vendredi 16 décembre 2016

Françoise David, Philippe Couillard, Lise Bacon, Melanie Sarazin, Our feminist contaminated our multicultural feminist leftists sold to Muslims

Françoise David, Philippe Couillard, Lise Bacon, Melanie Sarazin, Our feminist contaminated our multicultural feminist leftists sold to Muslims
Paris, France, Muslim city report made by two women activists equipped with a hidden camera which Pascale Boistard,the then Secretary State women's rights, the equivalent of a Minister of women, gave an interview to the magazine Marianne were received like dogs in a china shop.

"What are you doing here? Women are not welcome, there is no diversity here. We are in Paris, here, soon in Canada and Quebec with our laws that accommodate only Muslims against secular values of our Canadian society and Quebec. Our governments, they elect those politicians who are selling like real married layer down there. Lie with his bearded Salafists, Quebec City, Ottawa, praying in mosques that shames across Canada.
Banned women soon to Quebecistan
It's like Saudi Arabia now with François Hollande and Manuel Valls, peepholes, treacherous renegades sold cowardly scoundrels, cowards, hypocrites, liars, corrupt, and several other political qualifiers. Yet we are indeed in France.

The Quebec government, the Ministry of multicultural integration, the Honourable Minister Papio Hamadryas initiated a new bill which will focus on the study within the next month, for a better and deeper ghettoization of Muslim communities , female, procreative, bags semen, what will be the most humane way possible to have troughs in kitchens for these lower individuals may have no visions of Wahhabi impurity.
The premiers of Canada, the Honourable Justin Trudeau, the Honourable Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard, Canada's queen, Michaëlle Jean and under-queen of Quebec, Lise Thibault, back Invalides, citizens have been mutilated in the prescribed laws, have decided to recreate these same democratic laws for our citizens.
At a meeting with religious bearded, hairy, virtuous, residing in Paris, on the left bank of the right of the Seine, Europe ruled that women should stay away from bananas, cucumbers, zucchini, olives, to avoid sexual thoughts. Religious, with much thought and searching the Koran and wondering what the prophet could have considered about it. The brightest of them suggested this, according to Sharia, if women wish to eat these foods, another person, preferably a family man as their father or husband, should cut the food into small pieces and serve them. He said that since these fruits and vegetables, which resemble the penis, they could excite or inspire women sexual thoughts. He added carrots and zucchini to the list of forbidden foods for some men.

French feminists otherwise intelligent women in Quebec
in these banlieues, Paris, Marseille, Nice, Toulon, women are absent cafes, terraces and streets. Public space belongs exclusively to men and women are extended. They are like dogs, veiled, and keep the house, all their lives, slaves. The Canadians and Quebecers feminists are happy to see these women free food under the beds of these Muslims.
The distribution of this report caused an outcry in France.
What I like is that the French feminists had climbed the curtains and denounced this situation by saying that the street belongs to everyone and it has no right, in the land of the Enlightenment, to ban entry cafes and restaurants to women. It is to defend women's rights!
Quebec feminists are too bitches to do. See how students from McGill and Concordia, these crazy, who made veiled Muslim day how to be for a day. But these cunts have never requested these veiled been unveiled for a day. It is always the Christian, our company to comply with this Salafi religious criminal, and they pick, require accommodations. They do not want to integrate, they want to steal.

Feminists collaborators Quebecers Islamic barbarians
They defend the separation of sexes by saying that it's part of the culture of "those people" that must not fall into Islamophobia and Muslim women have every right wanting to stay "them" and live from men, we do not have to judge them. Instead of fighting against gender segregation, they defend the freedom of religion! Salafi Islam, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Yemen, Egypt, Syria, Indonesia and several other countries, it is Islam barbarians, the dark, bearded, walking on our streets in Quebec and Canada, Quebec Adil Charkaoui, Chaoui Hamza.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his selfie, Mohamed Justin Trudeau, multicultural religious ideological contaminated, decadent
Their mission is not to defend the rights of women, but to fight the evil Western values. To fight for the values, Muslim, Sharia, feminists, have no human values.

Pascale Boistard, Paris, France, a real smart feminist!
François David, Quebec National Assembly, a real feminist pitcher!
In January 2016, Pascale Boistard, who was then secretary of state for women's rights, the equivalent of a minister of Women in Quebec, named here in Quebec, "Jugs" gave an interview to the magazine Marianne.
The struggle for women's rights is, by its very history, largely related to the defense of secularism. The great advances of the feminist struggle, the great laws, major changes are always made against the levees shields religions.
"Besides, women, men, real men, not wimps, politicians, sounding the alarm: on this ground, that is to say at the junction between secularism and rights women, we face setbacks of concern to the global Islamic religious anarchy.
Paris, France
Secularism is secularism. And I think if we watch on this question a form of relaxation, which are fundamental rights, such as women, children, who can be called into question. Some accuse secularism to be draconian. I tell them: let prejudice the rights of women is to leave infringe on the freedoms of more than half of the population. These human rights are not debatable and not by any religion or section of the population. If these people, these monks are not happy here, airplanes, ships, or they can be hara kiri.
Feminist women treacherous
For Mrs. Boistard, defend secularism is to defend women against the rise of Islamic religious fundamentalism. Here, our feminists to leftist sauce, defend secularism is infringing the rights of women, François David, Lise Bacon!

Mortally dangerous Quebecers Feminist

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