samedi 17 décembre 2016

Djemila Benhabib won against Racism, Salafism Muslim in Montréal

Djemila Benhabib won against Racism, Salafism Muslim in Montréal
Ministers,sleepy, drowsy, National Assembly of Quebec, the Honourable Kathleen Weil, MNA for Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, the Quebec Liberal Party, Minister of Immigration, diversity and Inclusion, Stéphanie Vallée, MNA for Gatineau, the Quebec Liberal Party, Minister of Justice, Minister responsible for the Outaouais region, Philippe Couillard, MP for Roberval, Quebec Liberal Party, Prime Minister, Head youth issues, Head of the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region, Salafist, Wahhabi, Islamophilia, Québécophobia.

Djemila Benhabib
writer, journalist, teacher and lecturer.
International price of secularism 2012
Humanistic Price du Québec 2014
Award for freedom of expression in 2016
Djemila Benhabib lived the beginnings of a dictatorship islamiste including Quebec prepares to receive and build on its territory with the approval of Canadians politicians and Quebecers.
It was the early 1990s I was not yet 18. I was guilty of being female, feminist and secular. I lived Oran in Algeria. A politico-religious dictatorship under the leadership of the Islamic Front of salvation (FIS) threatened my country. It is not a dictatorship without grazes be somewhat, if not many, transformed and forever. Life makes sense. The dead also.

Since that time, history has set his sights on me in spite of myself, to call me to countless appointments. My personal story ceased to be personal. It coincides with the convulsions of my country titled.
"The Book is  Djemila Benhabib, My life against the Koran, Islamophobia 2009 or uninhibited, ISBN 9782896491360
Djemila Benhabib, Quebec

Djemila Benhabib, an activist who dedicates his existence in promoting secularism, won his trial. Basically, she was prosecuted for having criticized a school to promote Islamism, terrorism, enlistment.
Defamation of Muslim Schools of Montreal against Djemila Benhabib and against the rule of law in Quebec and our institutions, democratic  our Canadian Christian values in American soil. Muslim schools are Salafists promotions and total rejection of human rights, therefore, we are certainly not entitled to recriminations against our openness and expression system and if you do not like, take your rags and go, here's a free country, you see, you can even our piss on heads and the Prime Minister just your shake hands.

Salafist terrorist barbarians
What you will certainly not be able to Saudi Arabia, with your dear Sharia your head and that of your entire family will be cut in less than two minutes, so open your country and that human rights are only obey and women are trash bags with two legs walking behind their husbands.
As we all know, is hell for you all, here in Quebec, the demon of freedom is dangerous to be free to think for oneself. Especially when we never used our brains for centuries. The large Multi told us not to eat bananas because it reminds women to the penis. I believe it failed brand banana!

It was a political trial. And a fundamental trial.
Can we speak freely without always put white gloves without always take tweezers? Can we call a spade a spade? Or call Islamist Islamist?
A political trial that Philippe Couillard Premier of Quebec that protects this community from the top of his perch against every strain of Quebecers as it is Islamophile and Québécophobe. But the accommodations are raining for Muslims and discriminates against Christians, the taxpayers. They are superior to people who welcomed them.  
Media Salafist terrorists
As he points out to us very often the Premier of Quebec, Muslims, allophones, have gold for us Liberals, vote in our next elections and a lot of money for our campaign funds and envelopes filled with silver. Our only principle is equality for minorities, and destroy all of Quebec, so I can do it please my friends from Saudi Arabia, the Wahhabi Salafists, my donors.

Terrorists accommodations
Are we still in a democracy, in a free society, where ideas can compete without this turns into a quarrel lawyers? Because the Prime Minister of Canada, has only one religion in mind, it is Islam, and it goes in the mosques every Friday for prayers and it is the only official cult that Canadian selfie approves and glorifies all over the world spotlight. To please them, the same day of his election, he annulled, anti terrorism laws against Islamist extremists, it was a gift of love for Allah, the Sharia, the Quran.

Terrorists of free expression
The truth is that freedom of expression has dramatically decreased in recent decades.
But she continued. It gives us here a great lesson in courage.
She did not fight for their rights, but also for ours. Our fearful of women, Canadian feminists, intellectuals who spit on our laws to protect these patients Sharia. Yesterday, Djemila Benhabib won. But these are all citizens of Quebec who have won together.
Terrorists contemptuous of our democracies
Thank Djemila, a Muslim, an Arab feminist, to defend the rights of non-Muslim women!

Terrorists our women's federations
The Federation of Quebec women take in the first gum and ladies and gentlemen ministers of Canada will you take appointments sold psychiatrists, twisted as you are, Angela Merkel, next to losing his place and into the wall with David Cameron, Francois Hollande, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and maybe soon, our prime ministers of Canada?
There will be a Way of the Cross and the Cross will be carried by the Honourable Stéphane Dion, Minister of International Relations of Canada assisted the Ontario Sister Zunera Ishaq, next Premier of Ontario who will unveil at the Islamic National Assembly Toronto.

Identity terrorist
There will also be guest of honor, the conjurer and graceful Adil Charkaoui dressed peppermint slipper, Chaoui Hamza, angelic face with neurotic sexually attractive lips, Ismail Habib, ambulatory terrorist cute "Charkaouiste" (sic) the holy week with the presence of the first ministers, Justin Trudeau  Philippe Couillard, Kathleen Wynne, Rachel Notley which will bloodthirsty clinics to the entrance albumin virgins of purgatory in the presence of Muslim Associations extremists and moderate Muslims brothers.

Notice to our Western politicians

Vladimir Putin "Forgiving terrorists is the role of God, send them to Him is my case"

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