mercredi 4 octobre 2017

Christianity and Westerners Surrendered before the devils Islamists and Muslims - Pope Francis - Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Emmanuel Macron - Angela MerkelS

Christianity and  the West have capitulated to Islamists COWARDLY devils and musulmans
In this world where CORRUPT POLITICIANS narcissistic PROJECTING IMAGE ONLY,the wider conflict, the most important and most dangerous will not occur between social classes between rich and poor. The economic criteria, but between peoples belonging to different cultures, RELIGIONS, build of the mountains DISCRIMINATION between people and peoples..
Sharia or religious political shit embodied
Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau welcome the idea of Sharia law in Quebec and in Canada to replace the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. for allcitizens.So you've obviously heard about Sharia, the Bible Salafi Islamists, murder of honor, rape, Islamic veils, etc. EMBODIED THE DEVIL.
Canada Justin Socks Trudeau,will religious laws for Muslims and secular laws for other citizens. Now in Ottawa there are two Houses of Commons, the Islamist government of Canada Justin Trudeau and Canadian Multiculturalism without culture Jagmeet Singh, future Prime Minister Sikh with ass paper on non-integrable and non-biodegradable head.
Sharia is the body of rules and standards expected and foolish govern the public and private behavior of Muslims,Islamists, delayed,barbarians.
Alleged divine origin, which is completely wrong, because Allah had no pencil and do not write, these rules often act right, what is wrong, the prophet was a warrior, a rapist, a malicious man who wanted death, never love and peace. Islam and the Koran recognizes never peace, only death, the truth does not exist, only lies.

Some of the punishments for noncompliance can result are very well known: stoning, hands cut off, whipping, etc. and approved by the first ministers Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard as it is part of their traditions barbaric religions.
Obviously, as the Koran says everything and its opposite,their application is extremely variable depending on the locations and times considering the imams who usually interpret them are mentally ill that add there all their devilish perversity.
Nonetheless, fundamentally, many believe that these precepts are of divine origin, difficult to question more important than mere human laws.
And the woman is the equivalent of half of a man in the Koran and Sharia, and this is what promotes the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, Salafi, pure and hard,in his speeches and his prayers in mosques, explaining the benefits of segregation and the excision of women.
Lapidary gap of Islam and Accommodations Unreasonable Evil
When People who believe in such proportions that a company should be based on religious foundations, the mentally retarded, having been brainwashed from birth, come to live in West, do you think that, by magic, they easily convert to our ways of seeing? They never come to the West to destroy the entire West and our political elites facilitate their task by giving their all privileges on the host society as do the governments of Canada, Quebec, France, to Germany, Britain, and others.

Imagine the possible cultural gaps to fill because they believe our democracy and our cultures are dogmas for the infidels to be killed just to build bridges between their views and ours.
The immorality of religions
Mr Samuel Huntington was right and is absolutely right. We must be wary of the invaders lies supposedly angelic Muslims, Islamic. Let us stop making the differences between Muslims and Islamists, it's all the same. You can not change these individuals. The only Muslims who want to integrate are those who do not attend mosques, and live their own religion among them-and no veil to hide their ugliness of their diabolical religion.
Watch the world go today petrodollars, "ONLY THE DEMON OF MONEY IS IMPORTANT, PEOPLE ARE MORE" Salafists, which exclusively control this religion, and becomes increasingly threatening to all other religions, democratic systems or not.  
This religion, this political religion that affection nuclear bombs, with no human brain that govern, but only death as salvation, a mentally deranged prophet, hatred, sexual abuse, barbarism, will blow the planet to prove his Aryan nazi. We, citizens with an open mind, that this religion has acquired the maximum power by having purchased all politicians, crooked investors in the world will bring the Apocalypse, the not natural disasters, but mind of man and women becoming inferior beings to animals, invertebrates.

The collaborators of Christians to Islam
Considering that the West is predominantly Christian and became slyly multicultural, welcoming, be stoned the first time by the Islamist tsunami that scroll across the entire West.  
For after Islam, will have that downstream remaining other religions in the radiant humanity. The collaborators of several other religions and political elites will say that they have contributed to the downfall of the human, gentlemen Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron.
His Holiness, populist, thoughtless, Pope Francis, the collaborationist, anti Christ, anti Peter's, the pro Islamist Salafist Muslim in the Eternal City which will be only ruins since its passage and which continue make pro Sharia policy for his friends refugees and Koranic barbarians. Well yes, these barbarians will not believe their eyes, Pope Christians sells them in the mouths of wolves,raptors Halal degenerate.
The women, these women who know the evil that religion makes them qt which does not react.  

Christians = Culture and Islam = Anti Culture
These devils in positions of power, ladies Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Hilary Clinton, Louise Cordeau Board President Status of Women of Quebec, Minister Kathleen Weil, and companies that continues to lie to women cheerfully to maintain your positions power and incredible feminists.
Ladies you are the shame planetary and other dignitaries ladies who leave flatten by "PIGS OF MALES BARBUS HATE YOU" and that in the Koran and you say word for word, you are only half of a man and hell, Satan, Allah is 95% women. So you dishonor the Ladies of the prime ministers, ministers mentioned above, for the Qur'an, you are good for fucking.
Muslim veiled Salafi who spent all their life at home, the Islamists who have made fucked four or five times a day by their beards or violated, ladies Angela Merkel, Theresa May, Hilary Clinton, Louise Cordeau Chairman of the Board Status of Women of Quebec, Minister Kathleen Weil,
The Federations of Universal Folles in all Western countries that protect sails, indignity supremacy of male and Religions
These slaves, women whose Federations Women of all Western countries do not want to fight for their human rights "may certainly say that during their lifetime they have gone out at least twice the home. First to get married and secondly to be buried. "  

See our dear political elites, our warts who lead us with these women as ministers, to all the company's positions do not even raise himself to fight for these women their brains was stratified at birth do not even slaves, because their bodies are more. These women have become hearts of stone and undergo pelvic waltzes of the bearded man.

Islam and many other religions degrading,medieval,mentally retarded beings, with their asses papers on the heads, do not bode well for women rejoicing and humans

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