mercredi 18 octobre 2017

Philippe Couillard and his anti-Christian systemic racist Couillardises pro Islamists

Philippe Couillard and his anti-Christian systemic racist Couillardises pro Islamists
"You want a pound of flesh, a little blood on the table? Signed: Philippe Couillard [...] You want to have human dramas, that's what excites you a little? Want to have beautiful items that? "From Donald Trump, spit pure, on Twitter, it feels like the Cage aux Folles.
How decadence he floats, the Honorable Philippe Couillard?His racism, anti French stubbornness Québécophobe reflects that more than four out of five Francophones say they would vote for other parties than his own, the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ).
Philippe Couillard is totally disconnected from the francophone Quebecer basis and it only counts on allophones and anglophones reelected beings.
He refuses to see deleterious effects, stifling, corrupt, evil, evil, racist, unhealthy, Islamic, Muslim, harmful, pernicious, its Muslim commission systemic racist Islamist highly racialized and manipulated by anti groups .......

Francophone Quebec, the most open people, welcoming, where racism is almost non
Notwithstanding his inferiority complex with regard to the identity of francophone Quebecers and dark portrait he draws Philippe Couillard must admit that immigration, Quebec can be cited as an example to the world for its openness, its progressive policies, laws and childcare. Several of these achievements have been made by a Liberal government.
Since the multiculturalist project traitor Pierre Elliott Trudeau of the Liberal party of Canada (PLC) and his son, the present Islamist prime minister in Ottawa, the Honorable Justin Trudeau,the Liberal Party of Canada (PLC) and offspring returned to Saudi Arabia after five long years of immersion and brainwashed barbarians knowledge of the Koran and Sharia, the Honorable Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard,the Liberal party of Quebec (PLQ) all signed a definitive agreement concerning intellectual Francophone Quebecers strains.
That said, those men at high political level, these public leeches who sold their own people have in common the following qualities for Quebecers as "Quebec Bashing"thatto likes make English Canada, in the media, and all our English and French-speaking politicians in foreign countries for Quebecers.

Especially the Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard, shame, contempt, he was indignant, outraged, disgusted, outraged, dishonored, disgusted and embarrassed, are humiliated, the French ignorant people not to admit the Islamic nation which protects all the commandments, accommodation can not be recognized as the only solution for the development of Quebec Salafist according to its systemic Committee of Muslim racism.
On issues say identity, beliefs Premier strangely reminiscent of Pierre ElliottTrudeau.At times, one feels almost ashamed of Quebec. Always quick to see dark hints of intolerance and withdrawal, like Pierre Elliott Trudeau.
Philippe Couillard denies the whole Francophone Quebec
Indeed, Philippe Couillard literally hate the Quebec Francophone whole. If he could, he would blow by Islamist terrorists. These with the leftist media and propagandists of state companies that are employed in the commission of Muslim racism and other racist religious non integrable systems different continents with toilet paper rolls on their heads as distinctive signs religious inferiority and anti-democratic.
We also see little inclined to protect the common good and its vital national difference in a very beautiful country, its Salafist province Koranic under domination of Muslim associations nationwide Quebec, but where is increasingly minority for nationalist Francophones stem ..
We know that some groups that will arise from this rostrum continue to broadcast hate speech on Quebecers who are xenophobic and Islamophobic. Some self-appointed spokesman of as obscure as suspicious associations to their heart's delight.

Desired social destabilization by the Government of Philippe Couillard
This is a part of religious fundamentalists, who, draped in democracy they use for their own purposes, handle slyly weaknesses of Quebecers, namely guilt, gullibility and ignorance of world history. They lead past decades underground combat social destabilization in the country.
Others are militants of the extreme multicultural left,which convinced the Prime Minister, already alerted by these issues, to establish this Islamic racism consultation,religious racist who does not want to integrate into our democracy.
Islamist blackmail Philippe Couillard
The Table denied that the Prime Minister and eliminates lessen this consultation. Samira Laouni,its co-chair, who promotes  sharia of Islam, the Koran, the veiled woman, at home, degradation of women, the association with COR said that "it is imperative that the government [...] to distance the process so that partisan or electoral considerations do not influence the work of the human rights Commission. "
Do you think for one second that Ms. Samira Laouni telling the truth about that? Mrs. Samira Laouni manipulates the commission and the government as required by the Prophet, the Koran and the Sharia with rituals lies and circumstances. Surah 3: 28 taqiya
Radical fight, racial, political and religious
Emilie Nicolas,president of Quebec inclusive, says she, that the Prime Minister does not understand. "It is no longer the boss [...] because it is not he who calls the shots.

"Philippe Couillard is between a rock and a hard place.
On the one hand, a majority of francophones who doubt the relevance of this exercise, and the other radical militants who control the verb cleverly using social networks and violently out from the one that responded to their demands creating this amazing explosive commission.
The Prime Minister has always had a high opinion of himself demonstrated in this matter of political irresponsibility, which can not only be costly to his party and to himself, but to the entire province.
Only Anglophones, allophones and Muslims, Islamists and a few sold francophones vote for the Liberal Party of Quebec, so I hate French-speaking Quebecers which vote against me.
Philippe Couillard, the Koran, the Charia,the Prophet and Allah

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