vendredi 16 décembre 2016

Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, Henriette Recker, Muslim traitors, all like Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Kathleen Wynne, Barack Obama, David

Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, Henriette Recker, Muslim traitors, all like Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Kathleen Wynne, Barack Obama, David
Cameron,German Chancellor Angela Merkel, traitor the to German people, signed a decree Saturday, June 4, 2016 that has the effect of exempting from taxes the owners of shops and restaurants Muslims throughout Ramadan.
Angela Merkel muslim
According to Russia Today (Arabic edition) this decision was taken to allow Islamic restaurants lower their purchasing costs commodities during the holy month.
Angela Merkel down his pants "markelavéliques"of his four truths
at a reception which was held Tuesday evening in Berlin with representatives of different religious confessions, the German Chancellor called for mutual respect between religions.
The Chancellor said that the vast majority of Muslims are loyal citizens and constitutional and stressed the fact that He is clear that Islam has become definitely a full-fledged component of Germany. " (1)

These fuckingjudges Germanwho deliberately apply the Salafi Shari'a Wahhabi
Speaking of justice, a quick overview of the German case or how Germany shall submit to the Sharia.
For reasons related to political correctness and multiculturalism, encroaching sharia, for more than two decades on the German judicial system virtually unchecked.
And it's "chilling":
Some examples among many:
In March 2007, a Frankfurt judge referred to the Koran to decide in a divorce case involving a German of Moroccan origin beaten by her husband Moroccan. Although the police had banned the man from approaching his ex -femme he continued to abuse her and even threatened to kill her. Judge Christa Datz-Winter refused to grant the divorce. She cited Sura 4, verse 34 of the Koran, which justifies "the husband's right to use corporal punishment against a disobedient woman and establishes the superiority of the husband over the wife. "The judge ended up being taken off the case.

In June 2013, a Hamm Court ruled that anyone married under Islamic law in a Muslim country must, if it wants a divorce in Germany, observe the conditions of the marriage contract established according to sharia.
In May 2016 the Court of Appeal of Bamberg validated the marriage that linked a 15 year old Syrian his cousin to 21 years.
On 20 November 2016 a German of Kurdish origin had tied a rope around the neck of his ex-wife then tied the other end of the rope to the bumper of his car. He then dragged his wife to the streets of Hameln. The woman survived, but his condition is critical.
The man was married "once under German law and four times under Sharia law."
Franz Solms-Laubach, Bild parliamentary correspondent, wrote:
"We still refuse to believe, but large parts of German territory are governed by Islamic law. Polygamy, child marriage, judges of the Sharia - for too long the German law was not respected.
Many politicians dreamed of multiculturalism at the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Canada that will make Canada a country with no identity, no culture whose son, selfie, is the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and he attended the religious place, the mosques, as well as the Premier of Québec, another Islamic arrived!

Angela Merkel, the collaborator, protect Muslims against the Germans

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel has pledged to protect Muslims living in the country and to prosecute all anti semitic crimes and attacks against mosques, media reports International.

The German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged Thursday to protect Muslims living in the country and to prosecute all anti semitic crimes and attacks against mosques, report the international media. "We will continue to justice by all means perpetrators of antisemitic crimes. And the attacks against the mosques will be subject to as stringent criminal, because we do not let ourselves be divided by those who resort to Islamist terrorism to cast suspicion on all Muslims in Germany, "said Merkel before the deputies of the Bundestag. He added that Christians, Jews and Muslims all had their place in Germany.

As Chancellor, I will protect the Muslims of our country. All of us in this chamber of parliament, we will do, "she insisted, stressing that democracy was the best response to combat violence extremists like those that hit France last week.
The Chancellor firmly reacted to the rise of anti-immigration sentiment in Germany, currently embodied by the movement Pegida (patriots Europeans against the Islamization of the West), the weekly gatherings, Dresden and other cities, are intended to claim a tightening of immigration policy. But some, even in the ranks of her own Christian Democratic party, CDU, Merkel criticize his passionate defense of the Muslim community in Germany, which now has four million . Member attack against Charlie Hebdo perpetrated last January 7 marked the beginning of a series of bombings in the Paris region that have killed 17 people, including three policemen (3)



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