vendredi 16 décembre 2016

Sweden is the best Islamic states in Europe with Canadain in America of Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard

Sweden is the best Islamic states in Europe with Canadian
Adly Abu Hajar America, Malmo imam: "Sweden is the best Islamic state"
Wild immigration policy dictated by the European Union of a multicultural society at all costs the will of our politicians to dilute indigenous Europeans in a mixed cocktail in order to remove the white race became cheesy compared to the beauty of diversity.

Continual before implementation of Islam in the media, intellectuals and politicians, considered a perfect religion by ignorant of the Koran, totally compatible with democracy despite the crimes committed by the Islamic totalitarian regimes on the basis of that Koran , persecution of non-Muslims in the name of Allah, Satan came to Earth, calls to hatred of infidels, hatred inherent in Islam, will create social tensions that lead to ethnic conflicts.
In a wild immigration predominantly Muslim Salafi, Wahhabi, bringing in their luggage values diametrically opposed to ours, and the fierce desire to Islamize us.
If the international press loves to talk about France as a future Muslim republic, Sweden, it is already the best Islamic state according Adly Abu Hajar, Imam of Malmö, the Swedish city with a Muslim majority that little empties little of its citizens of Jewish origin, victims of abuse, violent physical attacks and intimidation shameful.

Hundreds of Muslim immigrants have recently vandalized areas of Stockholm, the Swedish capital, burning cars and buses, caillasse police, burning and destroying buildings, like the riots in the French suburbs in 2005 and those of the English suburbs 2011, following the death of a Muslim 69 years armed with a machete, shot by police in self-defense.
These disorders, predictable consequences of the failure of multiculturalism,which does not encourage Muslim immigrants to assimilate or integrate into society, are only the beginnings of alarming future major social unrest.
The violence of discomfort noticeable in all Western societies that have hosted large minorities of Muslim immigrants, continues to grow.
This violence had greatly shocked the Swedes, once very tolerant and open to the immigration policy, despite the fact that it encourages the creation of a parallel Muslim society in Sweden.

Although there are no official statistics on the exact number of Muslims in Sweden, the US State Department had said in 2011 that there were between 450,000 and 500,000 Muslims in the country, about 5% of the total population of 9.5 million.
The Muslim immigration in Sweden was favored by asylum policies among the most generous in the world. Sweden is a choice destination for asylum seekers because the country offers new immigrants free housing and generous social benefits on arrival. But many immigrants from Africa, Asia and the Middle East are too uneducated and experience great difficulty finding a job in Sweden.
At the same time, Muslim immigrants, with their impunity, demanding more and more rights and special privileges for Islam in Sweden. In February, for example, a Stockholm mosque was authorized by the Mayor to launch appeals for public prayer from the top of its minaret. It was the first time that this authorization was granted in Sweden.
Swedish politicians Islamophiles, whores, forget that Muslims see the public call to prayer as a right and the minaret as a symbol. It represents the arrival of Muslims in society.

Muslims will never bend to democratic laws
in the Middle East, while the Turkish government monitors, all Christian activity control and oppress the Christian communities through restrictions on internal governance, education, places of worship, rights property and denial of legal status, the German local officials want to ensure legal equality between calls for Muslim prayer and the sound of bell towers of Christian churches in the city! No Western leaders do no notice about it. Not even Pope Francis are alluded, Christians have forgotten themselves in the Middle East!
The sounds and images of German cities, French, Belgian, begin to evoke the Islamic Middle East.
Delusions gravediggers, the multiculturalists of our European peoples fortunately beginning to question a growing number of our citizens and also in Sweden, more and more Swedes are questioning the long-term viability of multiculturalism and immigration mass.

The Immigration Minister Tobias Billström recently marked a turning point in the debate when he told the Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter that Sweden is to tighten rules for asylum seekers and other immigration candidates in order to reduce the number of people entering the country. The fatal flaw of Swedish multiculturalism was to grant asylum to hundreds of thousands of immigrants who will never have any chance of finding a job and contribute significantly to the enrichment of the country. Many immigrants are and will remain wards of the state.
Our politicians gravediggers Islamic
Imam Malmö Adly Abu Hajar, stressed that Sweden is the best Islamic state to kneel before Islam. Scary when you see the disastrous situation of Muslim countries in which these new Swedes originate.

Many Muslims come to the West to find a better life. They take advantage of the generosity of our social system, our democratic rights, our freedoms, but instead of being grateful, they dream to Islamize us, to destroy everything, recreating in our country and the backward society violent to their home countries where rampant poverty, social injustice, intolerance, disorder, chaos for the sole reason that they know and not know how to live in intolerance, disorder and chaos.
And our worshipers multiculturalism, brains gangrenous by hatred of their own civilization, their own identity, their own culture, encourage the immigrants, proud of their Muslim identity, to impose their culture, their traditions, their Islamic ideology. And whoever opposes the individual becomes to kill.
Politicians lick-asses of all our Western Salafistcountry
Ourlick asses develop a future strategy driven by the need to be re-elected. In a hierarchical relationship that becomes more complex as the excessive flattering - called ass-licking by his entourage - not trying to take over the good of the other and especially seeks to save his. So the Prime Minister or President of a country, to stay in power, must do the opposite that is to say, licking asses minorities with masses of silver to remain in power. Are we all become, without realizing it, strategists front lingual?

The monopoly of power, ego rewarded, is not it the ability to generate unconditional applause to his every move: the power encourage flattery and without flattery what's the rule? Judges authorize the regulations of Sharia in as implying that this is part of their traditions to beat their wives.
Consider all these "big", "elite", "politicians" who lead us and see what they are. As high as they are seated, they are sitting on their ass ", they say very often to console the" small "we are facing the" powerful "who are supposed to dominate us. See, Justin Trudeau, barefoot in a mosque, standing feet, cutting the nails, and giving speeches about the equality of men and women and that his wife is perched on the second floor of the barn with the other women veiled her husband listening to dictate the rules of decorum Islamic, Quranic, shamanic, its barbaric vision of the subject Canadian woman.

But now, the ass-licking is also sitting on his ass but, unlike the one with the assured way to power, he seeks to maintain his ass on a most comfortable seat possible, whatever the cost, by sending continuous signals to that which it depends.
Allah is the country's selfie

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