dimanche 1 octobre 2017

Philippe Couillard - Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia Framed Nathalie Normandeau Vote for the CAQ

Philippe Couillard - Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia Framed Nathalie Normandeau
By asking people to vote for Louis-Hébert for the CAQ, former minister Nathalie Normandeau just bring to Philippe Couillard a much blow that it seems.

Mrs. Normandeau know what it does when it launches a scathing soaring against Philippe Couillard in his radio program. Incredibly harsh words from a former colleague.
The Honorable Nathalie Normandeau,former Liberal minister, described the Prime Minister, the Honorable Philippe Couillard as a man"very disturbing, dangerous, looking Quebecers high."
Nathalie Normandeau, expressed a desire "strongly another government, a government caquiste in the National Assembly," which means all the systemic racist behavior, mental, Salafists Quebec premier who hope that the total destruction of Francophone Quebec people as wish his friend the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, his mentor.
Liberals respond with reason that his motives are not all evil angelic but mainly for sneaky integrations of the Koran and Islamic Sharia within all ministries, laws, the recruitment conditions, regulations, and public and parapublic at the National Assembly, in all areas controlled by the government and Islamist lobbies increasingly strong with departments, mayors, institutions, hospitals, school boards and others.

Nathalie Normandeau can both act of revenge against the people who have dropped and lather his radio show. The human does not always act like one obsession with the best interests of his nation. Knowing that the government Couillard and Charest both corrupt governments had decided to voluntarily theyto recruit had a scapegoat to send in the mouths of the media to evade the intentions of the corruptions of the Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ).  
Nathalie Normandeau had his head first to be put on the stake without further consultation with its fiendish bosses and brothers and sisters who kill not enjoy the same political and populist stoning first corrupt Liberals as the Charbonneau Commission which has been infringed and violated by corrupt as active members of the Office of the Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard.
The Honorable Islamist defrocked Philippe Couillard being recent years reached a very serious disease,Coraniste, Acute it has lost all sense of reality is downright become a danger to himself, his own ministers, his entourage , friends Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist terrorists who fear him.

Philippe Couillard with his greedy Couillardises is mostly popular with minorities, allophones and anglophones
However, the shot hard door and for several reasons. First, this woman has a certain charisma. We listen. Nathalie Normandeau knows how the words and emotion to touch people. His ability to win re-election in the Gaspé and his radio career are authentic.
Nathalie Normandeau especially enjoys a favorable ear among people in liberal and continue to see the shameless manipulation of the Premier of Quebec with Islamist lobbies. Like the first populist Minister, Justin Trudeau, the cry on command and can only say real words when it comes to Muslim terrorists in mosques, in the media or elsewhere.
The only discriminatory words are systemic racism that are Francophone Quebecers strains thatto likes hammer and drive nails growing long in the big dose of Quebecers on scale. international and Canadian
Liberal voters already seem to have been healed of his arrest and had already accepted the idea that justice has little against it knowing it has to pay for his sins and the other liberals will be excluded. Before the trial, the impression it has been more sinned against than sinning in this matter settled.
Nathalie Normandeau the goat Liberal emissary
Nathalie Normandeau as well as some others will scapegoats and Philippe Couillard will again be the Premier of Quebec and traveling the world to stone, circumcised the people of Quebec Francophone strain from which it is an enjoyment more than sexual.
Now these Liberal voters are exactly what the machine of the Liberal Party of Quebec (PLQ) is afraid to escape Monday in the election of Louis-Hébert. People who support Sam Hamad and now hesitate to give him a second term.
Knowing that our unique and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia, the Honorable Philippe Couillard,disastrous behavior, vicious, perverted freak, visceral and even going against its Mohammedan culture, rooted in its extremism.
Since its ambulatory outputs and the emancipation of its Islamic racism in Quebec, our Prime Minister continues to ask the media to reflect the miserable lives of immigrants than native Quebecers their book and them giving free social support checks,free housing, apparels for kids at school, free school, insurance and hospitalization for free, free transport audiences to have licenses, jobs, free food.
Is it intolerant to us stock Quebecers, to give all our goods to immigrants, refugees, and not after they call racist, Mayor of Montreal, Denis Coderre, the dictator?
Quebecers are so hospitable they are welcoming racist and what is wrong with good definitions Philippe Couillard.According to the Grand Quran Philip the Prophet,it is rightly said, it has to demonize all stock Quebecers, from first to last. So he asked, and created a racist committee fully attention to the racist grievances Prime Minister of SaudiArabia,people of all colors and flavors, except white, Christian and native Quebecers.

Racist Islamists everywhere to the Commission skew the findings
Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia certainly did not spoil the cells, warts sitting on Islamist benches of the commission cheerfully stuck with the Muslim Brotherhood. The president's, counselors, instructors of this commission are people of all racist sectors that were never built because their religion does not allow them consider it to native Quebecers to integrate fully with them.
So the bad guys as requested by the Prime Minister of SaudiArabia,the Salafist National Assembly is to describe the native Quebecers are racist cursed and Agra Khalid will be pleased with the Honorable Mélanie Joly the re open the Motion M-103 in Ottawa to shout to the whole world the natural falseness English Canada, "Canada Bashing" that certainly Official Justin Trudeau and Thomas Mulcair will applaud as being true and official in Canada.  
The Francophone Quebec will again be on the international media, and Justin will be the guest of honor, the selfie no brain,"LYNCHE" of Francophones in Quebec and magazine Marianne and the newspaper Le Figaro will be there for each crucify Quebecers wicked who do not speak good French of France as their Franglais them.  

Nathalie Normandie and several other ministers throw overboard by Philippe Couillard his best friend Arthur Porter
Nathalie Normandeau knows politics, corrupt corrupters and corruption and populist. In a by-election last week is decisive. This is the time of the decision of many voters. Hitting that shot at such a time does not come by chance. She wanted to bite hurt. Maybe give the ultimate jambette the Liberals in this strategic area.
One of the reasons for the riding of Louis-Hébert is considered so strategic is that it is located in the Quebec City area.
If Philippe Couillard had the opportunity to lead a majority government rather than minority since 2014, thanks to the support of the Quebec region. If he were to stumble in the former stronghold of Sam Hamad on Monday, the signal is not very good.
The deceptions Carlos Leitao
There will be a general election in Quebec Islamist in 2018 and Philippe Couillard hid us, deceived, disguised Koran that since his tenure he raised taxes, taxes, service utilization rates, and decrease in service prior to the less affluent properties. Quebecers are cheated by the Liberal government of Carlos Leitao more than 8 billion dollars in the first year in office.  

The government is providing the largest portion to doctors and specialists for a whopping $ 7 billion.The years passed, and revenues and taxes, tariffs of services have doubled or tripled and the media we hid the embezzlement of the Liberal government total friend of the Desmarais family that controls the written and electronic press.
The year before the next election, in 2016, Carlos Leitao, after having stolen 8 billion in our own portfolio, that is to say my own money, with great fanfare only gives us solemnly 2 billion and a guard surplus of 2 billion.  In summary, the Government of Saudi Arabia, we flew 8 billion.  Created austerity, job losses for the little people and not for his friends Islamist government that governs and creates a systemic commission.
Carlos Lies
All media will tell you that Quebec is in full economic shape and notice never that these little people for four years, in hospitals, old people in nursing homes,schools, infrastructure, losses jobs that have paid a very high price. We always see the beautiful and large container but we will try to see what the content.

François Legault is it man job?
For its part, the CAQ is delighted with the unexpected support while keeping his distance so as not to stain his white cape impurities from the Charest era. Natural opportunism in such circumstances.
François lysed if he bogged down again?
As for the PQ, they laugh in their beards opponents misfortunes since the beginning of this incredible byelection. But at the bottom of themselves, they are afraid to laugh yellow evening of the vote. If the PQ vote remained as weak as the last time, they would not have so many excuses.
Gabriel Nadeau Dubois he woos creators Center Protection of Islamic Youth?

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