lundi 19 décembre 2016

Pope Francis - The Christians The Forgotten The Persecuted Of The Middle East

The Forgotten Christians Persecuted the Middle East, Pope Francis is there a unconscious collabo?
Our politicians islamophilies, $$$$$$$$$$$$
Pope Francis,Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Justin Trudeau, Francois Hollande, David Cameron, Theresa May, Angela Merkel,Malcolm Turnbull, Australia, Bill English, New Zealand, Charles Michel, Belgium, Mark Rutte, the Netherlands, Stefan Löfven, Sweden, Lars Lokke Rasmussen, Denmark, Erna Solberg, Noverge Janos Ader, Hungary, Andrzej Duda, Poland, Prokopis Pavlopoulos, Greece, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa , Portugal, Mariano Rajoy, Spain, Mattarella Serio, Italy, and other Western presidents and prime ministers and sold, the whores you all know who you government.

Pope Francis is there an unconscious collaborator?
Let me explain, Pope Francis in urging Europe to host unrestricted (and endless) a mass of population from various regions such as Afghanistan, Pakistan and various African average and Near -orient ... and the impact that this mass of people operating at the heart of Europe to Judeo-Christian tradition is impressive
Muslims attacked Christians in Cairo

Understand that this fundamentalist Islam politico / religious has a real and daily impact on hundreds of thousands of newly arrived Muslims.
Having the idea that much of the more fundamentalist Muslims see Europe as the disbelievers (and this is not a fable) and thus lower their status ... they can then treat them as they wish. Rape, assault, murder, threats without feeling any compassion. They were totally programmed to do so.
For by his debonair attitude towards these Muslim rulers and conquerors and finally for some murderers that Pope awakens in the heart of the Christian countries, rebellion, a return to the roots of Christianity. And I remain convinced that more and more people battered between globalist economy, terrorism, the abandonment of strong states, abandoning the Pope even to European Christian populations will not only be a citizen awakening but a Christian revival.

Pope Francis sows planetary bickering
We can consider that the Pope Francis is the inconstant collabo Salafists in Europe. Currently, Pope Francis does not preach the word of Jesus, for Christians and the church's enemies, he promotes the destruction of his church to the barbarians, this demonic religion that wants control of the earth with blood and not not by love of Christ.
We find that Pope Francis should kneel before the Boulad father and listen to his sermons to open his ears on Muslims, Salafi, what they did to his family, and what they always do in the Middle -orient and stop licking and wash the feet of those criminals highways. Kneel before them demonstrate any kind of Christian charity towards them, they see only a being without balls, I'm sorry to tell you so bluntly, that's how we say in Quebec.

Pope Francis speaks from both sides of the mouth
Do you think for one second that these perverts, think of you, as a religious man of the church, whether you are a cellar, the highest point. ^ When you were in Latin America, and criminals who governed your country and you would send me your priests called and we banish them, will you have done? No! It's the same thing with them, they are pure Nazis, who thirst for power and money, and the Vatican for them is power and money. Knowing that the Catholic religion, always forgives, a low religion, you are eliminated from the planet in the way you manage your church.
You can choose to manage your church submitted Catholic, or by Catholics who will fight for true Catholics, true Europeans, the real Westerners, as in times of the Crusades, not embracing this Qur'an as the did your predecessor. Everywhere on this planet, he sows discord, the weak, lets himself go, they bend to their demands as you doing are now.

Islam, the Quran today, are not religions, they are political systems
"Pope Francis, you are a very influential state leader, you have the right to speak, but stop your Muslim masquerades with Syrian the refugees. We know the property they are unhappy, but many of them are paid for entry into Europe as a diversion and entry to the Qur'an and the Salafists to topple democratic governments Europeans. Since their arrival, Europe has changed so much, she was a Christian, and now it becomes a Muslim and you the Vatican, soon you will be a Muslim state.

Pope Francis, radical Islam, moderate, refugees in the West is Salafi, Wahhabi Sunnis, Saudi Arabian petrodollars, executions, beheadings, exterminations of your Christian you protect by your words and your actions.
Then the Sultan al-Kamil tried to trap St. Francis: "If Jesus taught Christians to 'turn the other cheek', why the Crusaders have they invaded the lands of the Muslims? "To which St. Francis said," The invasion of the land you occupy by Christians is a just cause, for you blaspheme the name of Christ and prevent anyone who would like to worship. " St. Francis even asked the Sultan to convert, what it would have replied: "I can not do that. My people stoned me,

"Pope Francis dare name the Muslim terrorists words
for what differs St. Francis its modern namesake, the current pope, while the holy Islam accused of persecuting Christians, including face face with the Sultan al-Kamil, and tried to rescue them, Pope Francis refuses confrontation; when the world's attention, he generally refuses to condemn or even just to call attention to the continued persecution of Christians, including millions of Catholics.
Animal barking is a dog, not a hen, His Holiness
Pope Francis Pro-Islamic as Justin Trudeau Philippe Couillard in Canada
on immigrants, it is very clear, he loves them, but his preferences are for Muslim immigrants. Syrian Christians yet most threatened of all but the members of two Muslim families much more economic refugees as war refugees.
This Muslim preference, he still marked on returning to Poland he clearly stated his love of Islam, explaining that it refers to the Vatican II teaching that all religions are, by definition, religions love, doomed to dialogue and agreement.
Francis Pope you are responsible for your words and your actions prelates as a representative of Jesus and not Christians Muslims on earth. Otherwise, change religion, it will be easier for you, the Grand Mufti will meet you and will present the premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard.
"The Pope fight against reality when it tries to present Islam as a religion of peace, as it enjoins true believers to draw the sword of jihad.
If the Pope had read the Koran, he would know that the word "love" does not appear once in the sense of "Allah loves His believers" or "Allah loves people and hates women," or in the direction "love your neighbor, do not exist, but kill his neighbor exists."

Allah, the Koran, sharia, where the word love is used in a positive sense, this is for love fighting, war, victory that will give Allah the disbelievers. So how chat with people who, if they are good sincere Muslims, not love their neighbor as subject or dead?
Pope Francis is consistent with the ordered violence against non-believers in the Qur'an is the holy word of their god, this is a legal and legitimate violence against Christians. No offense to the political commissars of living together in the European Union.

Pope Francis sow religious and political bungling
Pope also engages in unacceptable amalgam from the head of Christendom and we understand that François Hollande, Petain, the sold French, starts to love suddenly it could take as Minister of Religious Affairs in his government with Manuel Valls.
Pope says "If I speak of Islamic violence, I must speak of Catholic violence, and inquisitors." There is no denying that there are violent and murderers among Catholics, nor that there was once unacceptable violence in the name of God and of the Church. The Pope would also have to mention "Christian violence" and does not restrict only to Catholics.
Pope Francis on your stubbornness Islam are purely ignominy
Rather than lend a sympathetic and friendly ear to Muslims, and children, and refugees, saying "what's yours is yours, what is it we will in discuss "the pope should read St. Augustine and his justification for war when attacked by violent who do not hide their intention to exterminate you. It should also listen to the father Mourad. He lived in the Middle East, he knows himself, what he speaks when he says in effect that the objective of Islam by its armed jihadism is to destroy the Christian Western civilization and to Islamize the remains.
On the sixth day he created man and he saw that it was very good. Only, there was also Lucifer, Satan, the devil, Iblis for Muslims, call it what you will, the fallen archangel who had wanted to take the place of God and Lucifer understood that with human could possibly be upset perfection of creation, he introduced evil, the case of Eve and the serpent deceiver.

Pope Francis in the twenty-first century
The only people who care about the image of Islam are the so-called "moderate" Muslims, seeking to clear Islam of jihadist terror and that pass under Silence atrocities for centuries in the name of Islam while accusing the West of being the cause of jihad by its international policy.
The role of Western leaders is not to defend the image of Islam nor to believe that it has nothing to do with terrorism, let alone to the extent that the majority of Muslim institutions have always systematically refused any condemnation of the Islamic State on the ground that it would not be Islam.
Pope Francis your only role is to protect Christians and not to give ammunition to opponents, you're not lawyers
So why President Obama and moderate Muslims who are so uncomfortable continue to bludgeon us messages for Islam? The only explanation for this bias in favor of Islam and the desire to show that he has no connection with terrorism is that this attitude has not really aimed to please the Muslims, like many think. In fact, it aims to denigrate the ignorant Americans about Islam so they submit to it and are resigned to its objectives.

The leader of the supporters of Islam, President Obama, has prompted other US politicians and other world leaders to do the same, punishing their citizens to accept Islamic tyranny up in be affected mentally.
Pope Francis, I speak harshly, it is to wake you, love, truth, they do not know, they know only death, for they are not of school children, they are terrorists, murderers, without souls, without body, without God and without religion.
The virus is this faulty logic has contaminated the minds of almost all Western political leaders and the media, including those that are supposed to inform and protect us as the mayor of Philadelphia, Hillary Clinton, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. All repeat the same thing in order to reduce their citizens to silence by making them accept the advent of the era of multiculturalism in which the non-compliance of the law, rape and terror must be tolerated and excused, lest we were saying evil of Islam.

Western leaders behave as if they were hostages of the Islamic State, and, seriously, they expect their Western fellow citizens obedient they believe. They are not content to defend Islam, they hide what he is and minimize the danger it poses to freedom in the West, for stability, for the respect of the law and order.
Pope Francis take responsibility and strike as Jesus did with the sellers of the Temple. He released them from the Temple, so take them out of Europe and the West.
Support for Islam which Western leaders engaged has become a real insult to a pathological mode the majority of Americans, especially to the families and friends of the victims of terrorism. And therefore the only logical explanation for this is that Western leaders are sold to Islam.
Our democracies, our rights to kill us all States and Islam, Salafists, Wahhabis, the Koran, sharia, barbarians win, and Christians will disappear.

Thank you to Pope Francis, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard for not having helped Christians in the Middle East

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