vendredi 16 décembre 2016

François Hollande, the Grand Mufti, PARIS, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of FRANCE, presents the Islamic municipality "TRAP" ghetto Salafist QURANIC, Wahhabism, in December 2016,

François Hollande, the Grand Mufti, PARIS, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of FRANCE, presents the Islamic municipality "TRAP" ghetto Salafist QURANIC, Wahhabism, in December 2016,
Our politician
CHARIANIQUEprideGROWN by YOUR POLITICIANS, YOUR blind FEMINIST,leftists, intellectuals compassionate MEDIA CRITICS petrodollars JUDGES sold

Paris, 40 minutes by train from Montparnasse station is the city of Trappes. Architecturally, an old ancestral the hatches like all cities caught up in the excessive expansion of the capital, near the station, two blocks from the old one-storey houses.
Once off the train, visitors find themselves in the Middle East, in Islamic countries such as Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Egypt in Islamic dress and veiled women.
Crossing the bridge Marcel Cachin, the new Trappes, visitors see a large sunken Islamic bookstore - the only library that will be given to see during his tour in this city.
I would add that here, in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, there are several cities within Montreal, the veiled Muslim women, Salafis, walk to the views of all mosques and illegal grow there like mushrooms, the media does not want us mount, Premier literally sleeps with them, these extremists who are destroying our society but pocketing more votes in the next election.  

Knowing that the Premier of Quebec, Mr. Philippe Couillard, spent five years in Saudi Arabia and is almost Salafist agent Scissorhands for Saudi Arabia in American earth with the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. Their teams, their liberal parties in all Canadian provinces working to tear off feet to the establishment of Islamic Courts and Sharia in Canada and the provinces.
Trappes, Paris suburb, city Islamist Salafist
In the streets, little traffic due to summer holidays (many parking spaces are empty), more than half of interviewees wear Islamic dress: long tunic and ankle cap knitted for men, veil for women (from a simple scarf covering only the head to the hijab from head to toe) - with men dressed in Western, many of them sport a beard.
Spectacle of religious slavery Islamic Salafist Hollande
Up to the station, the show is repeated: men in Islamic dress, veiled women alone or in groups - never torque: the separation of the sexes is strict. Arabs, Turks, Mali, Comoros, Indonesians, Senegalese, Afghans, the whole Muslim world that unfolds before the eyes of the visitor.

The French origins of paying the bills
the veiled Muslim women come out with checks of Social and Family Affairs out at regular intervals, came seeking or receiving money generously distributed by France to those who refuse to integrate. According to them, the Prophet Muhammad, who sent them in France and Europe to recover the land in the name of Allah! All the French do is pay the royalties they owe to Allah and to the people of Muhammad, the Salafist Muslims, this money is owed. Europe belongs to Allah, and you are their slaves.
Seeing the visitor brandishing a digital camera, one of the veiled Muslim flip-flopped on the sidewalk, and turned back, as if she had seen the Devil. As we said many times, the Prime Minister of Canada, the International selfie, Justin Trudeau, if terrorism exists, is that there are too many Christians who terrorize Muslims.

Salafi Muslims willintegrate, never  why keep them?
Here's how an almost entirely Muslim city grows near Paris in general indifference: a territory in which the Islamic Republic of French no longer preserves the appearance of his presence; an enclave of slavery, barbarous, human baseness, Saudi Arabia; thousands of Muslims living in isolation in relative calm until the followers of Sharia the area to make it rule their usual terrors.
The mosque in Trappes, to the land of the Elysee
You want to spend your holiday in a Muslim country? It's not difficult, it's not expensive and it is not far: the return ticket for Trappes from the Montparnasse train station, costing 10.10 euros. This charming town is increased from 1954 4885 Christian inhabitants in 1990 to 30 878 inhabitants predominantly Muslim Salafists wahhabists and possibly the French police will be replaced by a Salafist religious police where Sharia laws and there will your politicians, your corrupt politicians will say that this is part of their traditions and they never saw this coming. But your politicians have told you the truth, your media, your judges, they were all buffet to sell you the French, these Petain these Collabos, Manuel Valls, Francois Hollande, David Cameron, Angela Merkel, Barack Obama, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Tony Blair, Pope Francis, and millions more vires-covers.

Muslim TV: Al-Manar, the channel of the Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah (released in Europe via two non-European Law satellites, Nilesat and ArabSat 2B).
September 26, 2005 was arrested in Trappes terrorist Safe Bourada, founder of the terrorist group Ansar al-Fath, who was planning attacks in France (against the Paris Metro, against the headquarters of the former DST, and against the Orly airport).with Mohamed, Benyamina arrested in Oran in the same month, he organized the indoctrination of young Muslims at the mosque in Trappes, to push for jihad. Kaci Ouarab, other faithful of the mosque in Trappes, arrested along Safe Bourada, spent two weeks in northern Lebanon, where he learned to handle weapons, explosives and poisons.
Terrorist training in Lebanon and Algeria to the hatch
Weapons, explosives and poisons, Allah is great in France
This is confidential information provided by the Algerian authorities who put the French services on alert. Arrested in Oran in September 2005, Mohammed Benyamina, Bourada successor at the head of Ansar al-Fath after the latter's departure for Egypt, reveals the organized indoctrination of young Muslims at the mosque in Trappes (Yvelines) to to "inculcate the idea of the struggle for the cause of God."

During his interrogation by the Algerian services, Benyamina evokes a terrorist meeting in Syria April 16, 2005 "to hit certain targets in Europe." In France, the attacks were planned against the Paris metro, the seat of the former DST (French against espionage) and Orly airport. Statements that led to the dismantling of al-Fath Ansar. On 26 September 2005, Bourada, and several of his knowledge of the mosque in Trappes, were arrested. The defendants, Kaci Ouarab spent two weeks in northern Lebanon where he learned to handle weapons, explosives but also poisons in a called Abu Hafs, said "the Lebanese."
With aplomb, this former accountant of 32 years claimed that the walkie-talkies found at his home were for his children, the youngest being only four months. The defense argues that the confessions of the main accuser, Mohamed Benyamina, were torn in Algeria under duress. The judgment will be rendered on 10 October. By then, three extortion of funds intended to finance the terrorist group will be screened. Victims of racketeers prostitutes to have lived in the "sin" and who will burn in "hellfire."

Do you have confidence in Manuel Valls and the Muslim Brotherhood?
Manuel Valls fell into the trap of the Muslim Brotherhood, as much of the Western political class. When he entered Islam as an integral part of our national identity, involuntarily working on the project of these ideologues. Tariq Ramadan is missing also not an opportunity to say that "Islam is a French religion." Of course, nothing is wrong. Just open a history textbook of France to be convinced. Why, then, prove them right? Manuel Valls prefers to rely on more presentable Islamists, quieter, more patient. He is afraid of terrorists and youth auxiliaries earned their ideas in "neighborhoods". Accordingly, it believes it is best left to the more structured Islamic organizations, at least in appearance.

In French, it is called yield to blackmail. No, Islam only marginally belongs to our national story. The French do not have to indirectly fund the construction of hundreds of mosques, arguing that its practitioners should catch many centuries where their ancestors were also the other side of the Mediterranean Sea. We will not hunt wolves by calling wolf. We must fight against Islamist terrorism and against Islamization, without the help of Islamists of all persuasions. We must also fight to the source, that is to say against immigration. Reaffirm that we are masters at home. It is here no question of Islamophobia but from Francophile.

In Canada, I trust Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard in regard to the Salafists, Muslim extremists who roam freely in the country?Nevermore sold, they, they are"JUDAS"for a single vote, they would sell their WIVES!

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