dimanche 1 octobre 2017

Jaggi Signh, this neo-nazi, anarchist, a victimhood trash thrown in jail forever - Philippe Couillard - Régis Labeaume - Denis Coderre

Jaggi Signh, this neo-nazi, anarchist, a victimhood trash thrown in jail forever - Philippe Couillard - Régis Labeaume - Denis Coderre
The Pack which word not
The Pack in Quebec expressed openly and communicated in advance the police the route they would take. When the police told them they should wait for the green light before starting, they complied without arguing.
The Pack has followed the law one hundred percent, whatever the Government of Quebec and Canada.
What the Premier of Quebec, the Honorable Philippe Couillard hoped desperately that disobeyed he and sow mayhem, batons of the police, thousands of injuries and deaths. The cameras Global,CTV, CBC Toronto, have no pictures to put in the teeth. These strains of Francophone Quebecers cursed did not bickered, beaten, they manifest peacefully, these idiots.
And then, on social networks premiers of Canada selfie Justin Trudeau and Quebec premier Philippe Couillard Arabia will announce the minarets and mountains overlooking the Canadian Rockies, the world how Quebecers of Francophones origins of Systemic Racism and xenophobia Toxic and as was the mayor of Montreal, Denis Coderre and Thomas Mulcair, NDP leader.

Heck we got to have Philippe Couillard, we wanted a rebellion and we had the arrest of our liberal collaborator Jaggi Signh
So they followed the law to the letter, which is not the case of violent hooded terrorist Jagjit Singh, this neo-nazi this father anarchist Pakistani Islamist Muslim Sikh Charianique Quranica waste released in Canada who heads fools in subversive groups of left and intellectuals and political elites who protect them.
This shitbastard, this asymmetric racist, anarchist corrupting this Singh Jaggi,who works certainly not, is live on the company's arms. Being joyful Commissioner Islamist Salafists and paying no taxes and claiming all services as other citizens, idiots, taxpayers, backgrounds Quebecers, Canadians and other good migrants who kill to work for their family .
But his holiness, that rascal, this planetary nullity Jaggi Signh, bulky, when it is sick, pass in front of everyone in the hospital because of his great ugly face of communist extremist, leftist and friend of our first racist minister.

This public dump, this multiculturalist the JustinTrudeau, totalitarianism césarisé destroys being hide like a thief, like some religion veil their women and sending them to their crusade instead of men too cowardly to do it themselves. These men without balls who kneel before these religions and religious pseudo elastic demand for power and money as our political elites.
Without any confusion, these women, these crazy, these sperm recipients, these invertebrates receptacles, these slaves are happy are happy as the Federations of Women of Quebec.  
No amalgam with no possible imaginary religion
Throughout their lives they are the services of a member of a length of 10 centimeters to two legs and no brains because their is strictly forbidden to use their brains to think. Many of these burlesque religions were written in several books and documents in several ancient languages.
Religion has only one sex, the male sex. This same religion will mean to me how to wash my rectum, knowing that I'm not smart enough fora thought by myself.  
Look I'm not even smart enough for myself I have to ask my God, how wipe me and the prophet must ask Allah the recipe to make it.

Jaggi Signh aspiring Canadian Governor
Jaggi Singh,Canadian terrorist, fervent admirer of the Government of Justin Trudeau considering opening in not respecting any of its laws on Canadian borders and sending its own customs, police in the waste as it is usual spitting on the flag of Canada.
Jaggi Signh signed as an active member in the new proposal which also endorses Thomas Mulcair of the New Democratic Party of Canada is the only political voice for all malicious citizens of this country.
Having passed this motion to the Ottawa House of Commons by the Minister of Defense, the Honorable Harjit Signh, Motion M-132,which was passed unanimously claiming that toyour visible minorities, Muslims, Islamists, allophones, religious, Anglophones in Quebec, excluding French speakers Quebec and outside Quebec, were superior beings Canadians of origin, whereas the original Quebecers are territories thieves in America.
And now, as of today, and according to the moods of the Prime Minister, that all laws must protect religious minorities against all actions to encourage the majority at both the federal and the provinces.
The Prime Minister of, Canada  Justin Trudeau, the man with the sock of Star Wars, is pleased to have in front of him, a Canadian real, multiculturalism, totalitarian,terrorist, the only Canadian in Mr. Jaggi Signh, this nazi, neo-fascist, Stalinist, Communist this, this Salafi.

This possible new leftist Liberal member of the Canadian Liberal Party (PLC) with its supportaires, like the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) anarchist America, no suggested amalgam Jaggi Signh, the liar, the anarchist, were directly responsible ALL EVENTS SUNDAY sKIDS QUEBEC AND WATCHED BY THE MAYOR AND RÉGIS LABEAUME QUEBEC POLICE.
The Premier of Quebec, with incendiary statements Philippe Couillard who insists on putting his racist systemic fire on all Quebecers backgrounds to get the most votes in the next election in 2018. Mr. Couillard with received thanks watery eyes leftists crocodile Jaggi Signh like a flower from heaven to attack the native Quebecers.
"Journalists," "pro leftists" "pro Islamists",the media, CBC, CBC, RDI, La Presse, CTV, Global News, FOX NEWS, etc., have been disappointed not to attend a course spectacular destruction of the city of Quebec that would have allowed them to "butter" and "dirty" to "defile" the "stain", "embarrassing", "splashing" of "black to" defame "to cock up" of "BAVER" as several radio networks hoped to Montreal, which I will not mention names because they are far too experienced since their return from holiday.
Replies paltry incendiary slander leftists, Jaggi Signh The Demon provocative and premiers of Quebec and Canada

The Pack People say not militate against immigration in general but against illegal immigration,and what disorder actually more and more people in Quebec and English Canada, the first Canadian firm eyes because there harvest votes in federal election the Liberal party of Canada (LPC).  
All newspapers in English Canada deplore malicious attitudes, Islamists, complacent, to illegal immigrants, bogus refugees and Islamist terrorists he granting citizenship almost immediately upon their arrival in Canada after they committed their atrocities in countries Canada and serves home land,
if respected as Francophones and Quebecers is certainly not racist, it is to be aware of our vulnerabilities of our small population, our patriotism, wanting to preserve our values, religion, language. Quebecers stem or not must stop asking permission to prove their existence as a people and to demand respect, full stop.

And do not respect is the populist racism Philippe Couillard, the «chienneté» or FDOG from you, Mr. Prime Minister Couillard. On the one sold, a traitor who does not respect its own values of his own political party, the Liberal Party of Quebec, a nationalist party Francophone Quebecers within Canada since Jean Lesage.  Philippe Couillard you are ashamed of the Supreme Quebec Liberals,even the former first ministers are still alive disenchanted your virulent attacks against Francophone Quebecers strains day long.
We want to defend against invasions of our values, our rights, our freedom, our democracy our customs, our secularism, etc., against Islam, Muslims, other religions intolerant medieval, barbaric cultures, radical Sharia apartheid, segregation,pedophiles, inhuman, decadent, etc.
La Presse and Radio-Canada will have to work a bit or wait for a leader of this group (indeed, that is its leaders Jaggi Signh, Adil Charkaoui, Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, and many others parading before the cameras with faces veiled women in white weeping Muslim liars tell a true racist silliness demoralizing.
Philippe Couillard The water carrier
Philippe Couillard you are demoralizing off-pair for Quebec This province is under attack for centuries and that. you cease under top to wedge the maximum possible, all of Quebec.

Many Quebecers and non-Quebecers must ask, what are your instincts,your joys, to make these people demonization of Francophone Quebecers. Is it a sexual phobia that bothers you the penis at night, or a mental disorder from your parents during your childhood?
As the Prime Minister Salafist Province, in North America, the only Francophone legal entity, I believe, you would have the decency to defend the province. So slightly the province that pays you very grâcement to destroy,slander us afterwards.  Your cultural cowardice on his stomach of Canadian French colonized before the Elite Anglophone Bay Street  even affects all members of your water closet in the National Assembly of Quebec.
Since the last poll more than half of your cabinet ministers were expelled liberal bowls either because of corruption or by they are corrupt. To hide all you have created a puppet commission and this hot potato is jumping you in the face and allow the CAQ, François Legault elected Premier of Quebec.    

I claim my 20 million dollars stolen by corrupt
man who cried wolf, nobody wants to hear this systemic racist and you will be scrapped. Oh, I forgot, Mr. Philippe Couillard, do you have the 20 million that Mr. Arthur Porter stole when you were personal friends in Saudi Arabia and in Quebec in the embezzlement of buildings Hospitals in Montreal. We must understand, even among liberals, this money is money idiots, taxpayers, and not your personal money.
Here we make no confusion between you and Mr. Arthur Porter died in Panama with 20 million or 20 million in Quebec or the Ile de Ré, is not it. Time will tell!
Quebecers born in a bun, and servant of minorities

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