samedi 21 octobre 2017

Djemila Benhabib - Multiculturalism at Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard are collective suicides

Djemila Benhabib - Multiculturalism at Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard are collective suicides
The author and activist, honest, with open eyes and telling us the truth about the horrors of Islam, Islamists who invade us in the West, Djemila Benhabib, Trois-Rivières, fears the rise of religious fundamentalism in Quebec Samira Laouni.

Djemila Benhabib, had to take refuge in France in the 90s after seeing his family be sentenced to death by the Islamic Front of armed jihad in Algeria. Islam is a false religion of peace, mercy, it proliferates hatred, death, the humanitarian forfeiture member.
It is that history will repeat itself in Canada and Quebec with our politicians who aplaventissent to blackmail imams, veiled women that pervades all government committees.  
But worse, in an era where youth can be radicalized in our School of Knowledge, and of charianique Islamic profession schools funded by Qatar and our Salafi governments of Quebec and Canada to establish Sharia and accommodations unreasonable for keep their women in slavery courses like desire the prophet total invasion and the disappearance of Christians from the West whose collaborator, Pope Francis has given its complete agreement.
From the systematic commission sponsored by the Islamist Muslim racist exclusively infiltrated the Committee and the National Assembly of Quebec and the federal government letting MPs and ministers entries pregnant with elected their religious symbols, their papers toilet on the head, Jagmeet Singh, Harjit Sajjan, and others to promote the medieval religions, and encourage the terrorists in their own countries of origin, multiculturalism's preach their hatred against Canadians and Quebecers origins.

The hypocrites,leftist intellectuals with politicians aids at work
Benhabib Family Djemila and yourself have been sentenced to death in the 90 Tell us what happened.
When the Islamists, Muslims took control of municipalities, they manipulated the big meetings and sermons in mosques, as "imams, Samira Laouni the Federation of Women of Quebec, and other leeches Islamist Salafists in our governments. " At the end of Friday sermons, personal names were swayed to murder. In my neighborhood, we were often named.
Both my parents were public figures and known working at the University of Oran. One day, they received a letter from the Islamic Front of armed jihad which was written "Family Benhabib." We were told that we were condemned to death.
What were you afraid at that time?
What I feared most was being raped and tortured, which quite normal for the Islamists as the reactions of the Premier of Quebec Philippe Couillard.
The Islamists raped women, the doors,the martyris according to the principles of the Koranic barbarians laws.They would not assassinate people, but also make them suffer as now in Canada and other Western countries including Angela Merkel and Henriette Recker approve their actions as stressed refugees.They carved their toes, they cut their language ... I was not so afraid of dying that rape and torture.

We took refuge in France in 1994. It was necessary to continue living. I wanted to finish my degree. In 2015, what can attract a young Quebecers want from Syria, according to you?
Some young people are indignant against the system, against their immediate and distant environment. It means they are against the West in general. After, they have a cause, an ideological motivation. Young people thirst for justice, and the Islamists say restore justice to Muslims historically denied by colonialism. This speech affects some young people.
Does the fundamentalist wave is more threatening because of the internet?
Absolutely. Before, a young West had to take steps to discover the world of jihad. Now with a single click, that world before us. The path to get there was awfully hot. Anyone can make this move, or fall on it by chance. The internet and social networks play extremely important roles.
Hypocrisies of the religious, religions and multiculturalists
Djemila Benhabib indicates that Quebecers are SO NAIVE,IMBÉCILS, WELCOMING to think we can harmonize, to continue to lie to us, these archaic, demonic religions in the same environment when these immigrants hate us, hate our democracy to our own death.
Quebecers are not naive. They work in the mode of transparency because the people of Quebec Francophone West is honest and not religious and religions that govern them.

The other is still in good faith in Quebec. I feel comfortable with that. This makes us simple people. Moreover, it does not allow us to deal with Islamists are not like that.
We end up having to detect deception, concealment, deception. We must be alive. It grows over the years, with experience and expertise.
Maybe we do not put into words the discomfort, but it has the intelligence to capture. All the better if we developed this way to protect us.
Do you believe in multiculturalism excluding Quebecers and Canadians of origin of Pierre Elliott Trudeau Salafist Justin Trudeau?
Multiculturalism is a collective suicide Justin Trudeau. In a country, we need a language, values and principles. This is fundamental in a society. Tell a woman she's going to live in Quebec as in Pakistan, Jagmeet Singh ZuneraIshad,terrorist living in Mississauga, Ontario and faithful friend of Justin Trudeau, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Algeria, Iran, Iraq, Samira Laouni, the NDP is lying to him, disrespected him.

The Islamic woman is a slave woman,serving the hairy bearded, living like an animal, only until his death and without any human value as prescribed in the Qur'an, the Prophet. The Islamic woman is a sperm receptacle only.
We have to throw them out Christian religions out of our political institutions according to the 1867 Canadian Constitution
Outside the rooms pots on heads in public.

According to Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard, Islamists, salafismes the musulmulmans are superior beings to Canadians and Quebecers origins

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