samedi 17 décembre 2016

Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Feminist - Intellectuals - A Country of Islamic Barbarian - Sharia - Canadian Feminist fools Quebecers University

Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Feminist - Intellectuals - A Country of Islamic Barbarian - Sharia - Canadian Feminist fools Quebecers University
Sharia, Islamic Salafi, Wahhabi Saudi Arabia imposes that Philippe Couillard, are the legal religious barbarities of worst laws of the jungle, worse than theNazis,that has ever existed since the creation of mankind have known that our politicians, intellectuals elites let in all our sectors of society.

One that legitimizes violence, racism, exclusion, misogyny, relegation, arbitrariness, lawlessness, pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, hatred of the Jew, the moral censorship, murder, inquisition, accommodation, non-identity law, apartheid, ghettoized communities, misinformation, Islamic racism, Islamophile, Christianophobia.Sharia is the crematorium to the death camps and the extermination of humanity that has no Muslim character.
Stéphanie Vallée, Bill 62
Stéphanie Vallée with its Bill 62 opens the door to death camps and the extermination of the Quebec identity that has no Muslim character. Therefore all references to Sharia law in a legal system is nothing other than the killing of that legal order, our charter of rights and freedoms of people born in Canada. They come to us, do not want to integrate, and our government's aid to destroy us and we sell them for votes. They are venomous worms in the human rights across the entire planet, no other religion makes this way. This religion is conquering, devastating, and removes everything in its path.

Sharia is a legal instrument of alienation of women and sexual minorities, ethnic and religious. The woman ogled the reign of animals, it is only there to procreate, a bag to receive sperm.
The woman is equal to a bug, the male crushes
From the legal order of positive laws we pass the legal disorder and arbitrary rule and authoritarianism and the legalization of violence and inhuman treatment . We must certainly qualify Sharia wicked law similar to Nazi racial laws of 1935, and apartheid in South Africa which our Western governments, or politicians, glorifies now the values in our courts and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
It is possible to qualify Sharia wicked law similar to Nazi racial laws in 1935 which attempts to create a social, political, human on the basis of subjective criteria, unequal and biased ethnic, sexual and religious. A law which only prohibited becomes the norm and the license becomes the exception to all people regardless of their religions knowing politicians wanting to have more power on the ground have the audacity to find how to change the statutes to establish Sharia "democratic" for all and everyone.

Sharia which makes the woman a slave-and Françoise David, agrees with this statement in the National Assembly of Quebec. It stressed, there are some weeks that women could be MPs and headquartered in the upper chamber by being dressed in the "Niqab" and that her husband is sitting next to her for her blown first answers.  
Françoise David in his tracks extremist socialist élocutrice advantage of his knowledge of the laws and its most cruel forms, summary justice, stoning, corporal punishment, murder, burnings, calls to murder in the name of the sacred, flogging, banishment, excommunication, the offense of blasphemy, apostasy, slavery, kidnapping, raids, the inquisition, pedophilia in the direction of pre pubescent marriages, marital rape, homophobia, racism and anti-Semitism erected mode of government or religion, acts of brigandage, repudiation etc. convinced the entire government of the merits of establishing a committee to study the legalization of honor killings.

Ladies Lise Bacon and Chaoui Hamza will be the presidents of honor killings of committee
Women will continue to Islam scapegoat for all the ills of society, these Salafists, these bearded depraved, sexually, mentally, to the heads of our governments.
Sharia allows the male to get rid of his wife as he wants good, alive or dead. The Shafia family is an example that the father and son killed his daughter, his first wife and a friend of his daughter in Kingston, Ontario.
The right of repudiation without the burden of any proceedings and in the absence of valid and serious reason. It enjoys a totalitarian power that contrasts with the legal enslavement state in which is held the woman is not entitled to exercise joint parental authority, to claim the child care in case of separation.

Canada and Quebec based on the criteria of Shariah of the Third Reich
A state based on the Suppression and oppression of its members and particularly of its female members under the guise of the sacred is a condition that would meet most of the criteria Shariah of Islam who moved to small step in our western countries currently.
Our states rights, our democracies, our Democrats voluntarily close their eyes, and it's terribly HAZARDOUS POUR OUR COMMUNITIES FOR OUR survival, CITIZENS, because these barbarians will not hesitate to change their contemptuous thirst inhuman vengeance to control the whole world and spread their violence with their petrodollars to enrich our elites.
Sharia is a ruthless world especially for the woman who sets no limit to the legal age of marriage from the pre puberty as in Afghanistan or Yemen. To believe that Sharia law is made by men at the expense of women's rights by legitimizing a sacred report kind of man and blame the woman. All leaves appear in light of Sharia as it is the perpetual enemy to shoot, to stone and punish under the eternal curse that strikes associated with malignancy and that Sharia is a true performing .

Sharia is a license to kill unbelievers and especially atheists, Christians, and Jews
Sharia is a license to kill unbelievers and especially atheists whose death is made lawful in the name of religion and which can be performed by any Muslim. The same fate is reserved for homosexuals and adulterers. In terms of private rights of women as well as foreigners or non believers, it's mostly corporate bonds.
Sharia and Islam are Salafi demolition companies of positive law and human rights. They promulgate hell on earth. It is antithetical to the contemporary legal systems because of its timelessness that is none other than its decline and in egalitarianism and injustice arising erected in dogma. The equality of rights and duties between citizens, foundations of our republican law is a foreign concept to Sharia. If it perceives as apostasy. It can give up a kind of legal immunity against Muslim justice courts that do not apply Sharia such as ours.
In its practicality Sharia is a crime against the rights of women, human rights, children's rights, the rights of real human beings because these Islamists, Muslim extremists, moderates, normal, Salafism, Wahhabism this are not humans, they are beings created by the son of Satan "Iblis", "Shaitan" is our imams, we often cottons on our media, television, nearly Ishmael currently in courthouse.  

All these perverts who instill in our youth, in our colleges and universities, to make jihadist murderers of Allah, killers, corrupt, supposedly of a divine religion, do you take me for a cave with 72 virgins?
Considering that you are not very educated, but at that point, you very far from the lights? A even know the verses in the Qur'an, namely how defecate, we must do it, even the animals know how to do!  
I wonder very often the people who have written different Qur'an, because it has more, it's like the Bible or several other religious books, combiens they were on drugs, or in drink, or in a trance effect hallucinogenic. I believe that during this time he had smoked that good! To see all these religious stories, across the planet, gods, must lose his Latin!
Also, talking with several people, what are always men who have written these religious books about God, relationships between men and women, relationships, men and God, etc. Never, he had written that I know at least, you can, you have more knowledge than me, that women have written there are two or three thousand years about God, the Devil, Heaven, Eternity all that is religious, regardless of sects, beliefs.

Similarly, Christians have God the Father, and he has a son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, but where is the mother? What are the reasons women never appear. Of same, I do genealogy of my ancestors, and it is always the male names we usually find our ancestors, rarely women, but we all come from our mothers. Honestly, we should bear the name of our mothers instead of the name of our fathers? Throughout our lives, there are many absurdities like this, that is to say things that are reversed, illogical.
What I really want to say that this document discusses religion, and if you believe in your religion and your God, regardless the name you give it, you want it like all the world, and your family, neighbors, friends, good health, and not a vengeful God who hates humanity. For me, if Allah exists in the way that the Salafists present, he is mentally ill God, and should see psychiatrists with imams and redefine their Barbary principles and send copies duly Philippe Couillard and

Justin Trudeau

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