jeudi 6 octobre 2016

Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, all first Canadians ministers endorse the invasions of soldiers, barbarians of Islam to conquer Canada, Quebec and America

Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, all first Canadians ministers endorse the invasions of soldiers, barbarians of Islam to conquer Canada, Quebec and America

Djemila Benhabib,a fighter, known since the publication of his essay"My life against the Koran"(VLB éditeur), in 2009, she lived from within political Islam denounces it. In the mid-1990s, she had to leave Algeria. The Armed Islamic Group (GIA) ordered women wearing the veil. Many resistance were executed. Sentenced to death because woman, feminist and secular, Djemila Benhabib has chosen this day to fight.
This woman knows the horrors that moderate Muslims and extremists are doing to women and people that they call infidels, Christians, and Jews, and other people of various religions. This religion, Islam, a religion of barbaric, archaic, who swears by the murder, deprivation of humanity. But the support of petrodollars actually allies to our Western politicians that investors love.
Islam is not a religion, it is a political system is an extreme right ideology which claims the fusion between Islam and the State,like communist or capitalist, the Maoist, Nazism, but also hypocritical.

Islam is hypocritical religion and state at a time, and Sharia serves as Constitution. Now that Sharia is based on the superiority of Muslim on non-Muslim and the superiority of men over women, death over life, the decay of nature.
This totalitarian ideology is in the process of act on the planetary body like an abscess that, gradually, gangrene key members! As we can see German Chancellor Angela Merkel that destroyed the very identity of Germany in accepting these refugees Syrians including several terrorists, rapists, who believe Allah sent them to Germany on this earth to be there colonized by their new citizens, Muslims and Allah has given them the right to kill the Germans and take possession of their property.

imams, liars, hypocrites
Thanks to Angela Merkel to know prostitute like other presidents or prime ministers Western petrodollars, intellectuals, financiers, to Saudi Arabia stoning Christians, thank you to all those whores who lead us
Québec Philippe Couillard kneels before the Islamic veil. She strongly denounces the decision of the Fédération des femmes du Québec (FFQ) in May 2009 to support the wearing of Islamic headscarves by employees of the Quebec public service, scratching the Québec solidaire passage, Françoise David, feminist, communist, extremist, lacking intelligence and feminine discernment. The Islamic veil is not a simple veil is a symbol of domination of Islam over the West, wake up ladies and gentlemen, virgin, conquest, their crusade has begun and our destruction will come soon.
And see our dear politicians in the media crying like madeleines, hypocrites, without hearts, without panties, without any consciences worth of nothings.

Who are the people who condone the inferiority of women?
The federation of women Quebec are so fallen on their heads they endorse, with its extreme vulnerability of women to well-organized and structured Islamist forces programmed and its instrumentalization by using Françoise David, feminist extremist who lost smart sense that all these bearded want not only that of control, to the hands of the male on their wives and make them slaves. Françoise David, wants to return to the era of our great grandmother who complained that being beautiful and quiet.
For many years, thousands of women have fought for recognition their rights to choose from be whole human beings. But François David, Quebec Solidaire, wanting to have a few more votes at the next election, so demolished everything in its way women have done for decades in Quebec, as the Quebec Women's Federation to prostitute veiled Muslim women who have infiltrated their institutions in their bringing large sums of money.
What makes me laugh very often, the ladies Françoise David, or Lise Bacon and several other women, lacking basic judgment, say, I have a friend of mine who is Muslim and veiled, and excellent and good friend. Dear "fuckées mentally," here we are certainly not talking about friends, I am sure they are great ladies, the issue is certainly not there. The question is what sailing clothing, niqab, hijab, Burkini, and other accoutrements ISLAM these are COSTUMES of Crusades against our WESTERN VALUES OF OUR ANCESTORS,our FUTURE.

All of you, as the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, going so often in mosques, to show all of us, to the whole planet that endorse one hundred percent Islamic terrorism around the world, Sharia, Quran, inferiority women, the superiority of Islam over all other religions. All of you, politicians, federations members, intellectuals who distribute words of all kinds and from all sides, you have responsibilities, the words you speak, the gestures you make public, the media report them everywhere, and make time to the people of your wishes.
much of the population does not have the knowledge to do it the discernment between your actions and your lies to keep the maximum number of seats in parliament. Many people believe that certain truths you say, but you know you verbillez you throw words to mean anything, just to fill the space. You are politicians, you are liars, professional cheaters, manipulators, comedians, fabulateurs, you are all these wonderful qualities which brought to power, money Solidaire.

Québec  - Federation of Women of Quebec - intellectual left - associations of nounounes - feminist men
The Quebec Federation of Women seeped to the core by Muslim to senior management and is specially placed by the Premier of Quebec Philippe Couillard whose Sharia him Please much for all Quebec women, Muslim or not.
Philippe Couillard hope you are back to your main duties, cleaning, be extended well into the bed, and be beat as egg yolks. Of the same opinion, is the Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable Justin Trudeau, during his visit to the mosque in Mississauga, Ontario, he reiterated the virtues of housewife, raising her children virtuously under the aegis of her husband was doing all his conjugal duties, only obeying orders of her husband, it was the perfect wife asked Allah for his divinity is man, the male, the invisible.
When Islam conqueror is provocative in Quebec and even some immigrants who were dangled wealth and unlimited benefits seem to take their illusions due to something and do not skimp on the means to achieve their ends.
one of the ways commonly used to enrich on our backs is the prosecution to all comers based on their susceptibility sickly and ill-intentioned.

Slavery authorized by Philippe Couillard and our Charter of rights and
freedoms,for their part, they openly provoke people by wearing the niqab or veil, at first stunned look, they interpret this as disapproval and as an attack on their new Canadian rights so enshrined. We will do everything to declare that Quebecers are racist explicit with the help of their Prime Minister.
Let us stand as a society, firmly refuse the return to barbarian Islam Of America earth.
Europe's Inexorable March Towards Islam by David Cameron
"In Britain, a Muslim group has launched a campaign to turn twelve British cities, including what they call Londonistan into independent Islamic states. These so-called Islamic emirates function as autonomous enclaves Sharia and governed entirely outside British law. the government of  Cameron David has appointed a group to study to know the suggestions about it.  
Ours governments consider the honors of crimes as part of their customs
In addition, British police recorded in 2011, more than 2,800 so-called honor crimes, punishments incurred for bringing shame on the family; this is the first time an estimate of the problem is carried out at national level. Most honor killings took place in London and even respect murders, mutilations, beatings, abduction and acid attacks, and it is in London that the problem has grown to exceed five times the average national.
These data were published shortly after another report showing that tens of thousands of Muslim immigrants in Britain practicing bigamy and polygamy to take advantage of larger amounts of state social assistance UK.

The report dated September 24 shows that the phenomenon of bigamy and polygamy, permissible according to Shariah, is much more extensive than we thought before, although it is illegal in Britain and punishable by a penalty of up to seven years in prison.
The rapid growth of multiple marriages is encouraged through multicultural policies that grant special rights to Muslim immigrants who demand that Sharia law be included in the system and the British welfare.

In screaming "Allah Akbar". "The conquering Islam." Our crawling politicians. Multiculturalism sow the decay of a nation read.

Djemila Benhabib My life against the Koran
"This book is a breath". "My life against the Koran" Djemila Benhabib
details (in French)
Title: My life against the Koran
Format: Epub
date: November 2, 2010
Publisher:VLB éditeur
Availability: Canada
ISBN: 9782896491360
paper UPC: 9782896490592
Language : French

Available in bookshops

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