUD BELKACEM - Marcoccaine, Muslim, salfiste, terrorist fundamentalist well, promoting the Koran and the Sharia.  
Whether you the French, the most educated people, and intellectual world, which continues to speak and reflect. And the minister NAJAT VALLAUD BELKACEM - Marcoccaine, Muslim, salfiste slyly with the agreements of the President of the Republic, François Hollande, thee Salafist Muslim pro without any backbone,you have entubés.

Criminal manipulations, poisoners of our political elites
As Quebecers, the Honorable Prime Minister Philippe Couillard, the Islamist hate systemic racism in the National Assembly of Quebec, which it shames us all of us, Francophone Quebecers strain with new storybooks to enshrine falsehoods and take the good and bad historical truths.
Almost complete silence about the 17 million black slaves sold by Arab merchants, for 13 centuries without having seen dawning of abolitionist movements as there was in the West, including many girls used for sexual, like the Salafist rEFUGEES MUSLIMS iN EUROPE TODAY THAT VIOLATE GIRLS AND BOYS AND GOVERNMENTS AND JUSTICE SHUT EYES, see the example Mr. Nabil Mhiri Mr. pajamas in Amiens, to annoy the young women go through there when the judge fornicators.
The pro Islamist Politicians manipulate history to collect more money from the Gulf Emirs
History can not be changed at the discretion of ministers and religions, history is sacred, it is the DNA of a civilization, it must be taught as it is good or bad, and young people will know the truth and will be able to make informed judgment and not manipulated by NAJAT VALLAUD BELKACEM.

Or the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau with his frivolities about Canadian stories and Quebec women he does not even know the sock to his feet as it is multicultural, namely it has no culture except to take his picture.
All France manipulated by lobbies evil Muslims
In France, the historian Barbara Lefebvre comes to examine the new history textbooks at the secondary level approved by the Ministry of Education, in particular the presentation of Muslim civilization.
His verdict: the historical truth gives way to an apologetic cocktail and bleached falsehoods, half-lies, approximations and omissions, always not to offend the sensibilities, pro Quran pro Sharia, anti Truth, Christian anti, anti-French, as 'required by the Minister and after you emphasize that "you are Charlie Hebdo, my eye" hypocrites.
Manipulation by the Ministry of Education of France
manuals, notes Lefebvre, often rely on non-critical Muslim sources. Scientific discoveries in medieval Arab civilization are used, she said, to promote the image of advanced light and Islam. We at length on what the Arabs brought to the West, but very little about what the West has brought the Arabs.

Distortion of historical truth because Muslims, Salafi Islamists have never done anything valid for all ages, except causing murder, rape, death.
No more tolerance towards Muslims,Islamists, we need to STAND UP and give them their own currencies from their Qur'anic cursed parts charianiques evil
Intolerant Muslims Islamists, leftists that protect, Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Kathleen Weil, Denis Coderre, radio-Canada's propagandists, Sale media, imams, ministers visiting mosques, become tolerant once defeated their lies against the native population
Hijab, Niqab, Burka, Jilbab, Chador, burkinis, veils for women only, receiving semen, the ovulatrices barbarians
Manuel Valls, Prime Minister of France, said the Salafism forestay does "winning the battle" of Islam in France.

Pierre Vermeren, Normale and professor of history,is a professor of history expert contemporary Maghreb at the University of Paris-I Panthéon-Sorbonne and member of IMAF laboratory (Institute of African worlds). He lived in Morocco, Egypt and Tunisia. His latest book published in France Islam of land in Belin
For Pierre Vermeren, the Islamic veil,in some quarters, the mark of an ideological and cultural conquest, a "WEAPON OF WAR FOR THEIR CRUSADE IN THE WEST".
Yet there is a veil of return among Muslims in the Mediterranean, since the1970s,marked by the Iranian revolution and the development of political Islam on the initiative of the Muslim Brotherhood. The veil today especially has a politico-religious dimension, let alone Iran! Religious and traditional uses of the veil does not completely disappeared; but Islamists mostly use it to convey a political message of the territory occupation and minds
Contempt Government Philippe Couillard and Quebec Liberals in Ottawa and Justin Trudeau, the Salafists
There are at least two things that I argue with "tolerance" encourages the other party tous shit on in clear and simple language and that is what Muslims, Islamists realize with compromises unreasonable our governments give their removing rights of the majority to please them as they hold the balance of power during elections.

Throughout history, we have never spoken expected that atheists, those who do believe noting the existence of God, or a particular religion, have killed, tortured, crucified, stoned, burned witches, hundred years of wars, etc. but only those who believe in their religion of peace, in the love of their God and go kill all the people, people, people do not have the same sexual orientation than they in the sacred name of their own faith, their tolerance.
So seriously, atheists are more peaceful and closer to God than religious who say they are close to God but comes close to their intolerance, the devil, or the closure of their bloodthirsty religion for hundreds of centuries. What the Islamists say we singular ways, we headed if you say a few things against Islam and afterwards they add to their lies authorized by the prophet himself repeating that Islam is nothing but love and peace, my eye, viper.
For intolerance is inherent in Islam as terrorism by Emmanuel Macron president of France.
Who uses free expression to kill it? Which advocates crime of blasphemy and applies the death penalty in cases of criticism of Islam? Destroying churches and killing Christian minorities? Which calls for the death of the Jews? Which banned the wearing of the cross and the Bible? Who refuses to integrate the pretext that it is the best community? Who does not stop even require and even religious accommodation, and want to impose them on another? Who refuses to live together, creating apartheid areas because rub the infidel is unlawful, "haram"?
It's good to be open to the other, provided that this is mutual. Islam only works one way, his, all other religions or thoughts. stoned to beings, it is not a message of love and freedom, but a message of hate and war that the prophet wanted.
In the name of tolerance, should we accept the Islamic intolerance and leave us overwhelmed by this ideology, champion class of intolerance towards everything that is not Muslim? The Koran incites racism and slavery of infidels. Bend over the plight of migrant workers in Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, in the emirates. It is to them that the associations defending human rights must forward their beautiful quotes on tolerance, brotherhood, love of neighbor. I'm not sure they will be well received.

The Wahhabi Salafi Islam of Saudi Arabia as professed today is a bad and evil religion and we must say once and for all
whole Quran Salafi and wassabitte Islam is pure lies, that attack to human knowledge and truths and make mental retarded and sick..
in the case of Islam, the schism between the believer and the unbeliever has an additional cleavage between the pure and the impure, between clean and unclean, between the faithful and the "infidel". Considering that the prophet was completely impure for the time and for today, he had to remake the face over the years. He created a religion of violence mainly against women, sexual slaves used as beasts of burden under Sharia today.
This Salafist Islam should not be taught in our schools
Potentially, these words can be heavy symbolic violence or outright physical. Islam can not be as tolerant Islam can be and recognize democracy.Islam is diabolically perverse when extremist Salafist exert its orders without any spirit openings. Islam must rejuvenate and remove several verses evil, become a true religion as the others and get rid of his political verse and not control of political regimes.
Again, the "tolerance" often tactical believer to the unbelieving doubles as a peevish condescension that makes it impossible authentic dialogue.
Unreasonable Accommodation Against Muslim Salafist Islamic are evidence of cowardice, submissions for this dictator nazi people
My second problem arises when the great monotheistic religions tell us that they are tolerant, only made of "peace and love", but Salafist Islam that we have in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Qatar, and other countries Salafists barbarians is only that of death and terrorism to conquer the west to destroy the Christian, which is their only goal.

Unlike Jesus Christ,he had only tools for his eloquence, words, no army, no veiled women with bombs under their robes, imams spreading hatred in mosques with the media today and Philippe Couillard, systemic racist.  Jesus Christ had the power of speech and the power of its message. He did not command armies, he had not propagandists Justin Trudeau, Mélanie Joly, or Kathleen Weil and RDI ..
What Muhammad,he was not a spiritual leader, but earlier sexual then a warlord to impose his faith, liar, no sense of honor human barbarian no humanity in him. It's not exactly like Jesus Christ who preached non-violence, peace, friendship, love between men and women and Islam preaches violence, terrorism, death, hell on earth.  Islam and Christianity are the two poles of religions. Christianity is dedicated to God, to love and Islam the Devil, war, death, the Zombies,full stop.
Do not recognize the self-proclaimed imams of that religion, any claims to fool Imam overnight with stupidities and terrorist hatred.
It remains that besides peaceful Christians and there were aggressive Christians desiring to regulate the lives of everyone, even willing to commit atrocities to subdue the heretics. This dark Christianity threw ballast until he struck a wall. Intellectuals, scientists, political leaders had to struggle to overcome. This is the 18th and 19th centuries that the wind turned in favor of a restricted view of the place of religion in Western society.

But it was necessary to fight for Christianity becomes "Tolerant". Considering today in 2017, how to fight against Islam, the religion hateful,racist, intolerant, domineering, destructive,  who control all institutions government and our political elites.  
Our governments are gangrenous by these shameful vermin circulating everywhere. The true Islam, good Muslims are hiding because they fear, these puppet commissions Islamists linked to terrorist groups, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, and Justin Trudeau, the Prime Minister still professes to racial hatred own Wahhabi Pleasure.
Resist, normal and moderate Muslims who are not afraid
Today is the moderate believers, ranked by religious octane aggression inculqué from their birth in the Quran by their parents  - starting with those of the Muslim faith - and lay people to fight against the intolerant Muslims who make the imposition of their faith a political project. The tolerance for the part of the Islamists, the Koran is seen as a defeat by their opponents because they are at war against the Christians and the West now globally.
In short, the intolerant only become "tolerant once defeated gentlemen Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Jean-François Lisée, Amir Khadir, François Legault and companies.They understand that the firmness, stoning of their religion.
Our politicians must put their panties and hold them firmly with laws unquestionable on their part because the country is secular, not religious leadership and it will do it or they will be very unhappy not to get the unreasonable accommodation Liberal party of Quebec (PLQ) to Philippe Couillard or the Liberal party of Canada (LPC) mummy Justin Trudeau.

Quebecers and Canadians together, ne must be and always intolerant of the false Islamists Salafis Koranist Charianistes and get rid of this Islam malicious that sits under the Commission's Systemic racism set in motion by the racist endemic Premier of Quebec, the Honorable Philippe Couillard with the supports of the mayor of Montreal and privileged friends landed immigrants royally at the Olympic Stadium and illegal invited Justin Trudeau, Denis Coderre proclaims the city of Montreal, sanctuary city without having the approval of taxpayers.  
Good Muslims must become Islam as a great religion and not the religion of the devil for power of a few people and enrich them.
Regulated all religious functions working in this religion to find their very dangerous level of those of other religions and sects
When you think about being open, they see in you a naive or fearful, to destroy as soon as possible to grab your belongings, your values and bid to better plan their crusade of Allah in the land of the West according to the orders of the Prophet and the Koran

but to defeat them, yet we must say no rather than continually back by pretending that it is through openness and respect.
Our failures of politicians, our politicians,in all our countries on this planet you betray all to the first second coming, which are important to them is power and money, you are nothing in their eyes, only their foods.
Save our youth from these perverse religious and sects that teach religion, anti human principles supposedly for the glory of God. These people and characters cause far more problems than matter what hurricane in transforming the brains of our youth in religious perverted incompatible with our democracy and the evolution of humanity.
Religions and sects of all kinds are beings practiced at home, not in the community and certainly not in public schools by forcing our children to systematize seeing veiled, inhuman women as mothers, slaves, according a particular religion medieval.
You want religious education for your child, you pay teaching on Saturday at the school that will teach your religion but over the week the school does not teach any religion not especially the Qur'an, the most damaging yet the quotient intellectual child if you want it to be a little smart in adulthood and does not act as if he were still in the time of Abraham slaughtered sheep 3000 years later.
Today we have internet and simulators, no need martyred animals and make halal. Evolution does not harm your religion and no religion and all people will be better because we all have only one life to life, why not life healthily without your religious nonsense, all these religions and barbaric myths.
Changes are also to religions, and may God also evolved in Paradise send an email Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah Grand Mufti Saudi Arabia ask him when he has finished eating bananas
Many of your Multis and imams are Rises worldwide and anyone is required imam. You do not even leader. What kind of religion you want to impose when someone officially representing your religion? It is an understatement!
We need to challenge the religious and religions in their place and put our politicians in their work to manage our economies and not to manage religion. To each his own job because presently on the planet the devil is in the current database.
Signed: Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Denis Coderre, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Pope Francis, Kathleen Wynne, Rachel Notley, Jagmeet Singh, Thomas Mulcair, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the pathetic liar, Kathleen Weil, François Legault Amir Khadir, Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, etc.

Tolerance NO

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