samedi 21 octobre 2017

Philippe Couillard to rescue its Salafi Islamist Friends, Samira Laouni and hypocrisies of different religions

Philippe Couillard to rescue its Salafi Islamist Friends, Samira Laouni and hypocrisies of different religions
and existential silly questions! How is it that the Liberals who lead us from the Canada and Quebec they attend mosques, Muslims, Islamists, without stops.  

Here I question the people we see in the media, on television, the government professes in mosques, schools, people who have positions of authority on population and our youth, not all sir or madam the world, honest citizens, Muslim or not, no matter your religion, nationality, culture, or gender.
They are the ones who work every day, these idiots, these taxpayers, you siphon, pay their taxes, and "WHO PAY YOUR WAGES TO THE COMMISSION FANTOCHE ON RACISM OF ISLAMIC against Quebec's Francophone IN QUEBEC" and not of left intellectuals RDI or UQAM, of Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, Justin Trudeau who do not care less about laws and transgress.  
And sign their names on the web, on the internet and 99% of them,these Salafists, these imams, those veiled, these liars, racist self guided Mecca, these whiners, those who invented the Islamophobic racism and are LINKS with terrorists, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Saudi Arabia, the Quranic barbarians, Iran, Qatar, Pakistan and countries that mistreat females, according violated the Qur'anic laws .  

Philippe Couillard, the extremist is blinded by the glare of Allah which represents 40% of its electorate
Let all our layers leaders copulate with this political religion, no culture, who have created nothing positive for mankind copula with them constantly to destroy the entire planet. When the Ange Gabriel to the Prophet meet was it under the sexual effects of attack prepubescent girl and he was ashamed of his actions or the angel simply told the truth in his eyes that he would be the four mirror the devil on earth created by God!
Quebec creates a working group of ministers and Muslim community leaders to help increase the phenomenon of radicalization, particularly among young people. The initiative was welcomed by many Muslims and government officials such as Premier of Quebec.
Regular meetings will be established between Quebec Muslim representatives. The first was attended by Prime Minister Philippe Couillard Monday will provide all the tools necessary to prove that the strains of Francophone Quebecers are anti Islamist  racism, the most barbaric and cruel to mankind.  
All the government departments will begin to work with local and international media and Ottawa that Quebecers Are Beheaded honorably according Charianiques laws in public places and the Prime Minister of Canada, the Honorable Justin Trudeau at his next visit to the UN describe the racial injustice the people of Quebec Francophone community towards the wonderful docile what Muslims.

Philippe Couillard will offer grants to mosques experienced by Quebecers racist
Imam Omar Koné Al-Iman mosque in Montreal, welcomed the initiative, in which it participates. He stressed that the Muslim community is stigmatized as it should be part of the solution to counter radicalism.
The radicalization of the Prevention Center based in Montreal was inaugurated yesterday. The first lobby in Quebec of the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood, TERRORIST ORGANIZATION WORLD AND PROHIBITED EXCEPT IN CANADA SINCE THE GOVERNMENT OF JUSTIN TRUDEAU TO ATTEND THE REGULAR WITH THOMAS MULCAIR NDP, was at the Al-Iman mosque with the imam Oumar Kone.Here, we explain why we must prevent this lobby has a say on the theory and practice of the Center.
The founder of the communication agency for the opening and intercultural rapprochement (COR), Samira Laouni, also participated in this first meeting.
This is the first time there is a real exchange, listening. We do not impose an agenda of actions. We are here to work together to establish Sharia law for all Quebecers they want or not.

Samira Laouni Charianic
For his part, M. Couillard emphasized cooperation and voluntarism extremist Muslim communities, can not be integrated, to work towards increasing radicalization and Islamic racism toward Francophone Quebecers strain.
The working group of Muslim representatives and the Ministers of Public Safety, Lise Thériault, and Immigration and Cultural Communities, Kathleen Weil, two ministers to service his Holiness the nazi dictator Prime Minister Philip Aryan must develop an action plan by next spring the total destruction of the Christian Québec as we know now before the next election for maximum voting of this community that makes him the populist blackmail he s 'there knows.
Its mandate is to find ways to increase for the Islamist religious radicalism and other non-Christian religions with asses papers on his head, believing the Puritan, and fool that Quebecers innovative and welcoming as we all are, of racist terrorist being like them, these Salafists, reversing the image of their mirror the other way to reflect their lies lounges commandments of the Prophet, or other more or less beliefs medieval denying the evolution of humans.

The Qur'an tells the truth and its opposite simultaneously, is what makes his strength, lying
The best tactic Nazistes, the Stalinists, Military, of the Invaders, the Crusades Islamists of Usurpations of Universal and Christian truths  always were commit crimes and put them on the back of the opponent as required by the Prophet and Ayatollah Khomeny director of Sharia as manipulated by the COR association and Samira Laouni the charianique who wants it -even, for not being born a male, because it will also pass the whip because Sharia is only for females because Mrs. Samira Laouni,being a female, according to the Quran, is only half amale.
We must also work on our society so that we put in place an environment that puts young people especially that kind of reaction or what kind of projects we can say Islamic evil distributed in mosques, to National Assembly.
Philippe Couillard, Quebec Premier enfirouaper by deception according to the Prophet, Surah 3: 28
The radio host Lamine Foura in the North African community of Montreal says it must include "strengthening the link between non-governmental institutions community and government institutions so that available services are used to enable our young people to feel Muslims and Islamists Quebecers, to strengthen the sense of belonging to Quebec Islamist not integratable the Canadian and Quebec democracy. "
Avoid secular democratic extremism that is incompatible with Islam, Imam Hamza Chaoui

Stressing that this problem concerns all Quebecers, Philippe Couillard also said to enjoy the Quebec Muslim community recognize that it also has work to do in its ranks on "concepts revolving around Islam, badly given or poorly conveyed messages that deviate religion Imams in the mosques of its primary objective is to promote ghettos between immigrants and the people of Quebec. According to the Premier of Quebec, during question period in the National Assembly of Quebec, he said this to a back bench MP with your back to the wall:
The Francophone Quebecers the most racist of the world's, noisiest, dirtiest, and I am forced to live with these infidels, contrary to my values, Islamic, Quranic, I have to hide my face before looking at one. "
Premier of Quebec before the next election acts as a weather vane after suffering a massive slap in the subscription of Louis Hebert
The Prime Minister has the same breath warned Quebec against the evils of Islamophobia that racist Muslims, Islamists who profess convey in all the media, radio, television,newspapers in Quebec and the abroad to ask for accommodation unreasonable to attack the brunt of the sensitivity of Quebecers who do not have the right to what I gave you earlier.

My Government who has given you all that you ask. We advocate your religious radicalism, which feeds in turn the phenomenon of religious radicalization. I ask you one last time, silently guard, secretly and not to publicize that your community with its sacrifices and its monies have enriched my Liberal Party and I would be forever in your thank you and your feet to serve you, your worthy servant.
Do not leave us trapped by extremists silent and pernicious veiled who will sit on Systemic Racism Commission with the maximum representative of the Muslim community racist Quebec will still be difficult to pass in the media. But you know me, I see, faith Philippe, perversions, I know myself.
On the one hand religious extremism that distorts religion to blind violence, radicalization which we support the concept Muslim terrorist. On the other side, that of Islamophobia and intolerance against our own Islamic racism. We Islamists can not conceive that Christians become racists like us barbarians Salafists.  
We Islamophobic we manipulators of Allah, we are here, and acquired land conquered by the Prophet to complete our Islamophile crusade. Our Muslim racism is unique in itself and we have included the Sharia as our mentor Samira Laouni manipulates with fingered barely veiled in the corridors of the infidels of the National Assembly of Quebec that will soon be under the orders of the Prophet.  

Each needs the other to exist, Philippe Couillard and Samira Laouni.We in the Liberal Party we love to crucify the Parti Québécois and Quebec with imams are preparing a strong response to this and the CAQ will perish with them.
Philippe Couillard, Quebec Premier, its active tartufferies Samira Laouni
Philippe Couillard declared after the attacks of Ottawa and Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, his government wanted to meet representatives of the Quebec Muslim communities in order to open a dialogue to tell them how RACISER ALL THE STRAIN OF QUEBEC AND TO PAY UP THEIR LATEST DROPS OF THESE BLOODS DAMNS FRANCOPHONE CHRISTIANS on how to respond effectively to increase the escalation of violence against this rebellious people to Allah.

The Prime Minister also promised before his election, a law to promote religious radicalization, the Niqab, Hijab,Burqa, the burkinis the turbans of the Sikhs, Rajasthan, the Schtreimels the Kippa, Kirpan, Islamic Saber , Japanese sword and prohibit Cross Christians throughout the territory of Quebec, that is his will.

The Honorable Premier of Quebec, we always amazes in its aggression toward people, water carriers he leads his people so welcoming, sheep, what Mandarin, his government has not yet .

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