samedi 17 décembre 2016

Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Adil Charkaoui - Hamza Chaoui - Religions Contagious Diseases - Politics - Powers - Money

Religions - Contagious Diseases - perversities - Policies - Powers - Silver - Sexual Disorders
Each civilization has its garbage it deserves, so some religions are more unhealthy than others whose Salafist Islam that the now destroyed the world using our States right as a bulwark.
A religion that definitely deserves the title of the most foul and shameful worship in the history of religions. Many religions have distorted the lives of human beings and their relationships with their environments.

The Politico-Religious
Islam can survive in a draconian environment. Islam sees only darkness, life does not exist, only death is glorified,obscurantism,inquisitorial, hyper repressive, intolerant, with total and absolute control of the dogmas on the lives of men.
It is a religion of the forbidden and lock intelligence. Incompatible with human life that does not recognize the man the ability to think, reason and think things through itself. Man is not born human, it is born a slave of Allah who is the owner only master of his life. Islam is the devil incarnate in the human being, the decadence of humanity, of all religions.
Attitudes Wahhabi Salafist Islam that spread in Europe and America are philosophies Nazistes Qaradhaoui the preacher of distilled human droppings in the brains of Muslim masses uneducated, illiterate, abêties by intensive and permanent religious indoctrination, crude and fanatics, "If Islam does not kill the apostates, he would have gone to the death of Mohamed ".

Islam, conveyed by countries such as Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Indonesia have truly reached the Himalayan peaks of human abjection to fade from jealousy that other ideology of human immondicité.
Islam draws directly to its sources in the arid, cruel, inhuman, bloodthirsty, lazy, vulgar and barbaric Arabs and the rigidity of their dogmatic thinking, racism, anti-Semitism,ultra-violence solution final for the infidels, the rebellious and the idolaters, colonialism, of inquisition and terrorism by stuffing petrodollars to commit the most crimes against Christians with the aid of our corrupt politicians, our extremist feminists and intellectuals junk, monocles, their priest that their diabolical support.
Religions, human barbarities
Some civilizations are equal in human barbarity but there are some who have broken the chains of barbarism that have flooded the world with the light of the freedoms while others are slow to do and are rather inclined to extinguish this light to plunge the world into the obscurantist darkness.

Judeo-Christian humanism
Humanism from this Judeo-Christian culture as decried by Muslim-compatible is certainly not the best value shared between civilizations.
The ultimate message of Jesus is obliged to believe in a God. Jesus also asks men to love what Almighty God who watches over us in our lifetimes and we welcome the kingdom of heaven after death, at least those who deserve it, "For there are many called, but few are chosen. ". For Jesus, love God above all do his will, obey his commandments so. It does not matter really love, but obedience. You love, so you obey. It is an obligation. We must obey the commandments of God that intransigent. Faith as obedience is essential.
Pope Francis has forgotten truths of Jesus to protect his Church by complying with Islamic laws and despising Christian laws.
Christianity claim to love humans and not to kill human
Jesus asks us to love God it all, but he never says that God loves him human, or at the earliest,yes he loves us but certain conditions. That's love! God will love men if they are his will. Always obedience-love. I believe that Islam is the only religion that asks kill and still kill, love, charity, welfare of humans, it does not exist. Mohamed would have very serious mental problems and sexualities.

Religious obscurantism of all religions
One of the first symptoms of an infected society by religious obscurantism is that the very nature of religious obscurantism becomes obscure. The general public begins to believe that obscurantism is defined as "the disease that we can not have."
When you utter the words "religious obscurantism"Mr. Tout-le-Monde think at odd Muslims with turbans, living in a country filled with sand and oil, or he thinks crazy Christians who are trying to fix their car by reading the Bible, rather than reading an auto repair manual. Mr. Tout-le-Monde did not first examine himself to see if it is contaminated with religious obscurantism.
Kathleen Weil Minister of Immigration, rags Quebec explains religious obscurantism by his little brain sparrow

Our Minister denies everything. The Islamic religious obscurantism, Muslim, does not exist, begins when you start to believe, without even realizing it. Notice the two parts of the expression: Religious relates to believe that statement is true, and darkness was over the fact that you do not realize you're believing, as opposed to knowledge.
Muslim veil doors for hidden sex. Well yes, they have sex in their face. They are wars against our democracies, and these Salafists, their husbands, send the fearful on the battlefield in the wars for them. Our Prime Minister likes them so much, he sleeps with them in their mosques. In paradise of Allah, you will surely Philippe Couillard to his Cross, with Justin Trudeau, picking up the coupons Muslim votes collected on the graves of Christians and Jews.

Religious obscurantism attacks Science, but be careful, Françoise David is coming!
Another typical symptom of religious obscurantism, political, feminist, is that our elites, our demagogues, our white-dressed, who only talk to hear, by considering the consequences of their policy actions , civil company are ready to destroy everything to have a small hook on the end of the ballot paper. They all care about the total destruction of the province, the country, their children, they want the power this time and nothing else. This is the maximum of selfishness, they are not elected to the services of the population but as these Salafists, murderers in the name of Allah!
If these murderers commit honor killings, we can certainly say that our politicians, the corrupt, they are criminals who lead us with all the aid of laws, judges, police, petrodollars that pour their money around to destroy our youth.

The religions are not equal to the moral level
Salafis are so happy, they even use social networks to legitimize, fornication, rape, sexual abuse of prepubescent children, burn, make sexual livestock under cover adoption, terrorize, extort, beheading, stoning, kidnap, ransom, vitriol, practicing necrophilia and bestiality, betray, steal the "infidels" is allowed because it is written by a large Multi bearded, they look like mental invertebrates uttering nonsense.
Brader the country, burning the national flag, trampling Republicans codes, calls for the murder of "infidels" to pray in the streets, wrapped in a shroud, to glorify jihad and antisemitism, raid, desecrating tombs, preach hatred of the Jew, the Christian and Democratic in mosques.

Call for the murder of Democrats, murder, send underage girls in Syria to serve halal whores to satisfy the base instincts terrorists orgy halal, give offerings to his wife in death squads, it is neither a crime nor an offense in the eyes of Western governments as Muslims themselves organize terrorist networks and act as pimps for the occasion.
All this is not shocking outrageous for a good Muslim souls of the countries that pay their crocodile tears when their despicable father figure is supposedly caricatured, ridiculed, but it is when the man has sex with an adult and consent of the same sex.
The sexual partner among Muslim is one who submits to his desires without flinching. A Muslim mates with a human being, as an inert body or an animal, it does not take account of his will.
And hypocritical ass-blessed he preaches he wraps himself in his virtue and indulges in lust. It is a sexual deviant who is born a legitimation to his impulses in religion itself which acts disinhibition factor. It releases its base instincts of all moral and societal constraints.

Bill 72, how to kiss the ass of a Salafist
More Muslim veil their faces, the more they try to avoid the gaze of humanity the hideous features of their sexual perversity and immorality that marked their faces.
They are neither puritanical nor legalistic, they hide themselves. They are afraid to take their nonconformist sexual identity experiencing an aversion to anything that returns them to their true nature.
Muslim morality is pure fantasy, an optical illusion, an optical illusion to induce foreign observer error and lets him believe that these Muslim societies are an exemplary model in terms of moral order. This is nothing but a curtain that hides the scenes of a theater audience looks.

When a religion wants to settle in its smallest details the inner life of his disciples it says a lot about its voyeuristic nature of the hyper-sexualization of his supposedly sacred message and its deeply exhibitionist character. All belief systems that may exist, Islam is the only one who codified the sex and set a framework within which these reports can be made. It is permitted to maintain any kind of relationship of the human to the animal through the women's lifeless body and with the jinn.
Muslims will go fine proclaim and condemn homophobic homosexual, they are certainly people in the world who engage in homosexual practices because of sexual partitioning of their societies that promote promiscuity between persons of the same sex as that found its origins in sexual abuse they often suffer in childhood from the imams and teachers when it is not male members of their families.
The same logic also prevails for many women in their turn of isolation in ivory that are beautiful to share the sexual favors of "one male bored and starved of affection and have no other means to escape and fill their emotional void but to engage in sexual activity between them.

We can not say that with their practices zoophilia, pedophilia, incest and necrophiliac or demonic Muslims have a moral and sexual prohibitions and taboos are their major-assets.
Even if they could claim it nonetheless they would be against the current of their idol are unspeakable reached the midday demon fifties who fornicated with women from 7 to 77 years, raping women captives, shameless, unable to control his sexual passion, even to compel his adopted son to divorce his wife so that he could abuse her charms.
Bel sex stallion that is the pride of his worshipers who are just happy to rent his sexual outstanding performance that would be according to them a gift from Allah would have graced a hundred women in one night.

And that the prophet himself was a licensed sex maniac which all Muslims aspire to be like him. Any leaves to believe, to continue the tradition, it is better to have pedophile tendencies for both girls and boys, gholmanes, than having a homosexual orientation.

Believe in God, that's fine, but do not believe in religion because religious are politicians

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