mercredi 18 octobre 2017

Islam and religions barbarians kill our democracies thank the ASSASSINS - Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Emmanuel Macron - Angela Merkel - Theresa May - Hilary Clinton - Barack Obama, etc.

Islam and religions barbarians kill our democracies thank the ASSASSINS - Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Emmanuel Macron - Angela Merkel - Theresa May - Hilary Clinton - Barack Obama, etc.
France is dying, Emmanuel Macron kills France gradually, his culture, his ancestors and cultivates Islamist multiculturalism and nobody says anything even in Canada with the selfie, Justin Trudeau
We find sympathetic, too few politicians, journalists writers, intellectuals who dare to make a speech against the current immigration-invasion and the Islamization of our country.  
Just like here in Canada, the selfie, the image, the dishonorable Justin Trudeau following his father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, multiculturalism par excellence, cultural decadence, the traitor who destroy Anglophone and Francophone cultures in land of America to build a Canada without any culture.
The one and only thing the selfie, Mohamed Justin Trudeau and the premiers of Canadian provinces and Quebec, the Honorable Philippe  Saudi Couillard bring non diabolical Salafist Islamist barbarians culture of Saudi Arabia Koran, Sharia with the prophet himself, multiculturalism one-way locked tightly to the test of our democracy Islam conquering.
Our media we sing lies continually accompany Muslim lobbies, Salafists with their women veiled contemptuous towards our open and welcoming societies and throwing us false testimony about their planned immigration, their crusades systemic racism that are Muslims, their intolerance and their false peace.

Columnists, journalists who can still speak out publicly without being stopped by good thinking, that is to say the nazistes the left, the Salafists who control all levels of our society and our politicians. Several networks televisions or radios, the have dismissed one by one, so they can not open our eyes to the criminals who betray the ancestors who built Quebec and Canada.
Canada and Quebec are destroying themselves with the mass immigration that undemocratic barbaric religions
These immigrants, these immigrants have never built anything throughout their lives, only the destruction around them, but sponsored by the enemy of democracy , Islamic countries in the Middle East, Pakistan, Afghanistan, people with toilet paper on their heads, on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, police cars, in airports, in mosques, on sidewalks or many potato bags with two legs, two arms, and a pair of black glasses, dressed in dark black, like criminals hide their faces, to demonstrate their superiority religiously diabolical.
In Quebec they are Richard Martineau Benoit Dutrizac fired Mathieu Bock side, and a few others that we should not mention too because Omerta could fall on them if the spies of Mélanie Joly Government Justin Trudeau ferraient there of Hitler incursions or systemic racism to Philippe Couillard.
heTPrime Minister of Quebec Islamist racist who hates so much Francophone Quebecers strain, he does not sleep more and must do racialized commissions governed exclusively by Salafi Islamists charianiques convinced to get by.
Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel Europe's assassins
Yet when we see the reality of France, its savagery, its Islamization, the number of our compatriots who are daily insulted, assaulted, molested, seriously injured, sometimes killed, how do not be frightened by the softness of about "opponents of the system"?
When we see that the illegal immigrants, mostly men only Muslims multiply in France and Europe, assaults, rapes and attempted attacks, and that their presence is growing daily danger for ours, how not to be frightened by softness of about "opponents of the system"?

Emmanuel Macron said that the French had no culture except the Islamists
When we see that France is destroyed every day, that denies whole swathes of its history, its language is violated and that everything is done so that the "French strain "minority find themselves as soon as possible, how not to be frightened by the softness of about" opponents of the system, "his incendiary multiculturalism?
When we see the invasion of the Islamic veil in the street, carried by girls younger and younger, that of djellaba and other kami, the proliferation of mosques and halal butchers, visible signs of a real colonization of France, by numbers, how not to be frightened by the softness of about "opponents of the system"?
When we finally found shot crusader against state authority, against France, Muslim-scum and leftist groups, which allow impunity, abuse our police, of trying to kill them, vandalizing their equipment, how not to be frightened by the softness of about "opponents of the system"?

The West is dying: the main causes immigrants with their evil religions
When we finally found the judicial harassment of openly collaborationist judges Fabienne ready-Garnier against the Resistance and réinfosphère, the Union of Magistrates dare to support the "antifa "who tried to kill police officers, when we see that the offense of blasphemy, the only service of Islam is restored in France, and that France is the most draconian European countries, how not to be scared the softness of about "opponents of the system"?
This is because these few "evil-minded" remain in a shocking timidity, in an unspoken unbearable, the enemy advances. They accept the rules of the enemy, Muslims, Islamists, Salafists, immigrants. They make us lose time with their "radical Islamism" and their refusal to provide clear answers to the immigration invasion.
Obviously it takes to Islam outlaws, Outside Islam prohibit visibility of his own, and thus close the mosques, Muslim outlaw uniforms, and end the halal butcher shops that exist only because the French State authorizes exceptions to the law for the ritual slaughter. Of course it takes a total Islamization of France! Or democratized Islam and that this religion becomes human and the woman does not serve as slavery or draft animal.
Of course we have not only put an end to immigration, but massively return outside France illegal immigrants who have nothing to do there, immigrants who prefer religious or tribal laws of all religions which are non-Christian such to those of the Republic, or just those who bring nothing to the country. And even if they have French nationality, he must turn those who are present only to spit on our country and impose Sharia law in the country.
It just goes the future of our country, its culture, our way of life, our culture, our model, which was unique in the world until the 1970s
Philippe Couillard first Salafist Quebec buried the Quebec entire staff under its Islamic racism
62 the bill demonstrates, today, more than ever, the extent of the disagreement I had with Philippe Couillard around Bill 491 which remains relevant. He stated in particular:
1. Clear definition of religious neutrality of the state and secularism, as the new law in the Quebec Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Couillard was against.
2. A ban on wearing religious signs for people binding authority (judges, prosecutors, etc.) that represents a broad consensus in Quebec. Couillard was against.
3. The establishment of a research-action to fight effectively against fundamentalism. Couillard was against.
4. The ban on wearing the chador, niqab, the burqa, the burkinis, the Islamic veil, the garbage bags with two legs,two arms, with glasses, walking on the streets, are all kept very degrade women to services bearded.

Philippe Couillard, Quebec Premier, hate Quebec and Francophone Quebecers strains, they vomited on
it is just the opposite of Bill 62 but authorized by Premier undergoing blackmail Salafist Islamists who control the National Assembly of Quebec and the Quebec Liberal party (PLQ) and the Liberal party of Canada (LPC) with links to the Muslim Brotherhood,a terrorist organization, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), terrorist association and several other Muslim terrorist groups and terrorists benefactors and not veiled ..
Our democracies kneel before the Snatchers and petrodollars

Vote Conservative party only.

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