samedi 21 octobre 2017

Samira Laouni vowed to sharia and criminal sneak criminal under Prime Minister of Quebec Philippe Couillard

Samira Laouni dedicated to sharia and criminal cunning blackmail the Premier of Quebec Philippe Couillard
Samina Laouni Muslim Salafist anarchist activist COR Group dedicated to SHARIA indoctrinated charianique Salafist within the Federation of Women of Quebec and systemic commission racism towards Muslims origins Francophone Quebecers is a cancer cell that eats Christian society of Quebec from the inside to the National Assembly to blackmail the Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard.

Samina Laouni, yes I am a hard-Muslim racist Salafist
Moreover, Samira Laouni practitioner Shiite, veiled, not integrable, whose supreme leader of the world's terrorists Canadian representative of Grand Ayatollah Khamenei, terrorist, Supreme Leader of the Republic Islamic of Iran Grand Ayatollah Sistani, the highest Shiite authority in the world in terms of Sharia, human barbarity.This leech will absolutely never a Canadian and should be unmasked and return to his native country with his country to practice religion the way she likes.
Considering she hates Canada and Quebec and the West, I can not understand the reasons for his determination to remain with the infidels, those corrupt Christians, we are all of us, Quebecers bastards.  
The omnipresence of the militant Salafist RACIST MUSLIM ISLAMIC Laouni comes from the fact that it acts in two heterogeneous networks: the League Terrorist Islamic World and the Shiite cléricat. Now these two networks belong sources of power and foreign authority, namely, Mecca, Saudi Arabia, Islamist barbarian country behead Christians and Jews and Tehran, Iran.

If the Shiites and the Sunnis, for example, the Muslim Brotherhood,a terrorist organization which the Government of Justin Trudeau allows their propaganda in Canada and Quebec, are killing the Middle East, it is clear that in Quebec they know work together and join forces ... against secularism and sharia.
Islamist propagandists racist against Quebecers in French
Mouna Diab is accused of terrorism for Hezbollah, Elsy Fneiche who recently praised a figure of Hezbollah,terrorist groups and Haydar Moussa (who treated non-veiled womenfornicators ALCOHOLICS in Sadaal-Mashreq),which the Honorable Prime Minister's wife Justin Trudeau, or the wife of the Premier of Quebec Philippe Couillard are fornicators according Haydar Moussa!
As Prime Minister of Canada and Quebec and seeing that the company's warts namely insult my wives saying they are fornicators I would ask the RCMP to institute research on them and extradite them to Western anti racist hate speech and racist. But not you love to get treated and manipulated by them, these religious anarchists without any awareness.
The fornicators do they reveal the balusters eaters?
Hatheredar Moussa later became the director of the Mrs. Laouni campaign when it presented itself as veiled NDP candidate in the riding of Bourassa in federal elections in 2008.

Armed with these books written by intimately Khomeinists linked to the bloody regime of the ayatollahs of Iran, Mrs. Laouni, extremist Salafi and its allied veiled had led a procession of lawsuits threats inciting hatred and racism.  
Samira Laouni,the nazi, infiltrated with his Islamic venom on the Status of Women Council
Samira Laouni also infiltrated the Fédération des Femmes du Québec (FFQ), with Najet Mustapha Boughaba. Drifts, Charianiques, Qur'anic, Islamists, racists, Muslims, the fundamentalists, Samira Laouni, bloody seeping insidiously into the Women's Federation of Quebec (FFQ) and thus slip nazistement with these feminists, including former Minister Louise Beaudoin, create a new group for the rights of women in Quebec, launched last number by blackmailing the majority of members.
His diabolical carnal smile speaks volumes in qua under the blanket. They are so malicious, racist Islamists christianophobes, Québécophobes of the new race, Wahhabi that even normal Muslims, not mentally retarded have fears of these raptors circulates in the corridors of the National Assembly of Quebec.
These nuclear waste that Canada admitted as an immigrant destroy the good society that is good Muslims who want to have a happy life here in Quebec. But not they still want to continue the war, these pigs must return to their countries of origin for their greater good and ours.

How many recovery, true Muslims met on the street, in the grocery stores tell me they want to get rid of the vermin that the media encourage us to look at each day and are at the head of commission that the Prime Minister is trying thrusting us into the gorges, racist systemic Muslims who spit us in our original Quebecers faces constantly.
Our communicators martyr by these slanderers, racist Islamists, these terrorist anti freedoms of information, these criminals religious Sharia terrorist intellectuals, anti democracy, Richard Martineau, Benoît Dutrizac Lise Ravary, and many others
accept Why our elected t they talk about secularism, and rights and freedoms with enemies of democracy?
Samira Laouni me Salafist crusade
Canada's Involvement Samira Laouni and Leila Bdeir in fundamentalist circles was skillfully dissected by Djemila Benhabib in his book Soldiers of Allah to attack the West. A Philippe Couillard it wants to destroy the Quebec!

Necrophilia, an invention of infidels
The carrot is not the only way out of the infamous, the "sheikh" Moroccan Zamzami. Indeed, he signed another fatwa regarding a more ghoulish about the sex toys.
This "imam" did not hesitate to make it legal necrophilia, already authorized above. It is enabled, according to his claims, the Muslim can have intercourse with his late wife.
The death of my wife and will make sexual love under Sharia
Islamist preacher It warns however that this necrophiliac authorization lasts only a few hours (6 hours maximum) after the death of the wife.
Its Islamist supporters are now awaiting clarificationand of ejaculationshow did it right ?. Is it the case only for natural deaths, or for all the dead, even the most violent. In case of road accident, should you wait to pick up the pieces?

Probably the next staunch Islamist doctors are the only ones authorized to patch up the body before returning to the widower grieving and waiting hand on the fly.
We also ask the "experts Manhattan" to patch quickly done well the body of any deceased Muslim "niqabée" and make her bearded husband, so he can say goodbye one last time, according to zamzamien laugh.
But trust the intelligence and great knowledge of this "scholar" in Islam: he will clarify all the details of necrophilia, he will find the answers in the tradition, and if that is not possible, they will interpret Sharia.
Mrs. Laouni wants Sharia for Canada and Quebec, WOW and working within the Committee of systemic racism against Muslims Francophone Quebecers, what do you think?
Having also experienced preachers in these FATWAS we can believe that some truth is not good to say or state over public networks. It is better to create puppet commissions to stone strains of Quebecers, they are so welcoming, we can kill them and they will pay us to do it.

A political religion that only looks like a mixture of absurdity and illogicality mixed with documents stolen from other religions certainly give no credibility to it as to all other religions on the planet.  
For religions, and religious, like all of you, the propagandists, what you want, only two things, like the crooked politicians we have, power, and money. Nothing, it's wonderful to crush our neighbor urinating over him, signed Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah, the grand mufti of Saudi Arabia.
The absurdities of different religions: None can mix with persons living or dead or living or dead religions, pure fiction

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