vendredi 2 décembre 2016


The Couillard government and the proponents of Shariah,so of radical Islam on the establishment of the Committee for the operation of Sharia in Quebec under aegis of the Liberal government was able to sell Quebec Salafis from Saudi Arabia.

The establishment of a committee presented as "multi", but which in reality is composed exclusively, on one hand, bureaucrats from different government departments and, on the other hand, anti-secular pro-Sharias such Adil Charkaoui, Hamza Chaoui ,who like so many young boys in colleges, with which the Couillard and his Minister of the rags Kathleen Weil gave blissful spectacle of 17 November extremist Islamic clowns.
As announced, the committee has all the trappings of a state dispensary and elastic denouncement of dissent, heresy, and human decadence. To define its mandate, see Terminology for less singular used by the government:
"Targeting and hate about gestures and discriminatory behavior towards religions can lead to radicalization." The government of Philippe Couillard we all take for real turkey to swallow such nonsense, nonsense, imams only preach tolerance in public and private places, and mosques frequented by the federal and provincial Liberals are committed to the emancipation radicalization of Arab youth and new immigrants in the country.
Syrians in Montréal
Islam is the last refuge of Philippe Couillard
First, according to Philippe Couillard, in Amaro known as the Grand Mufti Abdul-Aziz ibn Abdullaah Al ash-Couillard, that radicalization does not come primarily from religious fanaticism him -even but those who can criticize or denounce. Radicalization at the party Québec, and the separation of Quebec with Canada as the Grand Multi Couillard.
Then Couillard says pro-Charias he invited to be part of this committee's mandate to target about gestures and "hate" francophobe and Québécophobe, thus defining "hatred" in question and to designate those that they accuse of propagating said "hatred", the racism against Muslim extremists profess their host, Quebec, Christian.

Philippe Couillard, reverse the roles, immigrants are the lords, and those born in Quebec are foreigners, you see, water carrier, it's him, this criminal, a charge of radicalization, the traitorthe "tHE PETIN" "tHE JUDAS" "tHE JUSTIN TRUDEAU" "tHE STEPHANE DION" "tHE FRANCES DAVID" "tHE JEAN-FRANÇOIS lysed" "the Frenchman LEGAULT" "tHE DENIS CODERRE" "tHE KATHLEEN WEIL" "OUR FEMINIST EXTREMISTS "" oUR INTELLECTUAL retarded MENTAL

"The state is our elected officials, our sales, our hookers
And the state can then crack and give them tools to define laws cons Quebecers strains and Christians. He hates so its Christian identity and democracy he is ready to throw us all to the devil what Saudi Arabia for the money he should receive under table, this implies being liberal, corruption, n ' is not it!

We know for example that many of those with whom Couillard and Kathleen Weil se strutted on 17 November, and that will be part of that committee, already repeatedly accused of "hate" several columnists, bloggers, publishers ( including yours truly) and websites that criticize radical Islam and analyze the ramifications of the pro-Sharia movements. So we can already have some idea of what we can expect from the pro-Sharia allies Couillard.
Concerning the members of this committee officials, some might be led to believe that they could curb the propensity of pro-Charias to be accused as "hate" those who only criticize or denounce them.
However, in light of comments made by the Minister Kathleen Weil in the above-mentioned interview with Carl Monette, where it stated that officials had certified that the individuals in the masquerade of November 17 had nothing to do with sharia, we can not expect that the bureaucrats in question are more clever or enlightened.
Verdun, Montréal, Québec
We threw out the Catholic church to install Sharia Islamic Salafist horror Quebec Liberal thank you no conscience
You have to measure the potentially devastating for our freedoms scope of this insidious as Philippe Couillard is preparing for us impose. It is squarely a return to the dark days when the state was used as "secular arm" to the religious powers. And in this, Philippe Couillard is undoubtedly the Western political leader going as far in the direction of a return back a few centuries.
Philippe Couillard embodies human degradation as Sharia
"Saudi Arabia is the country that applies the Sharia in the most rigorous manner," and that's what Philippe Couillard would love for Quebec and Canada:
In Saudi Arabia individuals are trained in the sciences of Islam and particularly to Islamic law, and become judges and are seized from criminal and civil order business. They apply a law within Sunni Islam in a rigorous version of Wahhabism. Corporal punishment is frequently applied.

"Long live democracy cried Philippe Saudi Arabian
Amputations, stonings, beheadings ... In 2014, 87 death row prisoners were executed. 78 had been in 2013, according to a tally of AFP. the kingdom has perpetrated in 2014 the third highest number of executions in the world, behind Iran and Iraq. most of the time, the condemned are beheaded, saber, as shown her surreal images of a Lebanese television, part meeting a "head cutter" Saudi Arabia, Abdullah Al-Bishi.
Philippe Couillard and his government are they in the pay of Saudi Arabia?
The analogy between this sinister past and what Philipe Couillard is preparing not extravagant. of course, this would not result in torture and even less put to death in the next, who do I know?
But the fact remains that the committee supposedly "multi" of Couillard, in reality, as we have seen, that will bring together government officials and pro-Charias, aims to enable pro-Charias designate the wrong-thinking against which the government will crack down.

In other words, Philippe Couillard is currently serving on a silver platter to the propagators of Sharia the possibility of using our own state to take action against the crime of blasphemy, an offense that, by the way, the president of that court arbitrary and Orwellian what the Commission 'rights' of the Quebec, the disturbing Jacques Frémont,recently asked to make punishable by law in the making include in the Quebec Charter of rights and freedoms. In support of its request deplorable, Frémont even invoked the draft anti-blasphemy resolution that countries governed by Sharia trying for years to be adopted by the UN!

Philippe Couillard is a threat to our democracies
Therefore it is possible to speak of return of the state as secular religious power, for that is precisely what Philippe Couillard seeking to impose Quebecers, diverting their own state in the service of adherents of sharia, so of radical Islam, seeking to destroy our freedoms, including the right to criticize supernatural beliefs and practices often sexist, homophobic, backward, obscurantist, totalitarian, supremacist who they are often inherent in particular in terms of Sharia.
Philippe Couillard embodies the Islamic obscurantism
Philippe Couillard embodies the greatest danger that has ever threatened our democracy and our freedoms Quebec. In doing so, it certainly betrays the Quebecers who came before us and who, throughout our history, fought by consenting heavy sacrifices for Quebec to be a land of liberty to ourselves and to our many compatriots came from Moreover fleeing tyranny, including those of theocratic kind.

Philippe Couillard is currently fomenting the creation of this denouncement committee of bureaucrats and pro-Sharia, a blow to pro pan Canadian Islamic religious state with assistance Justin Trudeau and several premiers of Canada and Muslim organizations associated with the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran and subversive groups. Their tax havens are property filled with greenbacks and euros with their names inscribed on it because of those, several have experience in these sunny paradise.
The Saudi, the Salafist Wahhabism, Allah is great!
Saudi Arabia is francophone, is like saying that Justin Trudeau is Christian, he only frequents mosques. But we must recognize that the Prime Minister did not know when he visited China as the Chinese ate pork. The Chinese certainly think that we were pigs.
Can be a he thought Raif Badawi,Saudi blogger jailed for criticizing the government of Saudi Arabia, but considering the immense generosity of the Saudi king and the Sharia and their openness he could simply ask for the release, as a friend Salafist Quebecers and leave with the same plane to Quebec. We are all sure that the KING would have given to his friend, who wants Sharia makes party of the Charter Quebec Of Rights and Freedoms and Canada would have signed immediately and eagerly. Allah is merciful, compassionate, open-minded for his western compatriots.  

We can not understand, sir of the reasons the Prime Minister not to have caught the ball when he could communicate face to face with his "GREATNESS" his "Holiness" of the Badawi case with Premier Justin Trudeau, steadfast friend , Canadian Muslim associations borne international organizations for aid to children in refugee camps.
We understand the cries of Philippe Couillard about it not being able to have succeeded but as the doors are not completely closed from Saudi Arabia considering the next location of bases of Islamic Courts, Sharia, schools , colleges, universities, hospitals, transport exclusively for Islamic in major cities. Philippe Couillard wants discrimination against the large and beautiful Québécoise Salafi community is stopped immediately.
Philippe Couillard request to stop the false advertising against Saudi Arabia, which owes him an open monarchy
Discuss what? The degree of suppression of Salafism on the population? The number of billions of dollars that the monarchy of this country flies people every year? The number of fundamentalist mosques that the kingdom wants to finance or to Quebec, Canada and the United States? Or perhaps the wonderful health cooperation agreements between Quebec and Saudi Arabia that allowed doctors like Mr. Couillard to make millions of dollars by going to treat people there?

Allah says corruption is permitted in liberal
Seriously, Mr. Couillard, will you show us one day how much money you have stashed in tax havens through your work in Saudi Arabia? Yes, we the soap and you repeated: there is nothing illegal in that. So you do not want to say how much money sleeps in these havens. Okay. But at least until then, shut up when it comes time to discuss Saudi Arabia, because there is conflict of interest between the interests of Quebec and you should defend those of Saudi Arabia you defending.
We should never put the words of our Prime Minister in question? We are not all suitcases.
Sheikh Said Youssef Fawaz representative of the Muslim World League in Canada and Imam of the Al-Ammah Al-Islamiah in Montreal

Council of Sharia in Montreal, representatives
TheimamIbraham, Imam Bukhari Syed Fida, Sheikh Said Fawaz Al-Ummah mosque, Yussuf, Kuspinur Abdul Rahman Ebrahim, Bilal Kuspinar, Fida Bukari, imam of the Islamic Center of Quebec, mosque St Lawrence and El-Tayeb imam
the committee of Sharia(named Dar al-Fatwa) the new Council of imams Quebec is chaired by Youssef Fawaz, an ally of Elmenyawi since the early 1990s, part of the first Council of Sharia, founded in 1994. Fawaz is also the representative Canada of the Muslim World League (LIM), based in Mecca - an organization (co-founded by Said Ramadan) which also funds the Brotherhood of projects around the globe. Now, chaired by Elmenyawi Assuna mosque explicitly fall under the LIM ...
Elmenyawi also attended a fundraiser for a mega-mosque in Verdun, including Amer Imam Hussein, director of the Council of Imams of Quebec,displays openly membership of the Muslim Brotherhood.

in 2004, Elmenyawi proposed to subordinate the Council of Sharia (which he belonged) to the international superstructure of the Muslim Brotherhood established by Qaradawi. Based in Qatar, Qaradawi is the ultimate authority of the Muslim Brotherhood on Sharia; it is THE chief theologian, jurist of the Brotherhood. Only a member of this sect founded by Hassan al-Banna propose to resort to notice "Qaradawi on sharia and Islamic jurisprudence: a Wahhabi like Sulaiman al-Hayiti, or a supporter of al-Qaeda, not propose never indexed Council decisions to Qaradawi.
According to him [Elmenyawi], the future Council of Sharia could even resort to very active Islamist opinion on Middle East politics, such as those of the Egyptian Sheikh Youssef Al Kardaoui.

Qaradawi founded and chaired the International Union of Muslim Scholars, designed to be the highest authority on Sharia Muslim Brotherhood. The control in the other Fiqh Council of North America and the European Council for Fatwa and Research.
All these elements enable us to infer that Abdel Salam Elmenyawi, originating in Egypt, belongs to the Muslim Brotherhood, founded in Egypt in 1928, and whose first and final mission is the promotion of Sharia law around the globe, applied a Caliphate-to-come which would be led by the supreme leader of their sect, successor of Hassan al-Banna, the founder.

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