dimanche 18 décembre 2016

Angela Merkel German Chancellor President of the union of women to counter terrorism

Angela Merkel German Chancellor President of the union of women to counter terrorism in Islam wage and employment discrimination
A non-negligible part of the terrorist attacks are by women. But they also have the right to the same claims as men? Take an example, when they arrive in heaven, are they entitled to 72 virgins, 72 men, naked, with big and beautiful penis with erections skyscrapers scraping our ports us our points "G" up 'seventh heaven?

Angela Merkel bill on discrimination veiled
According el-Djazairia tv, martyrs, men expect to find 72 virgins in paradise. What are the rewards for female suicide bombers, can they expect? It is their husbands who await them. We women do not want our husbands, we have suffered enough on Earth. Angela Merkel, this angel from heaven can continue to betray German males from the other side.

Allah certainly does not like women because women are petty, vicious, tasteless, jealous, demonic, infidel, corrupt, as we often point the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau during his weekly visits to mosques, the only religious place he visits, he directly puts his wife up to the second floor it hits any other man. He calls it the male diplomacy.

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