vendredi 2 décembre 2016

Gilles Vaillancourt, former mayor of Laval, Quebec, walk to the penitentiary

Gilles Vaillancourt, former mayor of Laval, Quebec, walk to the penitentiary
The amounts diverted at least tens of millions of dollars and investing in tax havens like many of our ministers and Prime Minister have the opportunity to do so with the collaboration of our banking systems and good accountants with the help of our finance ministries.

The city of Laval hopes to recover the sum of $ 8.9 million.Mr. Gilles Vaillancourt made a very good investment between reimbursement and the amounts diverted. In the reign of Mr. Gilles Vaillancourt, the city of Laval was the best managed of Quebec, it certainly magouillait, but he did it for the good of his fellow citizens.  
That said, it is corrupt we have throughout our governments enriching themselves at our expense, their corruptions are boundless, and they will never be in prison, and it is taxpayers who will pay again for new taxes and taxes for the money they have put into their own pockets. They are untouchable, leeches, system, warts with white collar academics of our societies.

Highlights of the answer to the charge of Gilles Vaillancourt:
Response to the accusation to three counts of fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud and breach of trust
Before the way to jail, the ex-mayor Laval, Gilles Vaillancourt, who pleaded guilty to charges of conspiracy, fraud and breach of trust Thursday morning, spoke in court.
"I sincerely regret the pain that I imposed on my family, my friends and most importantly, the citizens of Laval. I feel great pain and I know that this pain then perhaps will accompany me for the rest of my life, "said the deposed mayor.

Incarceration on the spot, Judge Brunton, at the Laval courthouse, Quebec
Municipality penalty Proposal portions of six years in prison
Repayment of $ 6.908 million from Swiss bank accounts, of which $ 1,678,000 already transmitted in a trust account of the Director of criminal and penal prosecutions
Gilles Vaillancourt condo property securities worth about $ 1 million transferred to the City of Laval
Sum of $ 300,000 reimbursed to the City of Laval
Former mayor gives up his pension City valued at approximately $ 300,000
She sentence will be pronounced by the court on 15 December.

During his crimes, the parole was sixth, and since it is a third of the sentence.
Sentence of six years in prisons but according to Canadian law it must do a sixth of his sentence before applying for parole, that is to say, 1 December 2017. If during the period of incarceration, Mr. Gilles Vaillancourt his attitude was exemplary, he will parole and considering his advanced age it will again be in her December 2, 2017.

Canada and Quebec Liberal parties, the most corrupt

when incarceration A Liberal schemers are gloating to the Commission Charbonneau in Quebec, sixty percent of the senior leaders of the Quebec Liberal party are not entirely clean, we can even say that they have dirty diapers as babies Liberals and schemers in the reign of Jean Chrétien,the Gomery Commission and golf balls that took us to loose balls.

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