Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois wins in the Supreme Court the puppeteer of our laws, tea towels burn in Ottawa
The human and monetary costs of unaccountable people francophone student strikes mainly in Montreal and future Premier of Quebec without any collective consciousness
We detest individuals with superior knowledge, all down
The increase of $ 325 per year in tuition fees must especially be used to finance universities. The first year of the increase, as of September 2012, the government estimated an additional $ 41 million for universities come from the student contribution.
We believe that teachers who supported the student strike should submit their salary department education.
Loss of income and destruction of the lives of students who wanted to work
Several institutions have had to hire security guards. Others lost revenue from the rental of premises or the holding of sporting activities.
The English have not embedded into the traps of the French-speaking Socialists
In Nursing students will not be able to work in hospitals during the external summer because they must have completed their second year.
Other college students enrolled in technical where they alternate between courses and studies can not undertake their paid internship in mid-may when the quarter continues until June
Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois threats and his colleagues towards journalists, up to the death threat, merchants, students, democrat opera..
(Ottawa) End the judicial soap the former student leader Gabriel Nadeau -Dubois acquitted of contempt of court concludes the Supreme Court of Canada in a majority decision this morning won.
Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois - dominated down again - congratulations
The country's highest court rejected six judges three against the motion for contempt of court in respect of Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois brought by a student in fine arts at Laval University, Jean-François Morasse. The latter accused the former student leader, in an interview on RDI, of inciting students to violate a court injunction to allow access to classrooms during the student strike of spring 2012.
the Supreme Court of Canada again sends the wrong messages
Mr. Nadeau-Dubois was sentenced to 120 hours of community service for contempt of court in November 2012, a decision annulled by the Court of Appeal in 2015, and then this morning by the Supreme Court again. He continues to laugh under his breath, but when he has children, and they will like him, his children-kings, what will they do to father's case? her I prefer to keep those words to me, in my mind, because her children are going to suffer his parents.
The new child-kings in the National Assembly
In a press conference in Montreal, the young man said he was "relieved" by the decision of the Supreme Court. "This is the last page is turned on this important chapter of my life that is the strike of 2012 and I can finally look ahead, focus on my other projects," he said, the smile. "It's a great win, it's a beautiful day today for citizens movements for social movements and I am happy and proud to have contributed to this victory.
SupremeCourt of Canada approved the destruction of life
For its part, says Jean-François Morasse respect the decision of the highest court in the country. If he decided to carry his fight to the end, it is because the student conflict has "destroyed lives," "destroyed careers," "scrapped the lives of thousands of people," he explained .
"I just saw an opportunity. And for these people, I had to do whatever I could with this opportunity then to defend them, "argued former student in fine arts in a telephone interview with The Canadian Press.
It was not by also "absolutely not" a vendetta against Gabriel Nadeau-Dubois, who was probably the most polarizing figure in spring Maple said Jean-François Morasse at the other end.
What will their reaction to the Islamic government Quebec
"It's really not about revenge. If it was a question of vengeance, never the Supreme Court, which accepts only heard a handful of requests per year,us, had heard "he argued.
A supreme court, depressing
the five majority settle the dispute by concluding that Mr. Nadeau-Dubois was not aware of the injunction. "Recall that to declare Mr. Nadeau-Dubois guilty of [contempt] [...], Mr. Morasse had the burden of proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the order of Émond judge [of the Superior Court ] was clear, Mr. Nadeau-Dubois was aware and had intentionally which is forbidden by ordinance. However, there was no evidence that Mr. Nadeau-Dubois had knowledge, either directly or by inference, of the order of 2 May, "wrote Justices Rosalie Abella and Clément Gascon in the majority opinion of the Court.
Canada's one and only rule in justice in Canada, kidding you everything, but not Muslims, said Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada going to the mosque on Friday in Ottawa there to pray and seeing his wife on perch from the top with the other veiled women waiting for their dear husband canthem accompany to the marriage bed for congenital rantings of the rut.
Francophones in Quebec will still have the same tendencies, to level down Gabriel Nadeau Downunder.
Quebec leveled to down, we have re-elected the corrupt, the Liberal party, the party of allophones, anglophones, mosques
Due respect to some, homogeneous classes never existed. However, it should be accepted that the classes are now more diverse than ever. There is however no question of providing education to the card, but simply to offer an inclusive pedagogy, reflecting the evolution of society that tends to provide equal opportunities for success to everyone.
Should we clean the ears of the judges and the Supreme Court?
Although students with special needs are more and more numerous in the so-called regular classes and that prejudice wishing that students have changed persists, this does not mean that we should reduce the criteria for success. Among others, the curriculum changes break with the old educational models, and expectations are different.
The comparisons between the two programs are impossible and only serve to identify those burdened an irremediable spleen in striving to slow down a school that is trying to modernize by trying to put sand in the wheels of progress
Religious leveling down: Christian to Islam
Also, this leveling down of professional practices is reflected in the frequent ostracism open teachers curious and enterprising. Even those who are experimenting with new approaches and new tools in their teaching approaches are often rebuffed by colleagues who feel threatened by their peers innovation. This situation is much more present than we believe in schools and it will be a series of subsequent notes.
School evangelist or heavy destiny of contemporary teacher
A sense immobility of many is a form of leveling down. Also, it seems that the imagination and innovation are in fact a form of professional luck! The walk to the academic progress made sure that we constantly draw students up. This is a fact and it probably own education that use various strategies to convince students to excel on a daily basis.
But now, a sad plight that dominated, although he becomes necessary that some teachers also draw up their own colleagues entangled in inert practices and disconnected from the social realities of their students.
The Parti Québécois has done well to hire him as political commissar, he is young, he learned his now he learns the workings of politics, lies, he will be rich, will be part of the jet set, it will be a great man. But it will always remain, the person in Quebec who has lost several more people year tuition to students, and according to his own conscience, he pleased and that was his right.
Justice-t -it a responsibility to have a conscience, discernment?
But again, he was not on strike because students are not paid to study, because to be on strike must have a salary. He will tell us that it is playing with words can be and he did the same with the judges of the Supreme Court of Canada.
I forgot, when you have enough documents stolen Parti Québécois, you'll be joining the CAQ and after Philippe Couillard give you a minister responsible in his office at the National Assembly. As you well know he is fond of young people with documents of other political parties with a good salary, envelopes to be filled, allocations to comfortable starts, sector bonuses, benefits tax havens, all you can ask the Liberal party of Quebec offers you completely pay by taxpayers.
In the Quebec Liberal party, intelligence is not necessary, only the envelopes, and knowing your vision, you are the ideal candidate.
A Supreme court multicultural, uncultured
Justice is blind, but in Canada and in Quebec, she raises her blinder and if you are beards, veiled with a kirpan, a kippa, turban, keffiyeh, Native American hat, anything except all with respect to Christians, you are certain that all the judges will be on your side and you will win. They require that the entire population kneel before these new minorities, cultures, so dear to the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the Minister, the new Canada without culture.
Thanks to selfie