Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Françoise David - Agnes Féo - Agnès Gruda - feminist, leftist intellectuals are more and more crazy, decadent
After Agnès Gruda of La Presse as saying that the burkini was a "liberating garment" here a French sociologist believes that the full veil that hides them from head to toe women is a feminist revolution! Agnes Féo, would sell its holdings worldwide, but short of intelligent imagination, thought to be an expert on Muslim philosophies retrograde, barbarian, religion, politics, destroys the world and now mainly France . Ah, nicks frustrated intellectuals who circulate through our media lack of visibility are murderers of our Western values in.
Agnès de Féo
The niqab, hide your ugliness
"The niqab: revenge of women?", A long text published in Slate webzine the French sociologist Agnes Féo says in all seriousness) that women who wear the burqa, niqab, chador and burkini are in the vanguard of the feminist movement, because they refuse enjoyment of the male gaze on their bodies.
The LGBT, visible minority person unsociable,as we said the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
By hiding their bodies and their faces evading the leer and domineering men salivating in zutant their breasts and hips (watch a beautiful woman in the street is a sexual assault, of course ...), these courageous women were operating a "form of symbolic castration of male."
the full veil as anti-harassment weapon ... was thinking, is not it? Moreover, with this garment you will be able to hide knives, handguns, grenades, explosives. Ladies you are the symbols of Muslim identity of someone who can not control itself. It must be accompanied by a man, the superior being. You dismount again, Madam sociologist Agnes Féo, you really are, women inferior to males.
As a sociologist, you are not helping women, bearded help with their crusades to destroy your country. Are you a traitor to your French values. Do you remember the great ladies of France in hundreds of years gave France its soul and grandeur. You are, at present, a shame for women who want to be known as all men of world leaders. Marie Antoinette, Joan of Arc, Madame de Pompadour, Madame de Maintenon, and thousands more and can you imagine a "niqab" President of France?
The great brainy quotes several veiled women she has met during his research. All say how the niqab and the burqa allowed them to be free and to finally be themselves! How can you leave this information, false, circulated these frustrated women as the source of all French women. A sociologist should at least have some discernment between a woman, people, and 40 million French. We believe that you have missed a lack of objectivity.
If you talk to one of your friends wearing the niqab is good and beautiful. But in 2016, you must talk of the invasion, the Islamic crusade in France and Europe as well as in Canada and the United States for the destruction of our Western values. The best way to destroy the thieves of our societies is from the woman. It is she who gives birth to the child and educates the husband usually does not participate in both.
The destruction of our Western values begins with you, your assertions, ladies Agnes Féo and Françoise David, Quebec Solidaire, Lise Bacon, waiting for his departure, Clinton working for the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States, and thousands of other politicians, feminists, leftists intellectuals that spread to every wind of false claims through the media harmful and lead to governments such as Canada Justin Trudeau promoting Islamic terrorism or Angela Merkel that destroys the whole Germany with refugees sowing the rape, murder, the total destruction of the country.
You do the same things saying the niqab says the woman, but it is the opposite it lowers. The woman should dress the way she wants and not to you, or bearded decide. How much money, Islamic associations have they contributed to these reports?
Feminist extremists, advocating the niqab, are sexually frustrated?
Many of your guinea pigs must have family problems and was not demonstrative
Many of your interlocutors to knowing reject had may be the decision to wear the niqab wanting to carry the responsibilities of their experiences on men by this religious clothing policy. But more was frustrated or changed their lives. This garment, retrogradely has so much significance that is not a simple garment. I would have thought that an intelligent person like you, educated, could have done with distinction terrorist, Muslims,Islamism.
I hide my body, I am ashamed of my body, bright Bearded
One has complainant: "I am alone now, no one talks to me, said Samsou, a pretty Brussels 20 years of Moroccan origin. Dredge in the street has entirely disappeared. And men bow their heads "This is because they are ashamed to smoke.."
Tell from Agnes Féo - who certainly good in The niqab is used by those who wear it as an against-domination a revenge against a sexist order always present in France.
the overrun leftist intellectuals
If they were Catholic fundamentalists who advocated the wearing of the full veil, I'm sure the "feminists" as Madame De Féo climbing the curtains and attack this "ideology macho, misogynist and patriarchal." But these are Islamic fundamentalists! Islam, religion of the dominated, minorities, the third world, Africa! You make parties lapses of women, the retrograde feminist who does not know what to say because it has nothing to say.
Quebec Women's Federation
Ms. Benhabib Djemila accuses the Women's Federation of Quebec being infiltrated by Islamic extremists advocating the Koran and Sharia with all government approvals Philippe Couillard.
by choosing the word "infiltrate" synonymous to infiltrate, Ms. Djemila Benhabib suggests that people are introduced to the Quebec Women's Federation in subversive purpose. Everything suggests that the Federation des Femmes du Québec, is to thank you for those women who have the tacit support of the government and the imams of the Muslim community.
Islamism is defined by Larousse as a "movement gathering the most radical currents of Islam, who want to make of it, not primarily a religion but a true political ideology through rigorous application of sharia and the establishment of Islamic states intransigent.
"Nawal Al Saadawi, Egyptian feminist
Nawal Al-Saadawi, is against the veil of women, and not only against the niqab. She was imprisoned under Sadat, was the subject of several lawsuits for injury to Islam and several of his books, including his biography, have been banned in Egyptsaid.
The veil is against morality, she "If so I want to be an honorable girl, I only have to buy a sail for fifty dollars or fifty pounds and the entrance to paradise is assured me. Me, I want to deserve heaven by my behavior, and not through a piece of cloth.
"Some Say that women wear veils because men have sexual desires and look at women with lust. If this is the case, it is man who must be veiled, and not the woman, or he must tear his eyes.
The man has sexual desires, but the woman also. Why not hide the man that the woman could desire?
The niqab is unethical. Men and women hide under the niqab to commit crimes. This is a safety issue. Just as it is forbidden to walk naked in the street, it should be forbidden to walk in the streets fully covered as thieves. Islam, males do not have control of their sexual member as they want it to be the woman who controls it. The responsibility of sexuality belongs to everyone.
This immature religion, zany, with teachers like you, says our Western societies give some unbalanced people like Canadian Prime Ministers, Ministers, the German Chancellor, Francois Hollande, forums to leftist intellectual with no judgment and discernment in their regard.
The woman is transformed into a commodity. The veil is not a matter of freedom, but a dangerous political symbol of servitude of the woman.
The face is the expression of dignity. How can we speak with a person who has no face? The state should ban the niqab. "When I see a woman in this tent that is the niqab, I do not find him dignity.
Offensive of the veil in the West by the Muslim Brotherhood
Muslim men must wear the Islamic veil is only fair
Muslims are so fearful that they send everyday women to the front of the path of Islamic holy war to conquer the West and they are almost naked walks on the beach and in the pool in the summer because the heat affects them. And you tell me that the niqab liberates women. Do you take me for a pitcher? You know, you like sociologist fill the pitchers, is not it.
It is not necessary to repeat that the Islamists exploit the rights and freedoms guaranteed in the West to undermine and eventually make inoperative the same rights and the same freedoms .
The Islamists believe that Islam is in danger as long as they did not dominate or at least obstruct the culture and Western civilization. The Islamist literature is very rich on this, and those who dare not take it seriously condemn themselves to not understanding the process of Islamization of Western societies.
It is again through the veil Islamization and implants progresses. The Islamists are well aware that the veil shocked and scandalized the West, so they do everything to impose it by invoking their religious rights. In doing so they make a rock several times:
You, Federations of Women, politicians, intellectuals, drug addicts
• they take their revenge on the West by imposing their will,
• they question the principle of equality equality,
• they legitimize their rejection of Western values,
• they manage to divide society and especially women, Agnes Féo between hardcore advocates and defenders of culture and Western values,
• they are demonstrating their strength among Muslim immigrants in whose name they claim to speak,
• they arise as key interlocutors deal with public administrations.
Allah crusade sails
But the Islamists go further, with a contingent of veiled activists they throw dust in the eyes and confusing. What better way to hide the sinister practice of veiling prepubescent girls, that saturate the screens with veiled volunteers commanded mission. It is for them to convince the public and especially the politicians, the media, feminists and advocates that women veil themselves in full knowledge that in doing so they exercise their freedom of choice.
Legitimisation of apartheid
Accept the veil and legitimate is accepting and legitimizing the Islamization and therefore the rejection and hatred of everything that is not Muslim. It is also recognized as a legitimate religious practice is to reject and hate. You legitimized honor killings on women. See what you just did, you told the males, these barbarians, these demagogues, come and kill me, kill my sister, kill my sister, we are less than nothing, "WE ARE THE REAL FEMINIST leftists
"The truth must be told about the Islamization and fundamentalism but politicians, judges, do-gooders and the media seem poor when they do not show accomplices fundamentalists. Yet the facts are there, simply to investigate and expose all the facts without exception honestly. You failed to do. You like many of you, and I do not blame you, because you have to earn your living, your darkness in front of Islam, the devil, the Islamic darkness conquered the weak-minded.
Fundamentalism has taken root here, Islamization is on, will we let it develop without restriction? Petrodollars have big influences in our Western diets, our media, our politicians, intellectuals, sociologists .
Brain health: When the intelligence went thru many people sound asleep
Feminists are very dangerous for smart women
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