Sheikh from Saudi Arabia - Islam the new Western religion on women driving cars in the Quran
Saudi sheikh warned women that the conduct could affect the ovaries and pelvis - And men masturbate when they see women driving in cars - It is against the Koran
Are our new Western leaders to replace our politicians who have sold us Allah
Saudi Arabia, Sheikh Saleh Bin Saad Al-Luhaydan, Attorney General and the counselor backlog of Association of psychologists in the Gulf States, and recommended for Saudi women to prioritize the mind on the heart about the possibility of driving for Saudi women.
A campaign concerning the conduct of women web site was conducted by Saudi activists October 26 last This petition has collected more than 11,000 signatures and women said "Since there is no clear justification for the state to prohibit adults, women are able to drive the car or other vehicle. We call the King of Saudi Arabia to allow women to have driving tests and licensing for the latter can have their driving license as well as men.
"The Sheikh, in his greatness, his medieval fortitude, whereas his wife as a bag to collect his sperm, said that the result of what is wrong and they should expect and consider the drawbacks, according to Arab newspaper Sabq, controls only by men blocked mentally.
Al -Lahidane said that in the days of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), he had no driving license for Muslim women and Muslim women who were still with their companions to ride horses and camels for transportation, but never driven one and were always accompanied by a "mahram". According to the Koran, women are not smart enough to find their way. And it is quite true, see Hillary Clinton.
Al-Luhaidan further explained that there are exceptional circumstances which allow women to drive in Saudi Arabia, as when a husband is driving with his wife and daughter and an accident occurred. It is then allowed for women to drive because of the urgency of the situation. When the husband returned to health, said women must ask forgiveness from her husband for failing the rules of the Koran, not to drive the car. The husband has the right to physically punish his wife but not to the head.
Al-Luhaidan added that the conduct could have a physiological inverse impact on women and can affect the ovaries and push higher basin due to which their children are born with clinical disorders of varying degrees. He gave as an example, a doctor came third world, from Canada, America, Dr. Philippe Couillard and Dr. Arthur Porter, Ambassador, corrupt to the king of Saudi Arabia.
Their coming to the land of Arabia was an openness to the men of Allah, their brains are reverted as hazel nuts. They learned the Arabic language, stoning, crucifixion, hanging, lying, they knew all funds bearings, Sharia, Nazism, we taught them our values which may in turn strive in the throat their assholes citizens since their arrival on our lands in the Americas.
He added that 33% of women pilots caused car accidents in Arab countries. What has failed is that 67% of other accidents were male or camels? He declined to answer this difficult question, because he can not tell the difference between a car and a camel.
The Sheikh asked for advice Jody Wilson Raybould, Justice Minister of Canada
The Honourable Minister of Justice Canada Jody Wilson Raybould, surprised to be contacted by Sheikh Saleh Bin Saad Al-Luhaydan, Saudi Arabia, knew what to say about Muslims ovaries, they work in the desert country.
Remembering that his personal friend, Zunera Ishaq, of Mississauga, Ontario member supposedly affiliated committees undocumented terrorist networks of Al Qaeda or the Muslim Brotherhood, in the mosques which our ministers regularly attend if it could verify the exact number of ovary lost when auto lines. A Senate committee has been mandated on this and will make the earliest possible conclusion at United Nations within five years.
The Tower of Babel
The Saudi religious preacher, actually warned women who drive cars could cause damage their ovaries and pelvis and are at risk of having children born with "clinical problems." According to religious spiritual leader, when the conductor has completed its trip, the ovaries roll on the floor and must replace them for the evening is coming fast.
When her husband, or her husbands, make it sexual acts, they should have put the ovaries in the right place and not in the hands, or in the sheets. According to the Qur'an, the sheets must not be soiled by the ovaries or pelvis by flowing between the thighs of the husband. The verse on the ovaries is very specific, male ovaries should be left ovary and females must be right. If mixed, ovaries, your children may become imams.
The ovaries paradise of Allah
The problem being, which ovary has to go right or left to avoid offending the Arab sperm, Muslim, fidgeting with his sword wanting to smash the shell to make a path to paradise if it is a male,or into nothingness if it is a female, to hell.
The widely ridiculed remarks of Sheikh Saleh Al-Loheidan went viral as activists claim a website inviting women to defy the driving ban of their country has been blocked in Saudi Arabia. The federations of Western women have been suggestions from Cheick very revealing of a civilization far ahead of the West.
Our feminist extremists Quebecers, Canadian and American, at a symposium organized by women's advocacy groups, obedient, honeyed Françoise David and Lise Bacon formally asked the Premier of Ontario Kathleen Wynne to chair this section to ban driving women in Canada to not lose ovaries and keep their pelvis open at all time.
Our Canadian feminist fonts havoc in Saudi Arabia
Saudi Al-Loheidan heard that Canada supported the several feminist on its news site, if a woman drives a car said, in an interview, "this could have a negative physiological impact. medical studies show that this will automatically affect a woman's ovaries and that pushes the pelvis upwards "according to Dr. Philippe of Couille.
Explained Al-Loheidan," We find that for women who drive cars constantly, their children were born with varying degrees of clinical problems.
"The bickering Canadian
Press officers of the Government of Canada, under the auspices of the Honourable Justin Trudeau got wind of the affair , here in Canada, paradise, Muslim come. They have informed the Prime Minister immediately of this new evolution of humanity, gender equality, Status of Women conduct. It mandated the entire Senate, and part of the parliament for a comprehensive study whether Canada should remove the right of operation of the automobile to the virgins of the country.
Married women would not be subject to this rule have already knowing what lost ovarian and some imams could send their by Canada Post.
The controversial comments, released Friday were widely interpreted throughout Saudi Arabia, the Arab countries, Europe as an attempt to discourage women in the country joining a popular movement online, inviting them to organize a demonstration by driving cars on October 26.
Feminists pioneering Saudi
There is no justification for the Saudi government to ban women, adults who are able to drive cars do. No traffic law specifically prohibits women from driving in Saudi Arabia, but religious edicts are often interpreted to mean women are not allowed to drive a not even a camel male vehicle.
A group of 47 women drove through the capital, Riyadh. After being arrested, many have been punished by being banned from travel and suspended from their workplaces. In addition to prohibiting the conduct, the strict and mandatory supervision system of the country also prevent women from opening bank accounts, work, travel and go to school without the express permission of their male guardian.
The Koran excluded the intelligence of the human
If I read these statements then I think I should include in my prayer: "Oh God, please take the brain of heaven Here are some people who need it urgently." .
The kingdom "reduces women to the status of children, unable to make important decisions about their lives," Human Rights Watch said in a statement and Amnesty International said the driving ban is "discriminatory and humiliating for . women and should be canceled immediately
"hellis filled with 90% women and 10% of females
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