Angela Merkel Willkommen in der realen and Presidents, Prime Ministers Westerners, Justin Trudeau, the IRRESPONSIBLE - CRIMINAL - ANTI NATIONALIST
Angela Merkel opened the valves of the mass immigration of Syrian refugees in Germany for maximum votes in the next election. It is entirely fun of the German nation which would receive these people with Muslim culture, Islamic Salafists for many Wahhabis, Allah brought to the door of Europe to conquer, according to the Koran and the Sharia.
Angela Merkel thought only of herself, a politician, populist, opportunist, and like other presidents or prime ministers or ministers western, being collaborators countries barbaric Saudi Arabia, Qatar, have left Penetrer the devil among the Western democracies.
Races to refugees, El Papa
Barbarian youth of Syria, exclaimed, Allah has given them their new territory to colonize Europe and were to get rid of the mold, that is to say of Christians and Jews. Therefore, the mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker, stressed that all German were whores and should respect towards new migrants not to be raped. Ah, it's nice to have, mayors, feminists minds with openings like this, no one has need of Islamic crusade to destroy a country, Henriette could do it herself with Angela Merkel.
Angela Merkel's government irresponsible, incompetent, unconscious, collaborationists, miserable, leeches, liars
German media and government authorities were thus on the same wavelength regarding the treatment to give them: he s 'was minimized. Media lies always stressed that the attacks and rape were made by individuals with mental difficulties but she never dared to say the words "Muslim Terrorists Refugees Islamists Salafis Qur'an Sharia Extremists" and preferred to put the mistakes of these criminals of the German population which was taken with the decisions of this shrew who does not think the German people.
It Angela Merkel was elected as all Western thank you to the Salafists, petrodollars, Quranist, bloodthirsty barbarians of the Islamic State, the voice of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Justin Trudeau, Francois Holland, David Cameron and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Our Western politicians pleaded for mental dementia terrorists, hogwash, criminals!
I believe that it is our politicians take us for the mentally insane, for the innocent, illiterate. It was unwise, they said, playing the game of the extreme right and racist. Up to a point, we understand.
Since Germany also wades into the bleating multiculturalism is also very thick buttered on xenophobia and Islamophobia.
Philippe Couillard to the rescue
By the way, I make you an easy prediction: our local morons argue that Canada, relatively unscathed so far, the policy has its fabulous openness and tolerance. Justin Trudeau keeping watch, as in mosques and in Muslim media never recognize any terrorist feat across the planet because these events are purely chimeras.
Here in Canada, the land of the innocent, without identities, without cultures, our doors are wide open for the total destruction of the country. You did you present as a member of the Liberal party, and voila.
Middle East has shifted in Europe
Nonsense: it's just that if you come from the Middle East, Europe is closer, and freedom of movement without border controls terribly complicates the task of the national police. Anyway, it will be impossible for Merkel to continue to moralizing sermons to other Europeans. Their problems are now his problems. Angela Merkel, has already started the climb to the crucifixion of her and her political party.
The next closing European borders will hurt genuine refugees but what do you want, Islamic devil Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and other barbaric countries have infiltrated our democracies and piercing are all our values. We therefore need to mend these holes drilled by our collaborators, close tightly, and let the world know that the Islamic domination ended in the West and they have to live with them, to let them folleries.
Their hunting ground is closed
Have you also thought Merkel decided to let this human tide without subjecting it to a vote in Parliament? His moral rectitude was before basic democratic requirements. Here in Canada, Justin Trudeau, acted in the same way as a real dictator. It was the race between the premiers and Canada, and mayors from different regions who will have the maximum of refugees to show on television, in the media at the airport. It was the festival of Syrian refugees, as we have here in Montreal, the Francofolies, and the Grand Prix of Canada.
The mayors, premiers, leeches of our companies were present, the health ministers at the airport with doctors, gifts for children, the fair animals are coming! The Syrians were to win the battle between political parties, financial institutions, hospitals, schools, families commanditaient of Syrian families, the combat Branlebas was at its height.
The Syrians were good and large electoral market values, battles between the mayors, the suburbs, the cities
of the media wars, careerist, populist begin
Western politicians, feminists, left intellectuals, irresponsible media
All Europe suffers irresponsibility of Angela Merkel, according to the Defense Minister of Austria, Mr. Doskozil. The majority of Muslim terrorists pass through Germany Angela Merkel.
Neither the attacks nor the terrorist threat, nor the refusal of sovereign government or sexual assault of Cologne or the growing irritation of the people have yet because of ideological postulates of Merkel. Ideological point of accepting as adverse political consequences? It is reasonable to expect that from him, these consequences are deliberately accepted or desired.
Angela Merkel, François Holland, Manuel Valls, Islamophile, pro Muslim, pro-petrodollars collaborators
The European nations reject the Islamic invasion of the Koran and Sharia. The scapegoating by the German Government is not a surprise. Berlin was trying to impose a European mechanism to impose the Afro-Muslim immigration to the whole European Union. Angela Merkel sought to manipulate the whole of Europe. This is one reason why Britain wants out of the European Union, because of the flood of Muslim terrorists, can not be integrated.
Which led to the revolt of the nations of Eastern Europe, among the most exposed. Since the Slovak government announced by the voice of his interior minister that he "would veto"any decision of this kind. Denmark, but also Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic announced their decision to refuse any German initiative in this direction.
Islam can be integrated in any democracy, Montrealer prophet, Adil Charkaoui
After failing to convince those countries for most survivors of communism, Germany shamelessly announced that it was closing its borders with Hungary, de facto suspending the Schengen agreement. The effect was immediate at European level: the countries most at risk, with their victory against the Franco-German immigrants, announced identical decisions.
Angela Merkel discreetly removed from the case of refugees by his political party, a total disavowal
In Germany, therefore, the country's security services undertook to divest Angela Merkel of consultation on file with the Bavarian regional government. By multiplying criticism of the obvious disaster has shown the approach of the Chancellor and restoring Schengen, German officials have ended the "unlimited home" announced by the latter.
Angela Merkel has lost control of the explosive situation of refugees, terrorists in Germany and Europe. The Islamic conquest of Europe is almost complete with current bases in Germany, France and Britain. The Vatican soon, soon will his total Islamic conversion by next pontificate.
Here Canada, the country housed on planet Mars
Justin Trudeau, a man sensitive to the Salafist sold to Islam and its followers. A Premier religious who will pray in mosques company extremist Muslim Brotherhood in Brossard, Quebec and the Liberal party supports their terrorist organization!
Our Honourable Prime Minister, made cultural visits to many mosques, a Wahhabi mosque serving recruitment center in al-Qaeda, in which sermons Western Anti and other callers to kill the Jews were delivered by imams! When he got out of this place of worship, he mentioned to the media, he did not know that al Qaeda meant because he thought it was some kind of chocolate.
The Prime Minister during his free time and glory supports Muslim organizations that promote the Sharia! Even the president of the Canadian Muslim Congress, Mumtaz Khan,denounced what support Justin Trudeau the worst extremist Muslims, ISNA activity, branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in Canada, global terrorist organization. Knowing that a vote is a vote, a terrorist is a vote, a Christian, this is shit!
Our Prime Minister of Canada, offers its monetary offerings to support the Muslim organization Islamic Relief, denounced the US as funding Hamas, patriotic organization according to him!
After the attack against the Marathon Boston Tsarnaev Muslim terrorists, three dead, Mr. Justin Trudeau said in an interview that has shocked many in Canada, it is Western civilization, Christians, who are responsible for these attacks and our democracies have to disappear in order to install the Koran and the Sharia.
Justin Trudeau loves Halal food and the day "Sacrifice" said proud to have visited all the mosques of Canada! He shared many meals with the worst fundamentalist Muslims, Ramadan, preacher, internationally known terrorist! He likes to dress in full Muslim dress,(Kammi,sandals, etc.)!
Alexandre Trudeau, brother of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asked
Alexandre Trudeau asks his brother Justin Trudeau urged Wednesday in an open letter to the federal Minister of Public Security to defer the deportation of an Algerian suspected of being a sleeper agent Al-Qaeda, which it denies. We all know that the family of Pierre Elliott Trudeau liked dictatorships, dictators, the Maoists, torture, and to this day even Al Qaeda, a purely Islamist Canadian family.
This kind Algerian Mohamed Harkat sleeper agent of Al Qaeda, seller of pizza, suspected of allegiance to the Islamist, he was imprisoned from 2002 to 2006 under a Canadian Procedure terrorist anti exceptional, introduced in the wake of September 1, allowing authorities to indefinitely detain without formal charges foreigners, as well as judge in camera.
Alexandre Trudeau addressed to Ralph Goodale, federal Minister of Public Safety, that "security certificates" are "fundamentally unfair".
"I am totally convinced that at present (Harkat) represents no danger to people or the Canadian public safety," said Alexandre Trudeau.
a simple question, what are the reasons she layer the Trudeau family with all Muslims, Islamists, terrorists who spikes on the planet and eliminate all laws regarding the safety of citizens against criminals, these associations who swarm in Canada. Is it in their hormones?