mercredi 5 octobre 2016

Justin Trudeau goes to the mosque, «Almighty Allah» I believe in Koran and Charia

Justin Trudeau goes to the mosque, «Almighty Allah» I believe in Koran and Charia

Canada’s Constitution makes a nod to “the supremacy of God,” as does the national anthem. Prime Minister Stephen Harper routinely says “God bless Canada.” The House of Commons opens with a prayer to “Almighty God.” The Senate, too, has its prayers, as does the Ontario Legislature.
So some Canadians are scratching their heads over the Supreme Court’s ruling that the city council in Saguenay, Quebec, has no business opening its meetings with a prayer because that infringes the Charter right to freedom of conscience and religion. The ruling, while unanimous, will be a hard sell with some.
Kathleen Wynne, prime minister of Ontario, new poorly muslim feminist
But it’s the right one. Given Canada’s diversity, the court’s warning that public meetings can’t be “a preferential space for people with theistic beliefs” is hard to fault.
Religions in Canada
Christians in 2011, 22 millions, 8 million professed no religion, and 3 million were Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Jews or others.
This is a case where official silence may be golden. Municipal public policy should be debated in religion-neutral spaces.

Philippe Couillard, Kathleen Wynne and other prime minister of Canada please read this, religions are under the civils laws inclunding Islam, no religion accommodation
The evolution of Canadian society has given rise to a concept of neutrality according to which the state must not interfere in religion and beliefs,” the high court ruled. “The state must instead remain neutral in this regard. This neutrality requires that the state neither favour nor hinder any particular belief, and the same holds true for non belief. It requires that the state abstain from taking any position and thus avoid adhering to a particular belief.
“State neutrality means … that the state must neither encourage nor discourage any form of religious conviction whatsoever.”
This makes Toronto council, which wisely does not to have seven prayers, look prescient for choosing silence.
The House of Commons, Senate and provincial legislatures enjoy parliamentary privilege and aren’t thought to be affected.

But cities like Oshawa that recite the Lord’s Prayer are inviting a lawsuit. Others, like Ottawa, are engaged in a healthy review of their non-denominational prayers or their practice of rotating prayers from different faiths. All are in the awkward position of having to show that their prayers neither “encourage nor discourage” any form of belief. A moment of silence may be the prudent alternative.
Sometimes, silence is a virtue.
Justin Trudeau, your boss tell you, The Supreme Court and obey
State must be neutral, court rules

In 2008, city officials initially changed the prayer to one it deemed more neutral and delayed the opening of council by two minutes to allow citizens a window to return follow the reciting.
The Supreme Court said Canadian society has evolved and given rise to a "concept of neutrality according to which the state must not interfere in religion and beliefs."
"The state must instead remain neutral in this regard," the judgment said.
"This neutrality requires that the state neither favour nor hinder any particular belief, and the same holds true for non-belief. It requires that the state abstain from taking any position and thus avoid adhering to a particular belief.
"When all is said and done, the state's duty to protect every person's freedom of conscience and religion means that it may not use its powers in such a way as to promote the participation of certain believers or non-believers in public life to the detriment of others."
No more mosques on Friday in Mississauga, you will have to pay to build one in your own back yard in Montréal, Justin Trudeau said Mohamed.

Winnipeg accommodates Allah and won’t respect the Supreme Court of Canada!
Winnipeg’s city council has decided to keep saying its prayers for the Islamic communauty.
On Tuesday speaker Devi Sharma said the city will keep praying before council meetings, now that a review of the practice has been done.
The review happened after a Supreme Court ruling said praying at municipal council meetings in Saquenay, Quebec was a violation of people’s freedoms.
“One of the things that is very different here compared to the decision by the Supreme Court of Canada is the inclusive nature of our opening statement and our prayer,” said Mayor Brian Bowman.
“I’m comfortable allowing councillors the freedom to express themselves however they choose.”

At Wednesday’s meeting Council Brian Mayes said council will use prayer to promote diversity, and spoke a prayer from the Quran before the meeting.
“This week I’ve been talking to the Manitoba Islamic Association because the oldest mosque in the city of Winnipeg is in the St. Vital ward,” said Mayes “
So we’ll be celebrating that, and I asked the folks at the Manitoba Islamic Association to send me a quote from the Quran today to help celebrate our diversity.”
Rachel Notley, prime minister of Alberta, which disguises for Ramadan, her first religion underground
I am always impressed by those who practice their devotion by fasting during Ramadan – particularly here in Alberta, in the spring, when fasting demands incredible commitment, patience and sacrifice.

Yet this year, as always, I saw Muslim Albertans with smiling faces, accepting the opportunity to live their faith.
I wonder why they don’t do the same with me with a knife, it must be a very good feminist Albertan feeling to be headed. I will even sell my body to have more Muslim people, which I love more that Catholic, Jewish, Tamoul, and others religions, they all mistreated women the way I want to be treated, like a real second class human being.
Our politicians the prostitute
The prostitution of our politicians is a form of economic exchange and ad hoc social power, explicit and previously negotiated. Although practiced by members of all political stripes, liberal parties are most attached, corrupt.
The Liberal Party is mainly exercised by men and women unscrupulous who would sell their mothers and fathers for pennies. We do, to look at the Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable Justin Trudeau Mohamed how he sells the entire Canadian nation to the Muslims with the support of the premiers including Philippe Couillard, Kathleen Wynne, Rachel Notley, and other extremist intellectuals and feminists in progressive ideas gaps.

The legal status of prostitution politician, Canadian, Quebecois, Ontarian, or otherwise vary the density of the Muslim population in the province. In Quebec, what's very different from other provinces, the Prime Minister Philippe Couillard always put on anglophones and allophones to win elections that all are favorable. Among allophones, Muslims are more represented than others, so it gives them all the unimaginable accommodations for their votes become Liberal votes. To do this he must destroy, the maximum realization of francophones in Quebec and which wound anglophones in Quebec and Canada.
With respect to the English provinces of Canada, it is a situation quite different because the language does not annuity account. All the people speak English. So your first ministers must prostitute themselves directly inside mosques, shopping centers, their doors open all the magistracy, the government, so they can install their tentacles or moderate Islamist extremists pending promise final Justin Trudeau that Canada become an Islamic religious territory by the end of his term.

Our politicians are so many prostitutes who are regularly the subject of considerable controversy among politicians, intellectuals and feminists in favor of legalization visceral corruption that enjoys all over the world our politicians. Can you give me one reason, evidence, why a politician, man or woman, let a rewarding job, paying no budget constraint, with an exemplary family, with large properties, and millions of revenue years adored by his colleagues would go into politics for a meager salary of $ 150,000 to $ 350,000 a year.
Do not come and certainly laugh at me, telling me in 2016, is to serve the people. It's actually fun of us all is to take us for fools, that many of us are. They go into politics for one and the same thing, greed and what brings the allure of power, for him, his family and close associates, etc. Whether it is a pleasure to walk on the heads of everyone. Be able to say, every moment I the only one to dictate the laws that should live or die. Feelings of superiority, our federal selfie show us constantly with prowess in his speeches full of null antics, pathic, talked to speak by not saying anything.

I often think the politician is like a toilet bowl, the bezel is open, and she expects that will throw it.

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