lundi 26 décembre 2016

American governments have created the Islamic state and the terrorists and come to kill us Westerners on our territories

American and British governments have created the Islamic State Terrorists of today, and the revolutionary conjunctures and current instability with our politicians implicitly sold to Western countries.

Write the names of "President, Prime Minister, Ministers, MPs, judges, intellectuals sold, purchased Feminist extremists Media, the collaborators OF ALL KINDS, YOU KNOW, THEY ARE EVERYWHERE,on the internet, social networks, chez- you, etc., all these people who betrayed you, or will betray you by thirst for power and money.
Please note that this document does not speak of citizens ordinary who work hard to get to have some consolation in life, the little people of all our countries. Here I talk about whores who govern and those billionaires who make us lessons every day and getting rich on our backs without any remorse. Do not think that these millionaires, these "Wall Street", "London Stock Exchange", "Toronto Stock Exchange,"this world is not rich on the small of the back enriching corrupt governments who lead us.  

Here are your elected officials, your leaders at all levels, from the lowest to the highest
See, in poor countries, they have known the miseries of daily, religions like Islam that kill, the martyr isn't, Sharia Saudi Arabia diffuse throughout its barbarism on the planet with the help of our elected Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister or Philippe Couillard Quebec premier, or aspirant Manuel Valls and sighing president to France or Angela Merkel German and Pope Francis lost in religious minds, love and politics.

Growth of Western newborn
The spectacular rise and hitherto intractable of the Islamic State was again placed Iraq and Syria under the spotlight. If the media are prolix to describe the alleged atrocities caliphate, they are much less so when it comes to saying what are the origins and are exactly those who claim it. The Americans and British Governments For decades controlled the black gold of the Middle East with the help of Saudi Arabia,the Salafist regime Wahhabi terrorists, Emirs, criminals, extremists Islamists, no soul , barbarians, having concluded agreements with the Americans since Roosevelt.
US government, raptors since 1763
The Islamic State yet do not arise from nowhere. It is the result of the imperialist policy of the United States in the Middle East whose roots go back to the post-Saddam chaos in Iraq and the recent Syrian conflict.
Islamism was during this period objective ally of Uncle Sam in the Middle East. It is now the pretext that allows the United States to intervene in Arab countries, to defend the "good Muslims" in their quest for freedom or for fighting "bad" that threaten the security of the planet.

Islam allowed the United States to contain the spread of communism and Soviet influence in the Arab world. A revolution broke out April 27, 1978 in Afghanistan, resulting in the rise to power of the Democratic Party of Afghanistan. A civil war broke out. End of 1979, the Soviet army intervened to support the progressive regime.
Ronald Reagan and the CIA
The CIA then leaned on Islamist groups, using radical Islam to unite Muslims against the Soviets in Afghanistan at a cost of 3.5 billion dollars for the war in Afghanistan.
After the Russian withdrawal in 1989, the United States stopped supplying arms without sever ties with the Afghan Mujahideen. They thus maintained between 1994 and 1996 relations with the Taliban,this time providing them political support through Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

Creating Al Qaeda by the administration of Bill Clinton
The Clinton administration was secretly hoping to create an anti-Iraqi front and anti-Shiite to restrict the influence of Iran in the region. Al Qaeda was born in this context with Osama bin Laden as leader.
George W. Bush must be recognized as a war criminal
But a radical change takes place under the George W. Bush era: accomplices in the attacks on the World Trade Center, with his friends from Saudi Arabia, the Salafis, Wahhabis, these terrorists, Muslims who come to kill us among us, in our country with the US government aid.

When the US government deplores the attacks of terrorists, politicians who cry in front of the media, those liars, the thieves, that's what the US government has created all these terrorists to encourage petroleum companies such as Exxon, Mobil, and several other major US and British gas of this world. Saudi Arabia takes wicked pleasure Israel with we do catastrophic scenarios arranged with the shenanigans in London and Washington.
With US governments, friends one day, enemies tomorrow, they know no conscience, only money is important
Friends of yesterday become today's enemies. The threat of an external enemy, necessarily Muslim, then carefully maintained by many media and the propaganda of the United States.
The terrorist threat is concurrently the cornerstone of the military doctrine of the US and NATO.There is no evidence that Iraq is in any way behind the September 11 attacks, and the only way that exists is that the administration of George W. Bush and Saudi Arabia sponsored the September 11 attacks by blaming Saddam Hussein for the sins of the world.
White House Hosts First Muslim President Salafi Islamist Barack Obama
Barack Obama with Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, friends Muslim brothers and sold to Saudi Arabia and the destruction of Syria, Libya,Israel , advocating a war against Russia, there in the White House an international explosive cocktail. Certain, pretend, we should change the name of the "White House" for that of "Devil's House"

American Politicians of offended prostitutes, money does not smell
The United States must find for dictators continue to deceive the world with their policies. Accordingly, Barack Obama, was a Salafist, Islamist and terrorist, has to find other targets to show the world he has to find scapegoats to strike the imagination of Westerners.
Islamists, including the worst fundamentalists of Al-Nusra Front, suddenly again become the media of nice students plagued by violent dictatorships they fight. This argument will serve to Obama to arm militias in Libya and remove Gaddafi from which the angelic Hillary Clinton jumps at the chance to enlarge the Arab terrorist movements on the planet.

Barack Obama terrorist Salafi, Wahhabi Muslim Brotherhood servant
And no matter that this country is an open hell prey to extremists of all stripes as long as the US in exploiting oil. Western countries there have contracted the conflict to their friends, the Gulf countries and Saudi Arabia in particular, thinking that would speed the downfall of President Bashar Assad. And so that were made at the gates of Europe of Islamist groups with twice as many fighters there were in Afghanistan.
The United States opened the doors of terror to the West
A boon for most jihadists who would regroup under the banner of the organization "Islamic State". Sunni fundamentalist persuasion, the latter proclaimed June 29, 2014 the restoration of the caliphate on the Syrian and Iraqi territories it controls.
Hillary Clinton prepares the global war against Russia
The United States then believed to set up a puppet government that would lend itself to economic and political interests of the West. But the plan backfired. Shi'ite Prime Minister Maliki has proved to be difficult to handle a leadership and especially reluctant to submit to the orders of the occupants. Crime of treason, he railed against Western oil company that sought to draw considerable advantage of the vast energy reserves of Iraq.

Israel invaded Jordan with the help of the US
Finally, the level of cooperation between Israel and the Kurds rose significantly after the fall of Saddam Hussein. Proponents of the merger with the Zionist entity, many in Kurdistan think they have something to offer to the Jewish state. This partnership, some say, could create a new balance of power in the Middle East, and this evolution would be very beneficial for Israel.
In this context, it is interesting to also consider is the issue of Syrian Kurdistan where the West's interest to see set up an autonomous region. The foundation of a Kurdish state and have just been asked insidiously provided, of course, that the newborn is integrated into the sphere of US-Israeli influence in the region since independence has a price.
After arming the Islamic state in Syria, the US today saw the barbarian hordes tumble jihadists on Iraq.  

Saudi Arabia wants to invade Syria and bring oil to Europe
Doctrine is the military preemption as to ignore the laws and ethics is legitimate and where the rationale and evidence are deliberately manipulated to found the massacre of neo-barbarians in total war camp well against the axis of evil.
Russia joined the conflict in Syria and winning the war
For the high "Commandor" US is the worst slap she received from Russia and Syria by getting rid of the Islamic state in the country. For years, the US government and Saudi Arabia hoping to invade Syria to put their hands on the oil route for Europe and at the same time cutting the access routes from Russia to the European markets.
Our politicians, our axis of evil
Surprises, axes, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the Salafist Washington did not work and moreover Israel's intentions to have the Palestinian territory with the aid of the United States and Saudi Arabia have not It Works. At the UN, the Security Council called on Israel to end the occupation of Palestine but Barack Obama, the Muslim, the quranism White House for the first time since 1949, are not put his "VETO "usually acquired for Israel.  

Israel's enemies from Canada and the US
Previously, Israel was a friend of Canada and the United States, and since the departure of Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada with the arrival of the new Prime Minister, the selfie in Ottawa Justin Trudeau Islamophile, pro-Sharia, who visit the only religious worship, mosques, as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton jointly support and accomplices of the Muslim Brotherhood, known worldwide terrorist organizations.
In 1782 Correspondence between Marie Antoinette and Axel Fersen during the American Revolution, written by Emile Baumann
Americans for them, money is their only God

American Revolution in 1782,soon it will relief to learn that she is married and that we'll talk about it. Another party proposes: Germaine Necker, financier's daughter. "She is an only child, she was raised far from the great world, which it has yet to taste. I only saw her once in passing, and I do not remember his face; I only remember that nothing unpleasant and it is not infringed.
"One Objection: Stael's friend Fersen, has done it three years ago, a number of steps to obtain the hand of the wealthy heiress. "I know he has made since that does not have done better. If he still had some hope, I give up entirely this project.
"Stael persists,finally succeeds. Axel elude this weighty honor of giving his name to artificial and declamatory Corinne.

It is therefore of America, without which no brilliant action had reported his campaign. But he practiced faithfully all military virtues; it became hard to fatigue and "himself". He carried out there universal esteem. As for the cause he went to serve, it is secondary. Americans except Washington and others, let him remember a fierce greed, "Money is their god." All that is long gone, now he is not concerned that to prolong his stay in France, that is to say "the happiness of his life"
The American government, "money is our God for ever" still aujourd 'hui
barbarians, Islamic terrorists, these extremists Muslims, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Manuel Valls, the Salafists who roam our cities, our streets, our countries have been designed with by the top leaders of our countries for the sake of large multinationals, oil, in not caring affect humans.

Are our politicians dogs?
We certainly have to wonder, all these years of disturbances, in which camps is my government? Here in Canada, it is very easy to recognize,since the arrival of Salafi in Ottawa, the Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who frequent that religious sites, mosques, our country is under the total control Islamic organizations, Muslim.  
Each province is proud to be the first Muslim ministers, with chronic ideologies that can lead to destruction of all Canadian and Quebec society. Our selfie in Ottawa is doing everything possible to discriminate against Christians, and place to place members of allophone communities that support during election periods.

Zunera Ishaq Prime Minister, liberal, al-Qaida in Queen's Park, Ontario
Our Western politicians we well sold to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Iran, Islamic countries, their crusades were not so difficult because our intellectuals and feminists have helped them in their propaganda. It will be beautiful on the day when the world will be Islamic, dead, humans have never experienced, beings without brains do not have the permission to think, because life on earth is useless.
The disciples of the devil, Satan, is presently on earth, and the petrodollars it serves to convert our elected officials to destroy all our civilizations, our cultures, and we let him, like little idiots. Even Pope Francis is pro-Islamic, and we believe that soon he will demolish the Vatican to build a large cube that people run around like rats waiting their place in paradise of Allah!

Our politicians are like nappies, must be discarded when soiled.
Who could have said that we could not trust this wonderful pope, so open-minded, intelligent, but when it happens to think "Muslim" becomes mentally retarded.
The religions of this world are the sources of our mental illness, political killings.

Hopefully Donald Trump is not a liar like other US presidents

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