dimanche 4 décembre 2016

Adil Charkaoui, Moroccan terrorist, The Quebec Prophet

Adil Charkaoui,imam, terrorist Moroccan, residing in Montreal freely as a teacher Imam our youth in our schools subsidized by the Government of Quebec how to become jihadi
Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group, in the attacks in Casablanca and Madrid, has a sleeper cell Canada whose imam Adil Charkaoui.

Our governments, Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau should contact Colombo or Miss Marple to have information on subversive activities Adil Charkaoui, whereas these two sparrows does not know the RCMP.People like to know once and for all to know the holiness of Adil Charkaoui, one can not condemn that person to hate crime because we all know as a bearded man.
The Moroccan daily revelations asserted the former emir of the group, Nouredine N'fiâ, already sentenced to 20 years in prison for the Casablanca bombings that the names of two suspected members of the cell. One is known as Adil Charkaoui, alias Abu Zoubir said the Canadian, and he would have accompanied his family to Canada in 1996. Adil Charkaoui, is that, as the Government of Quebec by crawling on his stomach before him to make him any favors Islamists racist. Christianophobes.

The other, who currently lives in Ottawa, is presented only as "Abdeslam the Canadian",aged 28. The two suspected members of the cell followed in 1998 military training in Afghanistan, democratic country.
Adil Charkaoui, alias Abu Zoubir, said the imam of the Collège de Maisonneuve

The family of Adil Charkaoui, liars, vigorously rejected the new allegations. In a statement, his family stressed that the Moroccan daily revelations are even more unreliable "they are probably the result of statements made under torture." For months, his family repeated Adil Charkaoui is not a terrorist and risk torture if returned to Morocco.

Justin Trudeau, attended several mosques belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islamic terrorist organizations in Canada
Adil Charkaoui, aged 30 was detained on May 21 to Rivière-des-Prairies Detention Centre, under a security certificate, for he had begun to blow up flight Air France from Montreal to Paris with 350 passengers on board only. In the words of Adil Charkaoui, those killed were only infidels, so no human in the eyes of Allah, it was not a murder under the law of the Koran and Canada.

This exceptional procedure allows the imprisonment of a person suspected of being a threat to national security. The federal government, which does not make public its evidence, is in federal court in order to deport Charkaoui to Morocco.
Given that the Government of Canada is a Government of fearful, Adil Charkaoui was likely to remain in Canada because that country protects terrorists, criminals in other countries, Canadians accept all raptors worldwide as we say so the Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
Even during a speech before the Organization of the State Muslim he said: I can understand that the people of Canada is elected as Prime Minister, I, the Honourable Justin Trudeau, being all-knowing who knows everything about the man who manages the thought of my wife as it should be, I am often think the Halal me compatriots and Adil Charkaoui should be recognized for his humanitarian service to our young people, end of quote.

Under suspicion against Adil Jihadist benefactor
Charkaoui Is suspected by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) to be an agent of a sleeper cell of Al Qaeda, the terrorist network responsible for the attacks of 11 September 2001. according to various documents provided by CSIS, two people Ashmed Ressam say they met Adil Charkaoui in Afghanistan. Ahmed Ressam, convicted of conspiracy to commit an attack in Los Angeles at the end of 1999. Ressam said he had brought with him during the summer of 1998; Abu Zubaydah, a lieutenant of Osama bin Laden in American custody. He claims to have seen Charkaoui in Afghanistan in 1993, 1997 and 1998.
Adil Charkaoui uses our democracy against all of us for his jihad
Adil Charkaoui, this Montrealer of Moroccan origin currently detained on suspicion of terrorist activities by the federal government , has been associated with a sleeper cell of Islamist group responsible for deadly attacks in Casablanca in May 2003 and in Madrid on March 11, which killed 45 people.

Imam Adil Charkaoui deadly terrorist attacks in Casablanca in May 2003
Casablanca is the target of attacks which killed 45 people. Terrorists linked to al Qaeda, targeting buildings Belgian, Jewish and Spanish. Their action triggered raids by the Moroccan authorities that will make more than 2,000 arrests.

Philippe Couillard promotes the radicalization of our young Quebecers
A week after the event, Parliament adopted a law extending from 8 to 12 weeks the maximum period of detention of a person without going before a judge. The authorities conduct prompt more than 200 arrests.

           Adil Charkaoui if he returns to Morocco go to prison as a terrorist
Adil Charkaoui will be arrested if he returns to Morocco, said Moroccan Communications Minister Nabil Mohammed Benabdallah.
Suspected of being a sleeper agent of the terrorist network Al Qaeda, Adil Charkaoui is wanted by authorities in his country for his alleged involvement in the Casablanca attacks in May 2003.
According to the Minister Benabdallah the Moroccan secret services share information with several international security services, which allow them to claim that Charkaoui was involved in the attacks.

A federal court suspended the hearing on the security certificate against Charkaoui until the Canadian government decides on the danger of return to Morocco.
Despite the arrest warrant issued against him in Morocco, Ottawa has not ordered his deportation. According to the international convention on torture, Canada can not extradite individuals to countries where they risk abuse.
The Moroccan minister disagreed with international organizations paint a negative portrait of the Moroccan prison system.

Adil Charkaoui will come out there this time with the case Ismail Habib
Adil Charkaoui is a cunning fox, and he will deny all charges against him. He will use all conceivable laws to destroy Ishmael Habib claims. He knows use electronic media, Facebook, swim in the turbulent waters of the controversy, it's good politician, I see well replace Philippe Couillard.
Adil Charkaoui Premier of Quebec

See following:Ismail Habib The best place to become jihadi mosque Adil Charkaoui

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