mercredi 25 octobre 2017

Philippe Couillard cultivates racism against Québec Francophones

Philippe Couillard cultivates racism against Québec Francophones
These systemic racism are already promoting the interests of communities and racist lobbies the government for not integrate with Western values mainly to push their own religions against the Christian values of our country.

Philippe Couillard created the Inquisition tribunal of criminals, murderers, nazistes, a maximum of Stalinist stench, being judge and party involved in all decisions have already hands the conclusions and documents already on the desktop Prime Minister even before the hearings of this committee puppet lying riddled lies corrupt liberals exclusive services of the minority and the service of the Islamist crusade of Allah over Quebec and Canada by Motion M-103 Iqra Ishad, Ottawa.
Philippe Couillard is the best anti nationalist deals Francophone Quebecers in the history of Quebec Liberals since its inception with attitudes Pinochet of the National Assembly of Quebec. Accentuating its moralistic attacks, anti Francophone Quebecers restore hope and make us the racism inherent Salafist Islamist dictatorship and manipulation that veiled Muslim must undergo every second in our territory.  
As immigrants into their new host society, their only solution was to convince easily Salafist Premier of Quebec and the Liberal government of all the wickedness of the Koran and Sharia as evil, slander, racist their units embedded under the laws of their Prophet and unchangeable since their births.

TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE COMPANY RECEPTION,FROM ALL HARM AND IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE AS THE PROPHET IN HIS REQUEST Crusades. To lie with the complicity of our political elite, racist extremists commissions infiltrate government veins "perversities MUSLIM Salafi Islamists Koranic CHARIANIQUES WARPED AND THEY WANT TO MAKE US BELIEVE WE ALL LIKE THEM.
These bad Muslims, those in charge of Saudi Arabia, the barbarians who afflict Islam with the support of Yemen, Qatar, the Muslim Brotherhood, MAC, etc.  These false Muslims who destroy the lives of Muslims who want a peaceful life and be happy in their own religion by not having to have people like those who sit on the committees racists.
The barbarians of the commission, their only result will once again put fire to the powder and the good Muslims pay the price again and innocent people will be killed.
This waste commission Philippe Couillard, this populist commission has the sole purpose of accumulating votes for the next election. All Francophone Quebecers know you vote never for the PQ or the CAQ.  Philippe Couillard well knows, Islamists, anglophones, allophones, you hold the balance of power are always on the side of corrupt Liberals, no matter what they do in the National Assembly.
If tomorrow Philippe Couillard raise taxes and 200 percent taxes there will be in groups, in your communities to say that this is caused by the Parti Quebecois and the separatists and you will believeit.You are immigrants here, and that's unfortunate, because you will never and never ever ever Quebecers and multicultural Canadians to Justin Trudeau.
You will always be in the first place, no matter if you are Muslim, Islamist or not, of other religions, you and your children will always be immigrants, not citizens in Canada and Quebec. Why ? You always identify, your religion, paper ass you on the head, clothing impose your religious you from generation to generation.

You came to the West not for a better world to live with our democracy, but to redo the West with your religion and its good sides and its perversities. Unfortunately, Canada and Quebec, left tens of immigrant religions that lead fierce war for millennia.
Before you arrived lapidary for us all, Christians in the West, in Canada and Quebec, there was only Protestantism and Catholicism as the Canadian Constitution accepted in Canada. But the traitor,Prime Minister of Canada, who wanted to destroy the Quebec Francophone, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, father of the current Justin Trudeau selfie that will end its work by destroying all of Canada with its multiculturalism and compromises unreasonable its Salafist for Quebec Philippe Couillard.
Since he knows how to create the Canada and Quebec small colonies, small tribes with their own religions, their own schools, their common language, in several municipalities and they created there the "GHETTOS RELIGIOUS IMPERVIOUS".
These ghettos have become religious municipalities citing as example Ville Saint-Laurent, with districts named by local immigrants "Little Beirut" and little further another neighborhood, it is Chinese, with a different name and religion with another language, etc. And City of St. Lawrence as several other cities within the city of Montreal, these communities ghettoized people working in its begin communicating with each other in their own languages, religions and when a foreign guest arrives, c that is to say, a native of Quebec, they try to talk to us in English or French.  
So their integrations multicultural minorities, veiled or not immigrants, their integration into our culture, to our Western values, our civilization will forever be with the first two generations at least.

This is the problem when our governments try to please all immigrants who arrive on our soil. Afterwards, we welcomed them with all requested changes and we lost most of our rights because our politicians we stole them to hand them.
But again, arises another problem, this community, these new religions, begin to compete with each other, ie, which will win the maximum acquired from local, provincial and federal.
You will see in a few years, systemic commissions Philippe Couillard to depict the wickedness he has to Francophone Quebecers to please the Islamists now, it will be a real bomb that falls on his head when other religions will claim the same favors from her.
How the Quebec Liberal Party and the Liberal Party of Canada, both parties corrupt to the marrow of the bone, which would sell their mother for five sub smiling. Can we have confidence in our politicians, who do not care about us, that only display words and images without ever acting. The puppets that can destroy entire lives in a single wand.Populist evildoers who lost all credibilities engaged the perfidy of power and money, their only goal.

Quote Tony Accurso, Mafia in Montreal at the Charbonneau Commission on Liberal corruption in Quebec
It is something my father taught me: Do not ask a politician to help. Ask him not to harm you!
Quote Napoléon Bonaparte 1769-1821
In politics stupidity is not a handicap, only the image account
NB: I think he was talking about Justin Trudeau in 1800, he had visions
Quote of the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau
Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party of Canada (LPC) believe that all terrorists must retain their Canadian citizenship or get when they land in Canada. Because I say and I'm willing to take blame anyone who does not agree with me. Justin Trudeau, Winnipeg, mayor, July 4, 2015

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