lundi 5 décembre 2016

Philippe Couillard - Total governmental powers - Deputies or Ministers or officials are ejectable

Philippe Couillard - total government incompetence - senior officials ejection
Assessment on a person's abilities, a group of people, a functioning of a sector, a public or parapublic organization, at all levels are perceived as discriminatory in their places and thus likely to lead to several changes in the small staff, increased workload, termination, reassignment.

Regarding the push pencils, white-collar workers, with secretaries, beautiful offices, sofas, beautiful wine cabinet, the executive part of the high hierarchy of the Liberal Party of Quebec, will have salary increases, bonuses wages.  
If you are a personal friend of the Prime Minister or a bottom collector of the Liberal party part-time, the government in power will make you gift of beautiful golden retirement paid by taxpayers and staff mentioned above, and we cotiserons during over forty years for Director Thierry Vandal Hydro-Québec with an annual pension of $ 452,402 indexed and signed by the then Prime Minister Jean Charest.
Philippe Couillard, Quebec premier, told us about his honor on honor of Allah that it was the same justice to give him a retirement that nice man and he could never conquer the signing of the former Premier of Quebec, his mentor, his teacher in the areas of administrative corruption. In addition, the Prime Minister, he said, at the press conference, with a haughty tone that we know him the verb with the white beard, it is the fault of the Parti Québécois and separation Quebec.

Primal conditions of the towers of Babel
Nobody can be incompetent in public and parapublic services, because any dysfunction is explained primarily by a lack of money. In the government, jurisdiction is frowned upon, it must be stoned immediately. The government can not control the competent people, because it has a black fear of competence. And if everyone and departments are competent, the government should lay off people and it is not profitable electorally.  
So the government needs to promote primarily the incompetence, the deficits, the shenanigans in order to stay in power to solve the shenanigans they themselves had built. They want to prove their effectiveness, to see their political party every four years, they have to shuffle the cards, staff, departments, and the mess settles, unions are happy, love the direction the situation, staff twitter's taxpayers pay the bills, so the population is happy.
This is not incompetence that would cause the number of aberrant decisions, but by the worries that keep its functions, positions, posts, no change in the organizational structure, how to do, to keep power over sectors will make a cozy bed and eternal in a giant immobile structure to weave its cells there as long as possible.

Thus, personal responsibility is systematically excluded because in these large organizations is to blame? And everyone knows that incompetence in a function can lead to promotion, so premium that allows deviate upwards of inability to fulfill its task.
Are our politicians only incompetent politicians?
Besides, our politicians are not elected mainly for their expertise, but for their political affiliation. The proof is that many outstanding candidates were defeated in elections by people poorly equipped intellectually and ethically questionable known that they do not deserve to represent their constituents. Our politicians too often get a passing grade. They have big mouths, big ambitions, their manipulations play the role of entertainer which no one can be trusted.
The accountability of senior officials
We must certainly say that MPs from all political functions on ejection seats at any time of their political career which is not the case with officials of state or leaders public or parastatal bodies. They are quietly sitting on chairs, firmly attached, for twenty-five to thirty five year career without any worries with all permitted use of annuities and gratuities due to the position. They have heaven on earth.
Beautiful cars paid for by taxpayers, vacations, secretaries who make their works, what the good life. If there are problems, it refers to employees below, and if there is loss of these uses will pay for the damage.I forgot to tell you that these prestigious positions were predestined to close political elites of the established power. These positions are not for the common man.

Knowledge in the political, judicial mafia, are very important to continue to work in this family where secrets must remain always under the covers. In no way should you contradict your God, the supreme leader, your duty is to lie most often at taxpayer into believing that you care for his daily needs.
Are you kidding him, the taxpayer shabby, with no real power, he groaned, and then what, he must speak from time to time. You, politicians follow the compass and your officials love to please you as much as possible.  
Ejectable senior officials?
These officials sometimes being unionized or not, do not want to displease you, although you are on ejection seats and become accomplices good time, friends. When the little people, fedup with you, and you jump the barrier in opposition, or outside the government, these officials want to keep their jobs.
Their mutations usually are to some tablets, or beautiful enticing retreats. During these years, these officers, have walked the ass to do on the seats in anything ever being accountable for their actions, the advice they gave to MPs and ministers.

When the government headquarters, is that it is the government that runs directly or officials who make governmental decisions? It is impossible for me to believe that when the government moved after the election and the newly elected ministers in a ministry, could blithely wade in folders and know everything that happens there. Which is completely impossible. Certain files can take tens of years of work, and the Minister after a month can solve all is humbug. It did not solve the issue, it is the officials who resolved.
So we may make officials accountable as members of ejection seats, and perhaps we would have a better administration?
Accountability is the obligation of a person to whom the responsibility was delegated to report on how it is paid. This is accountability for the use of power and resources awarded to a person or an organizational unit in order to achieve objectives.

It's hard to become an MP, a lot of work to be dishonest

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