dimanche 30 octobre 2016

Muslims, Islam destroy us with the explicit support of our politicians, corrupt judges, criminals, rights of states against our democracies, vivid Allah

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Our politicians turncoats becoming Muslims destroy our rights of states, our democracies, our judges, Bright Allah
Since 1400 years, Islam has declared war on the world. The stated purpose of this criminal ideology is indeed to destroy all non-Muslim countries to replace them with a caliphate (Islamic dictatorship) and exterminate non-Muslims, according to the verses of the Koran.

When the sacred months have passed, that is to say, Ramadan, kill them, Jews and Christians, wherever you find them. (Quran 9: 5). It is noted that the Koran speaks of all of us who read this text, western Canadians, Americans, Europeans, Australians, South Americans, Russians, all those who are not Muslims.  
the Quran, Islam is an open religion and love, only if you are Muslim and you follow the letter of Sharia or if you cut your head. Here is their democracy that our governments, our laws, our rights states want us to swallow, choke us literally with this religion, this politico religious of petrodollar who bought all our institutions that are sold as genuine international whores Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Francois Hollande, David Cameron, Angela Merkel, Henriette Recker, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, and millions of other elected officials, school directors, feminists, intellectuals, depraved, media, judges, police, manipulators our societies.

The worst is yet to come, their domination
But it is there as a prelude to what the Muslim barbarity reserved for Western countries. It is the only religion and the only people you can laugh and talk as they are sacred to our governments. Looks like they shit gold, true petrodollars, vulgar, but true, vote, powers, my greatness, my chosen. They are the  the twenty-first untouchables and century, terrorists, veiled, the medieval religion, the barbarians who are killing each other. Do not get me wrong, they do not only kill Westerners, they certainly forget Arabs and other Muslims who also struck more frequently than Westerners.
They are just in their barbarity, no one is to Abrie all are equal, except for senior, imams, central bankers, imams who lost their ovaries, the mentally ill who are preaching, women can not drive, can not see bananas, cucumbers, Muslims must enter the latrine left foot, you see all their subtleties of life, their intellectual greatness, who want to take us to.
A religion that level, mental, that scientific rigor, is really exceptional for these religious men who look down their women trample gently with great care and wrapping of excellent toilet paper with two openings for the eyes and sometimes a mouth opening, because these small animals sometimes eat.  

Their cultural meaning of human freedom reflects to the United Nations, since the direction of the Committee on Rights and Liberties of Man and not of women and held by a prince of darkness, Saudi Arabia, where women can not even get out from their homes without a man accompanying them, and can not drive the car, or buy a cucumber or a banana because these fruits or vegetables look like a penis.
You see all the subtleties that the Qur'an brings to all of us, ladies Françoise David, Lise Bacon, Agnes Faw, Hillary Clinton, Stéphanie Vallée, Quebec Minister of wipes, Kathleen Wynne, the first Muslim minister in Ontario, integrate us into the spiritual nirvana IDIOCRACY or WOMEN,the world of dumbass , stupidisation, lightness, barbarism having forgotten all the battles women, their mothers to have conquered these freedoms that women, especially in Quebec. You are treacherous towards real women who want their freedoms every day.  
You women's federations in Quebec real criminals, who let your fellow poor be sacrificed every day in front of you on our streets, in the alleys of the National Assembly by closing your eyes. You ladies you are responsible for your misfortunes, rape of women, even if they do not tell you for fear of getting hit by those religious who lead a deadly religion, let's torturing a lifetime thanks to your support this religion to these people, in this dictatorship, this apartheid which moved gently inside our democracy.
You are there to do nothing, even to promote their dictatorship. It's the world upside down. This is the world of nounounes you are.

Abused women
See these women in other countries in Africa, Asia, who are veiled, beaten with these barbaric religions, they would be extremely happy to have your support, but no, you fall into the panels of the perversion of these imams, money, power, again. These women who need your help, help from Western women, you do not give them, they spit on you, you close your eyes, your selfishness glorify you, Allah is happy to have you and you see Justin Trudeau perch on the second floor in the mosques.
The invasions of barbaric religious
migratory invasion of Europe in 2015 and then after Canada and the United States orchestrated by Saudi Arabia, the Arab league, al-Qaeda, the Islamic State and many of our Western leaders, our politicians, our corporations, our Wall Street's of the world, our religious lobbyists, etc.
We must, all of us begin to know that this invasion is only possible when our laws, our judges, our politicians, our police, our rights of their state's open the doors to go in and make themselves at us their own laws. Our problems with Muslims and other immigrants, other religions, it is not their fault but it is the fault of our politicians, our policies, so we welcomed them with open arms, and they have used us.  
It's our fault for not seeing off the hands of our politicians, who act like real dogs. See when you give meat to a dog, he swallows it in one go.Our politicians have smelt the same, votes, money, power, excess, expansion of infrastructure, cities but they have totally forgotten their culture and mainly their barbaric religions, bloodthirsty domination to satisfy certain group who had already infiltrated all spheres of our societies.

This invasion was planned for decades, and very well planned by the states Arab with the support of the great powers of this world, the United States, Britain, France, Russia and has added a small mammal, the arrival of a selfie, multicultural honorable, no brain and cerebellum, the Prime Minister of Canada, the country with its identity, its values become Muslim, Justin Mohamed Trudeau it is attached to the forehead.
in North America
We have Christ, savior walking on the waters of Lake Ontario, the Honourable Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. Born from a liberal family, the son of the father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the great Canadian Manitou, the multicultural Charter, which destroy the total Canadian identity will bequeath her for future generations.
The clairvoyance Mr. Prime Minister and his entourage set out the current and future Canada. A land of opportunity, a future desert floor, a rising population, a decapitation of ancestral values, Islamic manipulations radicalization of our youth, fibrillation, institutional  expansions of the national debt, decreases our competitiveness, increases our crime, c is the best of worlds happened to us with the son of God.

All of us, except the media, regret the era of Stephen Harper,which reduces the deficit to zero, wanted to remove the escape of terrorists in Canada and forced them criminals to serve their sentences. But Stephen Harper was basically made no selfie was not fashionable, he runs a country, it was a comedian, he, an acrobat, a clown. He managed it all good or all evil the affairs of state, but he worked to the best of his knowledge. Him he vertigo!
Deceptions, multicultural religious deceptions to Justin that we found at the mosque Masjid Omar Al-Farooq Vancouver
recall these words of superstar Islamism said soft, moderate, extremist, an imam it looks , petrol pump, three-level gasoline, Tariq Ramadan, during an Islamic conference in Dallas in 2011: "We must be careful not to let us settle for something that emanates from the consumer society. We, with our understanding of Islam, our principles, which have positively colonize the United States of America.
"I wish I could tell you if this kind of censors colonizers will speak at the conference Quebec Unesco. But it is state secret that the government wants to hide us again.
Stéphanie Vallée, Minister of rags Quebec cried Allah is powerful
Islamic principle of religious deception that we inculcate imams as Adil Charkaoui, Justin Trudeau Philippe Couillard Chaoui Hamza and others. This principle encourages Muslims to deceive non-Muslims to advance the cause of political Islam.

Muslim groups today in the West deliberately use concealment, omission and deceit to give the impression of a religion friendly, sheep, thirsty for peace, Islam-official is a "religion of peace" and "tolerance" which promotes "universal values" of freedom and emancipates the veiled woman, she wants to hide sight of men, to be the services of dominant males,of beings as slaves would Françoise Davide, Lise Bacon, feminist, hard and fast in their liberators discourse of Muslim women.  
Even the Minister Stephanie Vallée, Minister of wipes, has concluded that Muslim women that the Islamic religion, sharia had beneficial effects on Western societies by eliminating some people, stoning, crucifying them, cutting them some members, like the day sacrifice showing the boys how to make honor killings in their own families.  
Government Couillard mandatory during ablutions genital male and female ministers in the National Assembly

The members Couillard Government welcomes that this is a total fiction to say that Islam is a cruel religion knowing he spent five wonderful years in Saudi Arabia, the country or the rights of man are respected there, democracy appears at all there days in the media, this is the joy of freedom of thought and speech, this wonderful country of Allah.
Ramadan master of Muslim Presence group in Quebec and in Canada that our politicians sacrifice for money $$ $$$$$$$$
in the wake of the thought of Tariq Ramadan, which advocates a new superior human race, of hypocrite, the Muslim Presence group in its brief to the Bouchard-Taylor Commission, speaks the language of Salafist imams and nonviolent suspected Islamists.
There only to the imposition of the Islamist agenda. He always speaks from both sides of his mouth at once. It is more a politician liar or a mechanic. While Quebec talk about values, rights and integration, the Islamists believe they can and domination. If they are not suffering from a pathological insecurity why do they seek to assert by these means their "Muslim presence"?
It is sly as a snake handler as a politician, nosy as weasels. Does Ramadan condemns terrorism, certainly not. He says that terrorist acts are justified contextually. It uses rhetorical subterfuges he manages to double language ambiguous euphemism and lies by omission. And we openly told all, your democracy I accept it as long as you do not touch Islam that is greater than all your laws.

So its contradiction with my religion, Islam as his religion is superior to all our democracies, he can and does not fit just as Muslims still do to the United Nations. They observe all laws qu'iles their appeal except when these keys laws of Islam. This means that they are unrecoverable, bounded, no discussion possible, they all have anti democratic moderate discourse, they are liars of the worst species.
What Tariq Ramadan is the grandson of Hassan al-Banna, founder of Muslim Brotherhood and fundamentalism, fanatical  which wanted to impose Islamic totalitarianism on the planet
Islamic banner Supreme fleet on the race
What is the relationship between Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, the Canadian liberal parties and Quebec with Tariq Ramadan and the Muslim Brotherhood ?, terrorist organizations and unreasonable accommodation that Quebec their awards nonstop
Our governments on the planet are extremely sick and destroy our societies to please many religions and religious, why?

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