dimanche 30 octobre 2016

Tony Accurso - brilliant Man - Mafia - Political Relations - Businessman - Jean Charest - OUR POLITICIANS of Corromptions

Are there a differences in business managements between corrupt politicians and the Mafia
Tony Accurso - brilliant Man - Mafia - political relations - Businessman - Corrupted by our politicians

This successful businessman heal relations with all the big work providers, that is to say, the municipalities and governments, regardless of political allegiance. It is in the orbit of political parties not play an official role. Political parties like to be grease the legs, the wheels of their parties, swell the coffers of monies from taxpayers, ministers and Prime Minister are happy, all are prosperous with aid or mandatory donations primarily to the Liberal Party of Quebec before each bid to obtain contracts from the Government of Quebec.
Extraordinary Quote Tony Accurso

Corruptions of our politicians
Knowing Politicians,MPs and ministers under the administration of Premier Jean Charest, as minimum amounts were required for each of his ministers to reap the Liberal party, amounts over $ 100,000, its ... had to go sell the taxpayer some entrepreneurs Tony Accurso which had links with a multitude of people at the provincial, federal, municipal, union and private individuals. All parties, the Liberal Party of Jean Charest, who cashed the most, and after that of Philippe Couillard, this Quebec premier made the collection a more clever way can we say.

Backstage Party Liberal Quebec, the construction magnate is never far away either. "He made many representations but discretely. He is very good in public relations, "says one in the Liberal ranks, on condition of anonymity yacht.
The Touch, Our corrupt politicians went there to enjoy taxpayer expense with the mafia
The yacht which became a symbol of corruption and collusion in Quebec, including several businessmen, union, policies have had the pleasure to enjoy the largesse of Tony Accurso.
Politicians are born liars
Why our liberal politicians mentent- they better than politicians from other political parties? Or at least why they avoid telling the truth? Philippe Couillard gave us a simple and precise answer, here, a head of a corrupt party, substitute Jean Charest, the pro imaginative prowess but moral perceptions of illegal election funds, because it is that it must do everything to win elections.

The problem is not the politicians, whether they are honest or not, but voters punish honest candidates. If the candidate told the truth about such a subject and making it understandable to the public and that the facts show some decrease many voters could be inclined to vote against him. So the politician must always lie at election time.
The very fact, no politician, if he is honest is honest. They also lie because "the appearance of goodness" helps to win votes. When Angela Merkel, crying to the media after welcoming nearly two million Syrians refugees, including many, terrorists, rapists, not having any permissions request of his people, wanting simply to please Saudi Arabia, it has jeopardized the stability of the whole of Germany and the very fact of Europe and its political party. Full stop.

If a candidate says that taxes can only be reduced if we reduce services, or if he promises a new program that will require higher taxes, he has no chance against the candidate who promises achieve the same things by simply cutting the fat. This one, lie by announcing that he will austerity for the entire population, decrease services, will raise rates, and magically we will announce a budget surplus for the end of his term. Thirsty journalists will tell us that he has managed the public finances but it has quadrupled taxes, deleted services and scammed the taxpayers.
The human nature of Justin Trudeau, Liberal birth is lying
An interviewer asked the candidate if he liked to work hard. This dutifully answered "yes" enthusiastically ... I laughed under my breath. Who did he fooled? Anyone with a little common sense would have done the same. "Uh, actually, I like to arrive around 9 am 20 and enjoy a coffee before putting me to work. I also like to take two hours for dinner.
"You cannot expect a person honestly answer if the only response that allows him to get a job is what the interviewer wants to hear. This also applies to the first trysts. Should not we all say we love long walks in the rain? Years later, when you're slouching (e) on the couch in the company of your spouse (e), thus suggesting him to go hang out if it's pouring!

Honesty vs corruption, is a dilemma policy?
We can add that it has no turns hood in the mafia, is not it? The member does not change political party as he changes his shirt and does not bring the files to the other political party and appointed Minister. In the Mafia, it goes six feet under.
When mafia leaves the mafia he did not he did not pay her separation, the mafia separates him. But in politics it is prepared a good, full of golden wool cousin for his next few days.
When mafia goes to prison, he must remain there. But a politician, do not go, it becomes government lobbyist receives two or three salaries, walks at taxpayer expense, lectured, continues to lie to the media and public, collect money for his friends politicians, they contribute to the emancipation of his political party.

A little humor
If you have to choose between Tony Accurso, a true entrepreneur and chef Philippe Couillard wants the destruction of Quebec, which you fruitful, for fun the thing?  
We all know that you adore Philippe Couillard, a very intelligent man, like all cultures, except the Christian culture. It often identifies as the American earth Muhammad son with his Muslim accommodations, its law 62, his Stéphanie Vallée, lost in black women's lingerie.  
Philippe Couillard is a Islamophile is this craze for values Islam, as the Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable Justin Trudeau, Liberal, from father to son, usually associated with an admiration of Islamic civilization over all other values of this world.
What do you want, our democracies require to have politicians or dictators, or imams or veiled, or turbans, or maimed, or Donald Trump or liars like Hillary Clinton?

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