Islam lives of thieves - Rapists of paradise
We need to educate the Honourable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau multicultural Islam, is only true to himself when he's conqueror, because that is its nature totalitarian, supremacist, globalizing. It is a fascism political extremism religious.Fascism is an authoritarian political system that combines populism, nationalism and totalitarianism in the name of a supreme collective ideal. In both revolutionary and conservative, he opposed frontally to parliamentary democracy and the liberal state guarantor of individual rights.
Islam and Nazism are all the same. Islam reveals the decay of man's humanity.
It is not a religion, let it be said, it is a system, an ideology, in a sense worse than Nazism, because the Islam gives a religious aspect, and it is even more difficult to escape this new fascism to religious coloration than Nazism. Islam is violent too, because violence is in his nature. Islam uses concealment while it is in a state of weakness and violence when it is stronger, and its goal is the global caliphate.
The Muslim Brotherhood pull the strings and there are now service our first ministers and presidents of all Western countries. They are puppets in the hands of four or five people, not more, that govern the world?
The president of the United States, Barack Obama himself has six top aides at the White House, which is the Muslim Brotherhood, so that one may wonder whether it is Barack Obama who brought the Muslim Brotherhood or if it is the Muslim Brotherhood who brought Barack Obama. Can we also ask whether Obama has literally sold the United States and the Muslim Brotherhood terrorists to Saudi Arabia.
As in Canada, the first Justin Trudeau who attends regularly Islamic associations and mosques affiliated to the Muslim Brotherhood. In addition, the potential successor Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, also a councilor who is part of the Muslim Brotherhood. And as regards the whole of Europe, it is little more pink as our prime ministers or presidents in prostitution without cease with these Muslim terrorists, Islamic
Islam will bring the destruction of humanity
Islam is a religion hypocrite. Eastern Christians are being eradicated, and they will be, for a war to strong smell of oil or natural gas on financial background. Petrodollars, our investors and Western countries prefer the lives of Western citizens.
It should also take the defense of Bashar Assad, only the President of Russia Vladimir Putin with military aid , instead of fighting against him, as does the United States, France, Britain and Germany and Canada.
For European Christians and Jews are threatened with the same fate as the Christians of the East eventually made all non-Muslims in Europe. There are no boundaries for Ouma in combat it must lead the nation does not exist, only Islam exists. Islam is destroying Palmyra, why not destroy it not the Louvre? ... This is actually our whole Western civilization is at stake.
The jihadists to destroy the cathedral of Paris
Our political leaders are guilty collaborate, have left to buy, and our churchmen also work, just like the Pope Francis. Pope Francis himself does not understand Islam, the religion of Satan, especially when he writes that true Islam is opposed to any violence, what completely fau. You can not speak of truth with liars
Pope is fighting for the civilization of manas Christianity disappear with Islam. For freedom, that Islam wants to confiscate us. When you think that the 57 OIC Muslim countries refused to sign the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and preferred to develop their own statement in which straight or right nickname must be submitted at any Sharia it ... can only encourage us to ask urgent questions.
Islam will conquer Europe and America by the immigration and refugee
the game of uncontrolled immigration, because of rulers incredibly naive and without conscience of our politicians, through the demographics of immigrants, and the conversions to Islam made difficult (while in the other direction there is a risk of death) by undercover agents of Islam in all the workings of society, Europe and America runs to their purposes.
Christianity has not the strength to counter Islam
If Europe goes, this is probably Russia and China, most countries lucid, but frowned at the moment by the "right-thinking", which will take over its values. At present, Europe is 40% Muslim, Europe is dead. It is one minute to midnight. The barbarians took the controls of your governments. This is a struggle of barbarism against civilization, and civilization against barbarism. The West as we know it is gone. Thank you to Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande, David Cameron, and whores.
Created by Islamists to paralyze us, it is claimed prohibit us from telling the truth about Islam. It attacks the immune system of the company when it confiscates the right to speak.
Pope Francis no longer sleeping with the devil
The Muslim world has invented terrorism for humanity? This is Islam most obscurantist is taught in mosques. Critical thinking is forbidden in Islam. "He chose the version of the uncreated Qur'an. This first decision made the Qur'an a word from God untouchable and intolerant current has taken over as the Koran "Medina" (warrior book and intolerance) comes second. The Medina verses calling for war, violence and intolerance. They repeal, as Muslims, Meccan verses, mystical, religious and open.
The Pope Francis and his stubborn defense of Islam
Pope Francis does not understand that this war is a war of religion and politics to destroy Christianity and Rome church
Islam threatens Europe, Canada and the United States
but also to defend because it is doubly threatened. From inside because the notion of progress shortsighted, tends to result in a materialistic society, hedonistic, selfish, tempted to stun a perpetual entertainment to fill the void that inhabits it. From the outside because of the fact of demographic change that is manifested, Europe is exposed to the situation in most of the 57 Muslim-majority countries: reduced religious freedom or no freedom of expression subject to the constraints of sharia law
in the name of tolerance, Europe is now opening its doors to intolerance. In the name of democracy, the risk is that your children and grandchildren to live in a totally different society where non-believers or believers in other religions, the dhimmi would have fewer rights than those of the majority of the population . This would mean a return to the worst of the religious domination of medieval type experienced by Europe in the past and she has happily freed.
European values-fought battle after centuries Europe will -t she take the risk of selling out by simple effect of immigration ultimately leading to a fundamental change in the composition of society? The reign of "political correctness" should it prevent denounce this long-term risk for Europe? Diversity is a theoretical factor of mutual enrichment but keeping the majority Muslim countries shows that multiculturalism is not intended to develop it.
Europe is threatened today in its foundations, in his soul. It is time to become aware. Europe must defend at all costs its identity. It is not a right, it is a duty - a duty vis-à-vis future generations and to all humanity cohesion.
Not multiculturalism to Justin Trudeau
face anything that threatens its its identity, it is time for her to act. It is imperative to him today is a start, an alarm clock, an awareness, without which tomorrow could be painful for future generations.
This is for Europe to regain and maintain a wisdom based on humanistic and universal values, only valid basis for building a new world order.
More on: Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Barack Obama - Theresa May (David Cameron) - Angela Merkel - Hollande - Presidents, Kings, Prime Ministers, our murderous politicians, OUR BITCHES INTERNATIONAL
OUR POLITICIANS - FEMINIST - Intellectuals - JUDGES - LAWS - approve the Islamist terrorism in Saudi Arabia - Oil Money Barbarians - West Islamic - Koran - Sharia - Rogue - Destruction - Approved Allah-
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