mercredi 18 octobre 2017

Judge Fabienne Siredey-Garnier of the 17th Chamber of Paris, Tribunal de Grande Instance Pro Islamiste, Partial, Salafist, tendentious, subjective, collaborative, plaventrism to the exclusive use of Muslims

Judge Fabienne Siredey-Garnier of the 17th Chamber of Paris Tribunal de Grande Instance Pro Islamist, biased, partisan Salafist, biased, subjective, collaborator, s' aplaventrisme for the exclusive use of Muslim
The French justice as well as the Canadian justices, Quebec and Western countries that aplaventissent before the plagues known worldwide under the names pluralistic Islam, Sharia law, the Quran, the Salafist, barbarians, rapists, liars, demagogues.
Refugee Merkel or Justin Trudeau,rapists happy Henriette Recker,the friends of the collaborationist Pope Francis,the city Islamists Vatican Gentlemen Pajamas to asses swinging, harvesters social security checks at La Trappe near Paris,Islamic city limits to Christian and French, or in Manchester in Britain, Muslim city that even Theresa May putting the Islamic veil is afraid to set foot for fear of being stoned by Allah the barbarian followers of the Prophet.
How beautiful is this elite pauper justice without testicle which fooled by intellectuals, leftists vultures in our National Assemblies, our whores who govern us in complaisance with evil, lobbies Salafists, to bring maximum Koranic barbarians refugees who have no human consciousness to be used at lower wages than locals.  These rats that infest our territories destroy everything in their path like locusts in Australia.
Fabienne Siredey-Garnier Islamophile
This religion of warriors, have no value unless they become humanitarian smart and no longer practice this political religion of mentally retarded as Fabienne Siredey Garnier judge Islamophile protects the top of his perch not to displease Emmanuel Macron hypocritical president of France, pro Wahhabi like all French of a certain culture.

Several times on the labels of containers of our politicians, lists of products, and not products are not always clearly marked so that the population, that is to say the cons of taxpayers to know what political weathervane this populist will even lead to betray the entire population. And to do that he needed, an executor, justice, the ugly, the collaborators of Nazistes, barbarians, judges such as Fabienne Siredey Garnier who runs the sweet in his toga bloody anti-French red , anti nationalist, anti christian, anti patriotic.
How sweet it is able to walk, trample on our own countrymen and dirty at will. It's like Club Med, the buffet is open to justice, which in their heart's content because it is infiltrated, gangrenous to the marrow of bones.MPs and ministers continue to feed this mob of Islamists who go to bed with the Minister of Justice, communications, etc., to build the contours of identity attacks of Sharia in France, as in multicultural Canada, selfie of Justin Trudeau, who lives only for his image.
And one day came, the patriots Exterminators  up wake and read: murderous Islam France is eaten by Muslims
Racist racism and Islamists, Salafists operate internationally at full speed on all social media, internet, media already purchased by these organizations and terrorist groups that copulate with our elites and our National Assemblies judges, our National media and Free TV governmental and Private bent on the destruction of the West for the maximum money and gifts in their pockets Gulf Emirs.
Several parliamentary government under the rule of President François Hollande and before him was chains humanin front of the embassies of the UAE to be filling the pockets and after robbing the French religion Catholics, their democratic freedoms, their crops are establish the barbarians Salafist schools, veiled, the garbage bags with two legs that run through your streets, men who show off their asses fold in half in the streets knowing that your elites already being treated to you, the French as judges lies you again.

Islam decapitate all Christians without exception French
Riposte Lay, Charlie Hebdo, and several other unsold media begin to explain that all our countrymen are in danger, and that everyone lost a brother, a relative, child, a friend, a neighbor, because of the presence of thousands of jihadists on our territory. I can not understand how the French people are so smart, educated, and perhaps most of the world, let him lie in this way by its politicians, justice, these monsters in power, to destroy them. Your writers, your ancestors must be turning in their coffins to see your fullness,to welcome these deceptions of judges such as Islamophile Fabienne Siredey-Garnier.
We consider that the judge Fabienne Siredey Garnier should go see a holiday of true French patriots in Corsica and to be told four truth about the Islamists and immigration in Europe with President Emmanuel Macron to open his eyes. I forgot to point out, every second, Corsica is in the south of France and not in the Indian Ocean to your colleague at the Elysee.
The enlightened people politically points to the responsibility of our leaders, accusing them of not taking any action to protect their citizens, and put them deliberately in danger of death by welcoming newcomers, mostly Muslims. These infidels, these miscreants, these secretive, these hypocrites, these misleading as honestly suggesting the Prophet in the Koran verbatim lying to us, lying to see the judge Fabienne Siredey-Garnier "the Taaqiya" Quran Surah 3.28

"Assassin ISLAM, ISLAM OUTSIDE".L'islam is not a religion, it's a nazi policy, Arian, to invade the world with lies with the collaborators of politicians and justices. It is impossible to defend against this deadly evil ideology supported by petrodollars from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, Pakistan, etc., the only way would be driven out of our territories.
Islamic Exceptionalism - How the Struggle over Islam is Reshaping the world - destroying the world - Shadi Hamid
While all the scoundrels who govern us, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Nicole Belloubet,Minister of Justice France, Hillary Clinton, the liar, Barack Obama, active member of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Pope Francis collaborator, etc., well protected in their bunkers, explain that we the French, Canadians, Quebecers, Westerners, n ' have no luck, we'll get killed for twenty years.

Shattered Muslims with our Politicians

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