mercredi 25 octobre 2017

David Heurtel our basket of liberal racist crab renews racial commission Philippe Couillard systemic racist Islamist

David Heurtel our basket of liberal racist crab renews racial commission Philippe Couillard systemic racist Islamist
Religious New series: Lies and Couillardises Philippe de Espinay

His identity will mandate its name change racism-discrimination-systemic-mandat-exchange-forum-valuation-diversity,not the same result, the same anti-French denunciations, to introduce maximum Islamist racism within government agencies for a total control of all veiled functions of government by the barbaric religious newly arrived in our society. Lie Quran Surah 3: 28
Philippe Couillard us silly again, he hates us to death. He sees us, citizens of Quebec Francophones as bastards, the dumb, settlers, scoundrels.
Philippe Couillard when thinking of us all, strains of native, as the balls of Quebec Francophones its assholestaxpayers,who love to flog the public square.  
Islam we must kill the infidels, Christians and Jews and to help Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau decided to create systemic racism commission, accommodation unreasonable and multiculturalism
You Quebecers Catholics white racists  origins strains,the idiots who pay the salaries of the Prime Minister, ministers, MPs, refugees, invited Justin Trudeau, my francophone cursed.

The welcoming of mentally deficient, these white Francophone Quebecers, these systemic racism, you Islamist antis antis Muslims, sharia antis, antis Koran being done by religious crusades gently through their blackmail within my government and of the National Assembly of Quebec with associations Samira Laouni,the benefactress of Ayatollah Khomeini (COR),which will be our saviors at all. Allah is great in my heart of Philip the Conqueror.
After months of controversy IMMORAL from the Premier of Quebec, Québécophobe Salafist Islamist racist Philippe Couillard.
It took fear of losing the next election in October 2018,and is in his pants and blood, his Liberal government, cross modifies bridges the mandate of the consultation on systemic discrimination and racism Premier Canada Justin Trudeau hoped anti-Quebec reports that he had created especially for associations racist Islamists infiltrated Quebec Parliament, which becomes a forum on employment integration.
What were the masturbation policies by the Prime Minister to hide its defeat in County Louis-Hébert because of the fury of Francophone Quebecers strains, which he abhors their faces or their Latin.
And real good Muslims, not religious fanatics and immigrants who want to rebuild their lives quietly and honestly and who saw the hatred of the Premier of Quebec wild,wash over us all.  
His demonic hatred,particularly the Premier of Quebec and not of his cabinet ministers who often refutes his intentions to his racist Islamists too at the sight of the media.

Meanwhile, to the entire Quebec, Philippe Couillard, his iron hand, only advocates achievements for ONLY MUSLIMS and causes of perversities crazy different religions except Christianity that is to say, lobbyists, religious associations that fill the coffers of political parties.
No accommodation for francophone Quebecers Strains,Christians and white n'is permitted in Quebec and in Canada by the Commission on Human Rights and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms because we the citizens origins we are classified as payers taxes and taxes and inferior beings to immigrants, refugees, Islamists, invited Justin Trudeau and religious with their toilet paper on their heads and veiled women, who come to shit onus. Surah 4:33
Hamza Chaoui, Islam is incompatible with Western democracies
The new Immigration Minister, David Heurtel, also withdrew the mandate to the Commission on Human Rights and Youth(CDPDJ),which was oversee the work. This is not "the appropriate vehicle," says the minister to write down another false mandate the Liberal party excels to falsify truths and scheming resolutions to arbitrarily accommodate immigrants who does not want to integrate and forcing the majority to integrate the minority as is always the case with the Liberal party of Quebec (PLQ) and Philippe Couillard.

The 31 already mandated to conduct local consultation bodies will continue their work, but the public forum scheduled for December will now focus on employment-related issues, training, francization and the fight against discrimination. But David Heurtel forgot immigrant integration must be the first task of this commission and not religious accommodation.

Independence of work, my eye, under supervision of the Politburo
Although work had been entrusted to the Commission on Human Rights and Youth Rights (CDPDJ) to ensure its independence, the Minister denies any "interference" policy in the new formulation. "The mandates are given, and these are then organizations that control the development of these mandates there," said David Heurtel.

The minister also denies that its decision is related to the internal problems of the Commission on Human Rights and Youth Rights (CDPDJ), where the President is subject to allegations of abuse of authority and mismanagement. "This is not a reaction to what is happening to the commission," he says. What systemic racism?

The Minister also ensures that the body 31 non-profit organizations (NPOs) mandated to conduct local consultations will address discrimination and racism issues and that their reports will be made public.
Handling the majority by the
Government,which becomes a forum on promotion of diversity and the fight against discrimination, to be held in December which largely focus on integration measures employment for cultural minorities. But the minister Heurtel recognizes that the exercise will also address issues of discrimination..

"If we only change the name of the commission to make makeup,we will continue to be against," said Carole Poirier,Chief Whip of the Official Opposition.
The event took place under the sign of diversity, Wednesday in Quebec, with the adoption of the religious neutrality Act which documents will both religions will exceed the laws of the government, and the redesign of the consultation on systemic racism.
Philippe Couillard withdrew racialized his foot nails for now
The Commission on Human Rights and Youth Rights is withdrawing the mandate of this new forum because "it was not the appropriate vehicle," said said the minister. He however Babysitting admit it's because of the crisis through the body. "This is not a reaction to what is happening to the Commission," he argued.
In a press briefing in the afternoon, the Minister of Immigration, David Heurtel,confirmed that the "government will not proceed with the proposed mandate given to the Human Rights Commission and Youth Rights .
"Controversial Consultation
Consultation on systemic discrimination and racism in Quebec requested by the government of Philippe Couillard was far from unanimous within his political party.
The Parti Quebecois (PQ) and the future Coalition Quebec (CAQ) have long advocated canceling the consultation that led the Human Rights Commission.

Crisis at the Commission of Human Rights
In addition, the Commission on Human Rights and Youth Rights (CDPDJ) is immersed in the heart of crisis management.
On Tuesday, the Quebec Minister of Justice, StéphanieVallée,announced it was sending an external auditor to the CDPDJ to shed light on the current situation.
"It is important to get to the bottom of things, to get from someone, a completely independent expert, a diagnosis," said Stéphanie Vallée yesterday.
Since late August, several employees accused anonymously President, Tamara Thermitus, Haitian of origin, abuse of authority and mismanagement, racist against whites. The latter is also the subject of an investigation of the Public Protector.
Philippe Couillard, Quebec Premier, my biggest nightmare is to be at the head of the Quebec government, of the people so dumb, that welcomes with open arms immigrants who want to destroy them and provide them their lodgings, clothing, pensions, schools, health free, accommodations, unreasonable allow themselves to bend over, and they are happy to be treated as "systemic racism as the US, the KKK in the US with blacks or Hispanics ".  

Guests of Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, and Denis Coderre,Mayor of Montreal, these Salafists refugees died laughing to see a company with no spine and sold politicians, leeches gangrenous by money , petrodollars, the evil religions enjoy all the privileges that Canadians and Quebecers citizens have no right to have access because we no longer hold the balance of power during elections since the immigrants held at federal and provincially.

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